Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

AN: Thank you for all the advice and all. Really appreciated.
Disclaimer: I do not own Jurassic Park. Only the OCs.

Josh's POV

I cannot believe it! Firstly, I have a raptor steal the first aid kit from me and now said raptor has ran off and left me alone to find my way back to the nesting site. Hmm... I think it was a right here... Yup... Looking good... And a left her... Wah! THUD! (AN: hehe sound effects...) "Aw man... bloody undergrowth covering the bloody slope! Damn that hurts!" I cursed. Brushing the back of my pants, I stood up and was shocked at the place that I had fallen into. It was a camping site!
However, by the mess that it was in and the giant footprint right smack in the middle of the whole area gave me the sense that whoever was here, is long gone. I decided to make use of this chance to see what I can salvage. I found a bag that had a few small holes but still in good condition. I folded up the tent and placed it into the bag.
I dug around some rubble and found a hunting knife, some rope, a pistol and about two Cartridges of bullets and the next thing I found gave me new hope. There from the rubble I pulled out a radio set. I could go home! Rae too! Speaking of Rae, I better head back to the nest before she bleeds to death or something.

Sorin's POV

"I'm back!" I greeted everyone but it came out muffled as the sheet of cloth was clamped tight between my jaws and the white box that I had 'helped' Josh carry was swinging awkwardly from my arm.
"Welcome back son. Where is Josh?" My mother asked, taking the cloth from my mouth."Uh... he said he wanted to go take a drink and asked me to go ahead first. So yea..." I replied nervously. She would kill me if she found out that I left him behind on purpose.
"What's that Alpha Sorin?" Marron asked poking curiously at the white box in my arm.
"I suppose it is some kind of human medical kit. The first aid thingy that Josh was talking about." I answered him.
"Oooo let me take a look!" Lucas and Lexis cooed. Snatching the box from him and running off into a corner with it. All the chicks all ran after the two brothers.
"Oi! Give that back!" I yelled
"Aw... We want to take a look too!" The two elder brothers whined.
"I had it first!" I growled. "Well now it's ours!" The two cheered, opening the box with surprising ease and speed.
"Oooo! What's all these?" they said pulling out stuff from the box, examining them and then tossing them over their shoulders where the discarded item was subjected to even more detailed scrutiny by the chicks.
"Hey! Give them back! They are not toys!" I cried, trying in vain to snatch back what I could. The chicks seemed to have ripped open a few of the white packages and were unraveling them while running around wildly. The white thing trailed after them making a mess of the whole place! (AN: Its bandages.)
"Come on little bro it's fun!" The two brothers cried.
"Argh! Get back here with the box you two idiots!" I yelled, chasing after the two, trying to grab back the box but they were tossing it between themselves making sure that I cannot catch it!

3rd person's pov

The whole nesting area was in chaos as the chicks ran around everywhere leaving trails of white everywhere. Sorin and his two brothers are still playing or we should say that it was his two, no sorry Tama joined in so, it's his three elder brothers that were playing with him. Suddenly, a voice rang above the chaos. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" (AN: guess who!)

Somewhere on the island, Unknown raptor's POV

This island will soon belong to me and my pack. We were the strongest raptor pack on the island where we were born. Soon though, we will be the strongest pack on this island as well. "Um.. Alpha.." One of my pack members called hesitantly, upon seeing that I was in deep in thoughts.
"What?" I snarled, not happy with the interruption.
"E...Eliza... Eliza she has...has returned.." He stuttered.
"Excellent!" I grinned, getting up from my nest and walked towards the main nesting area where everyone else slept. I liked my privacy and had my nest slightly away from the pack with the softest ground.
"Welcome back Eliza." I greeted, taking a good look at her, "You do not look so good but I hope you have brought me good news."
"I'm sorry alpha. I really really tired but the alpha Sorin of the main island pack has been bewitched by a human." Eliza pleaded.
"A Human?" I asked.
"Yes! A two-legged creature that is harmless and stupid from what I had observed." She quickly explained.
"I see. By the looks of your injuries, I believe your true identity has been discovered." I growled.
"No! NO! NO I have not been discovered. Sorin and the rest of his pack does not suspect anything of our presence here on this island. I swear!" she cried.
"Then what is with all the injuries?" I demanded.
"I got them from my fight with for the beta female position with the human female. She is Sorin's mate." She replied, bending her head in shame.
"You just said that she was harmless!" I growled.
"That was before all this." She spluttered.
"You are useless as a spy after having lost the fight! Leave and have your wounds tended too!" I snarled.
I watched as she limped away, leaving me once again to my own thoughts. A human... hmmm... this is the first time I am hearing of such a creature. It or rather she must be something to look at and to deal with to be the beta female. It seems that I have spying to do myself...

{ Author's Notes }

Keep in mind that I do not own this book and that I have fixed any spelling errors/sentences that don't seem right throughout the entire books

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