Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

AN: Nothing much to say...
Disclaimer: I do not own Jurassic Park. ONLY the plot and the OCs. So yea.

Rae's Pov

"I need to go." I said, glancing at my human-sitters Eliza and her good friend, Lila.
"What part of you are our prisoner do you not understand pathetic creature." Eliza answered, not even sparing me a glance as she and Lila chatted.
"What part of 'I need to go' do you not understand." I replied.
"Alpha Segev has given us specific instructions that you are to not leave our sight or our nest." Lila said.
"I have the feeling that we are not really on the same page. But if you two rather I do my business here right in the nest, than fine by me. After all, A this is not my nest, B if anyone blames me, I will just say that I was just listening to the two of you, who are not letting me go." I sighed.
"Argh! You are such a disgusting pest! You can go but I will follow you." Eliza hissed.
"Perv!" I screamed, pointing my finger straight into her face.
"As if! I am only following you to ensure that you do not run away." She yelled back, face flushed.
"Closet Perv." I mumbled as I got up and headed off into the bushes. Eliza followed right behind me. After walking a short distance, I stopped and turned around to face Eliza.
"I'm going here. Turn around and don't peak." I warned.
"Why on earth would I want to peak human." Eliza said as she turned around.
"How would I know? I'm not you." I said, going about my business.
"EW! What a disgusting stench! What on earth did you eat human!" Eliza screeched.
"You just had to rub it in don't you. It's not like I don't have my own nose. And for your information, I ate mushrooms. Though, now thinking about it, I don't think they were really edible." I mused.
"I rather those muzzrooms or whatever had poisoned you instead, then we would not have to deal with your idiotic, irritating presence and stench." Eliza answered.
"Aren't you such a social butterfly. Anyway, I am done. Let's head back before Sir angry head returns." I said, walking past Eliza.
"It's Alpha Segev to you human! Show Respect to your betters." Eliza snarled.
"Yea. Yea." I brushed her off.

Sorin's Pov

Something bad has happened, I can feel it. My Rae is nowhere to be found. I had searched the whole fields and even the surrounding area but there was still not trace of my mate anywhere. There is no use searching anymore, she could have just gone by another way back to the nest and is there playing with Marron, so there is nothing to be worry about. That was what I kept repeating in my head as I made a mad dash back to the nesting area.
"Rae?" I called out as I stepped into the nesting area.
"Nope, she is not here, little bro." Lexus said, looking up from his conversation with Lucus.
"Did you not find her?" Kayla asked.
"No." I replied.
"Don't worry little bro, I'm sure sis is with her right now." Tama reassured.
"But it has been so long." I fretted.
"You know girls, they can talk for hours on end. Plus your sis can really talk." Leon offered.
"Oh really. I'm sorry that you find my voice annoying." Tanya sneered as she arrived at the nesting site.
"That's not I meant sweetie." Leon stuttered.
"Oh really, enlighten me because that was not what I heard." She glared. I could not help but be amused at the trouble my brother–in-law has managed to get himself into. In the far corner, my brothers, Dante, Kyla and the rest of the pack were snickering.
"Sis, have you found Rae?" I asked, being serious.
"Huh? I was going to ask all of you if you all had seen her." She answered.
"WHAT!" Everyone, including me shouted.
"Where is she then?" Mama asked.
"Tama, Dante. Help me search." I pleaded, looking at the two of them.
"Let's go." The two answered and the three of us took off in a run.
"Hey wait up! We're coming too." Lexus and Lucus shouted, running after us.
"What's happen while we were gone?" Lynn asked, as she appeared at the nesting site with a few other raptors and chicks.
"Rae is missing." Tanya offered.
"Oh dear." One of the other raptors said.
"I hope Alpha Sorin and the rest find her." Lynn said.
"Has anyone seen Marron?" Tanya asked, looking around.
"Oh yea. Now that you mention it, I have not seen him since this morning when we were playing near the lake." Lynn thought out loud.
"Why do I get the feeling that trouble is brewing once again?" Tanya sighed.
"I get the feeling as well sweetie." Leon agreed.
"Shut up Leon." Tanya snapped.

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