Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Disclaimer: I do not own Jurassic Park, only the Ocs
AN: Hi! Well this is all I have time for now. Please read and enjoy!

"I'm Bored!" I whined, as Josh and I slowly trekked through the dense jungle.
"Me too!" Josh joined me.
"I'm Thirsty!" I cried.
"Me too!" Josh cried as well.
"Hey stop parroting me!" I yelled.
"Am not!" Josh shouted.
"Are TOO!" I growled.
"Am NOT!" Josh yelled.
"ARE TOO!" I screamed
"AM NOT!" Josh yelled.
"ARE TOO!" I cried.
"Wow! That an awesome impression of a T-Rex Josh!" I applauded.
"That was not me Rae." Josh said, looking worried.
"Quit joking with me." I laughed.
"You weren't joking weren't you Josh." I gulped, looking at the trees before us, as they shook and looked as though they were being pushed aside as something made its way pass them.
"Nope!" He replied, just as a small figure came into view with a gigantic hungry T-Rex right behind it.
"Run!" I screamed, sprinting like my life, well it really did depend on it. Josh did not need any more encouragement and shot right after me. We ran like the wind with the hungry bugger hot on our tails. Well ours and the unknown figure's.
"Head for that cave!" Josh yelled, pulling on my right arm.
"What cave?" I asked.
"There! In the tree!" Josh pointed.
"That's a hole at the base of a giant prehistoric tree! Not a cave!" I shouted.
"You want to argue about specificity right now?" Josh cried
"Oh fine. Later then." I answered. The two of us dashed into the 'cave' and planted ourselves right at the back of the 'cave' far far away from the entrance.
"Argh!" I panted.
"Geez." Josh huffed.
"Thank god!" An unknown voice said, Josh and I looked up to see a ragged man panting.
"Hey! You're..." Josh and the man pointed to each other and started to say but was cut off as the T-Rex reached in with its jaws and snapped them shut on the man.
"AH! Help me! Help me!" The man gargled, around the blood in his mouth as he was savagely ripped out. All Josh and I could do was scream our lungs out.

Sorin's POV

I cannot believe this! I am a raptor! The best dinosaur at tracking and I cannot even track down the whereabouts of own my mate.
"Where are they?" Lucas whined.
"If we knew then we won't be running around the island like idiots now would we. Idiotic brother." Lexus snapped.
"Your stupidity has never failed to amaze me." Lynn sighed, shaking her head.
"Like you are one to talk." Lucas shot back at her.
"Want me to list all the stupid things you have said and done?" Lynn asked.
"You want me to list yours?" Lucas growled.
"You two either go find a corner and sort out the sexual tension between the two of yours or grow up right now!" I roared.
"Sex...sexual... What are you talking brother? I don't like Lynn!" Lucas stuttered, red in the face.
"I....I.... I do not like Lucas like that Alpha!" Lynn squeaked, flushing. All the surrounding raptors, including myself snorted when we heard their replies.
"Its your fault!" the two of them screamed at each other.
"Don't copy me!" they growled at each other. Oh Great! Now they are even saying the same things at the same time. Yea right! NO feelings for each other!
I recognized the scream without even actually registering who it was.
"That sounded like Rae and Josh." One of the pack brothers that joined the search party pointed out.
"Yea. It kind of dose." Another agreed. It was now then did my blood run cold. That was my Rae's screams. She was hurt!
"Let's go." I ordered, starting to run even faster, breathing deeper in hopes of tracking down the exact location of my mate.

"We're going to die! We're going to die!" I repeated, panicking. I mean a guy just became dinner to a T-Rex right before my eyes!
"What! Oh no no no no no.... Calm down Rae! Calm Down!" Josh tried to pacify me.
"Calm down! Calm Down! That guy just became sushi for the freaking T-Rex! And you are asking me to CALM DOWN!" I screamed.
"I know! I'm scared too,but you hyperventilating is not going to help anything." Josh explained, pulling me into a hug and stroked my head. I just sobbed into his arms but I did feel a lot better.
"You calm now?" Josh asked softly.
"Yea." I mumbled into his chest.
"Good! You are very sticky." He said, pushing me away.
"Like you ain't." I scowled. What would I not do for a bath right now?
"Not as bad as you." Josh smirked. Suddenly, the cave became very dark, we both turned to see something standing at the entrance of the cave, oops, I meant 'cave'.
"AH!" Josh and I screamed, as we started to chuck rocks at whatever was blocking the sun.
"What the!" A voice yelled. Wait! I know that voice.
"Sorin!" I screamed, tackling said person, well raptor to the ground.

Sorin's POV

We arrived at a clearing in the forest where a T-rex had definitely came through before. I just hope that he or she did not make a meal of my Rae and her pet as well.
"So... Where is she?" Lexus asked. Her sweet scent and her pet's slightly muskier scent were pretty concentrated here but where were they? I scanned the surrounding and spotted a hole in the base of a huge tree. It was just perfect for a human or a raptor to fit through.
"Wait here." I instructed the rest as I went ahead to search the hole. I went in and the first thing I caught was a whiff my mate's and her pet's scent before I was pelted with stones.
"What the...!" I yelled and then I head the sweetest sound.
"Sorin!" My Rae cried as she tackled me and we both fell onto the ground.
"Sorin! It's really you!" My Rae said as she cuddled up to me. Not that I am going to complain.
"All right! You found us Sorin! Good boy!" The pest said. Good Boy! What was I? Some kind of pet to him! He should thank his lucky stars that I am not going to kill him, as it will involve me getting up and missing out on this cuddle session with my mate.
"Oh look! Baby bro found them!" Lucas yelled, announcing his arrival.
"Hey Josh! Hey Rae!" Lexus greeted having followed his third brother.
"Hi guys! Aww... You all came to look for us. Thank you!" My Rae squealed, getting up and going to give all the members of the search party a hug. Hey! What about me?
"All right. Let's go home!" Lucas shouted, "I'm hungry!"
"You're always hungry!" My Rae shouted back but was with him right at the front of the pack, motioning for the rest of us to hurry up. Sigh, it is like having two hyperactive chicks with bottom-less pits for stomachs. Oh well, on is my bother while the other is my mate so who am I to complain. Plus I love them all the same. Well, of course Rae will be a little more than Lucas though.

{ Author's Notes }

Keep in mind that I do not own this book and that I have fixed any spelling errors/sentences that don't seem right throughout the entire books

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