Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

AN: Heyo! I can't believe that I actually had time to write this chapter this week! The next three days are full of tests and projects but I still have time to add another chapter but it will be a very short one. Sorry about that but this is all I have time for now.
I can't believe it is going to be Chinese New Year again! It's so fast and this year it is the year of the Rabbit.
Disclaimer: I do not own Jurassic Park, only the OCs.

"Is there a bloody f***ing sign on my back that says 'CHASE ME! I'M HUMAN'?" I shouted, as I ran as fast as my short legs could take me. People out there that still remember me; you might not know me anymore, unless someone tells this T-Rex at my tail to leave me alone!
How the heck did I manage to have all the good luck, note the sarcasm, from running away from Sorin and his pack to being chased by Mama Triceratops (AN: Remember her?) to being chased by a T-Rex? Someone up there must really love me. I really don't know for how long I have been running for dear life but I can't take it anymore. My muscles are protesting and my heart is going to jump right out of my chest soon.
"Shoot!' I cursed as I fell. The ground was muddy and the rain pelting down was not helping in visibility. I scrambled to get up but it was too late. I felt myself being picked up by those giant jaws and I screamed my lungs out, struggling to escape. Suddenly, a ripping sound filled the air and I dropped back down onto the hard, muddy ground.
Not skipping a beat, I made a mad dash for the dense vegetation and hid among it. Once hidden, I took a look at the T-Rex and saw that it had my raincoat hanging from its mouth and it was ripped into two. I kept very quiet and still until the T-Rex noticed that I, its dinner had pulled a Houdini. It disappeared back into the trees after giving an angry roar.
I laid on the ground, not caring that my clothes were going to be muddy and wet. I panted hard realizing the situation that I was currently in. One, all the dinosaurs were on the loose. Two, I was out here in the park with no idea where I was. Three, it was storming and I had nothing except my clothes with me.
Groaning, I sat back up contemplating my choices and decided to try to find a shelter from the storm and then when the skies cleared, I would try to find my way back to the visitors' center. I slowly got up and started my search for a shelter.
I walked and walked for what felt like an eternity without a single sense of where I was going. Finally, I found a cave near the waterfall and rushed inside, out of the freezing rain. Unfortunately, there was nothing there that I could use to start a fire but despite the cold, I was very tired and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

She got away from whatever that had attacked her, of that I was certain but where was she now, I had no idea. The rain was washing away her scent faster than I could track it. I picked up the strange piece of skin that my human had worn and continued on my search. I was not a happy camper.
As I searched, I could not help growl at the fact that not only did I had to drag her to the nest but she was now running away. I would definitely have to watch her very carefully once I find her and bring her back. I was NOT going to let her run off again.
After a torturous three hours search, I finally tracked her extremely faint scent to a cave near the waterfall. I knew that she was inside because of the very faint footprint in the mud. She was smart enough to find shelter, not too bad for a human.
I wonder if I should barge in and drag her back to the nest or should I just rest here with her and then drag her back in the morning? I was starting to feel tired, so I decided on the latter option. I still needed to get out of this rain so I entered the cave as well, cautiously not wanting to startle my human into running away again.
However, it seems like I did not have to worry as she as already fast asleep in a corner. I walked closer to her, careful not to wake her up. I was right above her but she still did not stir. I noticed that she was shivering, not that I could blame her, I felt a little cold as well and I had thicker skin than she did.
I laid down right next to my human to help keep her warm and she instinctively moved closer to me. I could not help but smile at that. Before I closed my eyes to join my human in sweet slumber, I wrapped my tail around her legs. Just in case, she woke up before me and tried to make a run for it.

{ Author's Notes }

Keep in mind that I do not own this book and that I have fixed any spelling errors/sentences that don't seem right throughout the entire books

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