Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

AN: 2nd year is over ! So Sorry for disappearing for over four months. The past few months were hell... Now is the hols and I know u all must be wondering why have I not been posting. Well...I got a malamute puppy for my birthday when the holidays started last month. He is my first puppy so I have a lot to get use too...
I'm kinda of itching to start rewriting Ninja in the Big Apple... ah! Must control! Also.... For some unusual reason, I get new ideas whenever I am in school but I don't have time to write them so yea.... Why do I torture myself ?
Disclaimer: I do not own Jurassic Park, only the OCs.

Other Raptors' Alpha's Pov

"Look what I found." I smirked, dropping the female creature I was carrying onto the ground. Her body hit the ground and rolled over so that her face was buried in the dirt. Tssh. Stupid looking creature can't even fall properly.
"You found the creature Alpha?" One member of the pack asked.
"Of course you fool! If I had waited for you imbeciles to get her, I will have to wait for months!" I growled.
"Sorry Alpha." He mumbled, looking down.
"Make yourselves useful and watch it." I ordered, leaving to go wash the creature's stench from myself.
"Yes Alpha." The rest of the pack replied.

Rae's Pov

My head hurts like hell! With a groan I tried opening my eyes but immediately had to shut them again as it was too bright.
"Ouch! Off the lights!" I complained.
"Spouting nonsense as per usual I see." A familiar scratchy voice replied.
"Eh?" was my smart aleck reply as I opened my eyes to see a familiar figure.
"I died!" I screamed, bolting into a sitting position. "NO!"
"How I wish it was true." Was the answer I received.
"You lie! I'm dead! I don't believe it! There were so many things I still wanted to do!" I yelled.
"You're not dead. As much as I wish u was." The voice said.
"I left poor Marron alone! OMG! My poor baby already lost his parents and now he as lost me as well! Sorin! I did not get the chance to tell him that I loved him! What the heck am I saying? Love? I do not love Sorin. Do I? I don't. Do I? I don't. Do I?.." I argued with myself.
"Shut up!" the voice screeched and I received a kick in the stomach.
"OW!" I cried. "It hurts! So that means that I am not dead! Yay!" I cheered.
"STOP IGNORING ME FILTY HUMAN!" The voice shrilled. I turned to acknowledge the voice and saw the person, I mean raptor that I thought was dead.
"ELIZA! You're alive!" I gasped.
"Of course. Like I would not only lose against a pathetic creature like you and die." She sneered.
"You did lose to 'a pathetic creature' like me." I pointed out.
"It is right. You did lose to it Eliza." An unknown raptor piped up.
"Shut up Lila. No one asked for your opinion." Eliza snapped back.
"Where the heck am I?" I demanded.
"You are our prisoner now." Eliza smirked evilly.
"First of all I do not like that smirk of yours. Secondly, 'our'?" I replied.
"She meant me." A deep voice cut in. We all turned, well Eliza and her friend jumped while I turned. There in front of us was an intimating looking olive green male raptor. He had maroon feathers and marking around his ankles signaling that he an alpha.
"Who are you?" I said.
"Quiet Idiotic human! Don't speak until spoken too!" Eliza hissed from her bowed position beside me. Ew.... She's standing too near to me! Shoo!
"You would so better to respect me creature." The male raptor warned.
"I give respect only to those that I know and deserve it." I replied, giving a warning of my own.
"Well, I do not give my name to those that do not respect me." He smirked.
"Than we have a problem." I sighed.
"No we don't. You are here as bait for me to achieve my goal therefore there is not problem." He answered.
"Bait! What the hell are you punk asses planning?" I shouted.
"That for me to know and for you to find out." the jerk smirked before strutting off, "You two are to watch her."
"Hey! Get back here!" I yelled but received a harsh kick in the stomach , courtesy from my 'good old friend' Eliza.
"Show Alpha Segev respect!" Lila reprimanded. So that was what his name was.
"Fine. Fine." I groaned.
"Move it bitch!." Eliza hissed, pushing me in the opposite direction of where Segev went.
"Look in the mirror Eliza." I hissed back but moving my butt. After all it was two against one and I was still a bit woozy. What did they do to me? Drugs?

Sorin's Pov

"How are you feeling Sorin?" Tasha asked, looking down at my weak prone form on the ground.
"Terrible..." I moaned.
"Mother and I went to look for some medication for both you and Rae. It should help purge the toxin from the mushrooms." Tasha said, offering me a bunch of flowers.
"It's a bunch of flowers." I replied plainly.
"So?" Tasha asked.
"It's a plant. We are Carnivores." I answered blankly.
"Did that stop you last night?" Tasha said. She got me there.
"Fine. Give it here." I sighed.
"That's a good boy." Tasha cooed. Do I look like one of her chicks?
"Oh well. You should start to feel better soon. I'll go find Rae to give her some as well. The poor thing has been looking very pale." Tasha said as she left, leaving me there on the cold hard ground.
It was about half and hour later that the pain in my abdomen finally faded. I slowly got up and stretched, glad that all that pain was finally over. Now to see if my Rae is feeling better after my sister has given her those flowers.
"All better I see." Mother greeted me when I arrived at the nest site.
"Yes. Thank you for the medicine mother." I said. " Where is Rae?"
"I believe your sister is still looking for her." Mother replied, with slightly concern.
"For so long?" I asked.
"Hey little bro you are up." Tama said, walking over with Dante and Kyla in tow.
"Have you seen Rae?" I questioned.
"Nope." Tama replied.
"No." Dante said.
"I did see her running towards the fields." Kyala offered.
"When?" I prodded.
"About half and hour ago." She answered.
"Okay thanks. I'll go look for her there." I said, taking off.

Marron's Pov

I wonder where did mommy go? I found her Alpha Marks near the banks when I was playing with my friends near the lake this morning. I never knew the Alpha marks could be washed off? That's what makes my mommy so special!
Anyway, I am going to bring her markings back to her and maybe I will get an apple as a treat. (AN: I had no idea what else that is sweet that can be used.) I love apples but not as much as I love duckbill meat. I was too full to try those mushwooms that mommy ate but she said that luckily I did not as both her and Alpha Sorin fell ill after that. Maybe I should pluck some flowers for Mama, with that I started to make my way to the flower fields. Hmm.. I wonder what kind of flowers do mama like.
I took about fifteen minutes to reach the flower fields, once there, I started to used my claws to pluck the pretty flowers of many different colours. I managed to collect a handful of them and decided to go give them to mama. I was going to leave when suddenly; there was a small crack sound. I turned around and staring down at me were two ugly green raptors.
"AH!" I screamed making a dash for the nest.
"Looks like we found some dinner." One of them said, chasing after me.
"He looks scrumptious." The other replied, licking his lips. I was running for my life but I was snatched right up by one of the scary raptors. I dropped the flowers and Ma ma's markings.
"Got you brat." The first one said, waving me in front of his face.
"Lets head back to the nest." The second said, walking off in an unknown direction. Mama! Where are you? Help me! I'm scared!

{ Author's Notes }

Keep in mind that I do not own this book and that I have fixed any spelling errors/sentences that don't seem right throughout the entire books

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