Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

AN: Thank you very very much to the people who read my story and reviewed it. This may sound weird but this is the most number of reviews that I have ever received.

On wards with the story and please enjoy. A gentle reminder is that I do not own Jurassic Park only the OCs.

It has been four days since the Raptor enclosure incident; so far there has been no reports on a dead or sick Alpha male raptor so I guess the gum I gave it was digestible. Thank heavens; otherwise I would have lost my head or even my job. However, Josh and I have not been back to the enclosure as we were sent to do a major clean up of the triceratops enclosure that required two days and we spent the next two days recovering. Here is what happened;

According to Josh, he preferred the triceratops to the raptors but I did not agree. They were a bunch of over-sized scary cats that jumped at every little sound and movement; this made them very unpredictable and even more dangerous to work with them around but that is only my thinking. I preferred to work in the raptor enclosure because they were sort of predictable in a sense if you catch my drift.

"Hey Rae!" A voice shouted.

"What?" I replied, turning to find Josh, standing about four meters away, stroking a baby triceratops. Oh shoot! That was one of the worse thing that he could do.

"Josh, quit touching the baby and get back here before mama triceratops sees you." I hissed.

"He is really cute, well from up close." Josh said, totally ignoring me.

"Yea. He is really cute but get back here before his mama sees you and get really pissed." I hissed again.

"Its alright. This little guy's mama is over there grazing with the rest of the herd." Josh replied, oblivious to the baby mama walking towards us and boy did she not look happy.

"You idiot. Run for your freaking life!" I yelled as the mama triceratops broke into a charge. Josh turned behind and saw her charging towards him and immediately ran.

"Ah!" He yelled, running like the wind towards me. Mama Triceratops was adamant on getting rid of any threat to her baby, so she ended up chasing us both around the enclosure. Josh, the genius had run straight for me, which meant that I ended being one of mama's targets too.

"If we get out of this shit alive, I am going to strangle you Josh!" I shouted, leaping over a fallen log.

"I said I was sorry." Josh shouted back, running besides me. Mama Triceratops was nipping at our heels.

"Less talking and more running!" I yelled.

Let's just say that the whole chase lasted about a full fifteen almost twenty minutes before Mama caught up with us and sent us both flying through the enclosure into a tree. Luckily for us, all the shouting and chaos attracted the attention of the other wardens and they saved us before Mama could do us any more bodily harm. Josh suffered with a fractured left rib, sprained left ankle and a few scrapes and bruises while I managed to receive a fractured right rib, sprained left shoulder and a few scrapes and bruises.

Both of us ended being lectured by Simon who was spitting mad and we were both ordered to take two days off to recover slightly before coming back for work. We had spent the next two days, goofing around the dorms and learning more about one another. I learnt that Josh had just went through a messy break up with his girlfriend of five years, the reason for why he had came here to work. He learnt that I was an orphan and was unofficially adopted by Hammond.

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