Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

AN: Merry Christmas! How time flies! It already has been a year since I have first started writing this story. I dreamt of finishing this before the year ends but then again.... Depends on the amount of time I have. Currently, I'm working as a part time groomer so kind of busy but I promise to try! I have new stories that I want to write but this is top priority to finish.
My Christmas wish is still the same as it has been for years! I want a dog! My dream breed is a Siberian Husky! Unfortunately, I can't get a dog cause of my father's many carpets in the house! Sob! Plus my bro and animals just do not get along....I have no idea why... Anyway, I have been drooling a lot at the groomers cause there is this client that brings in two beautiful and majestic huskies! Argh! If only I could take one home.
I must be a sadist or something. Knowing that I can't get a dog, I still torture myself by going to the pet shops and staring at the dogs there and then going home upset but I go again.... Something must be wrong with me?
Ah. I just realized that I had written Lucian in the last chapter... sorry it is suppose to be Lexus. My bad!
Thanks for all the reviews!
Disclaimer: I do not own Jurrasic Park. Only the OCs and the main Plot.

Rae's Pov

"I got one!" I yelled, waving the mushroom that I had just harvested above my head.
"Ooooo.... So this is what a mushroom looks like." Tama said, eyeing the mushroom in my hand.
"It looks weird." Lexus analyzed.
"It has spots! How can it be yummy!" Lucus exclaimed. The rest of the hunting group also offered their speculations.
"I got some right here was well." Josh shouted, running towards us, cradling mushrooms in his arms.
"It does not look like we are going to be able to get enough for the pack," Sorin said, scanning the forested area around us.
"We do not even know if these things are edible or not." Lynn reminded.
"Well, looks like we are about to find out!" Lucus cheered, plucking one of the mushrooms from the pile that Josh had carried over. I saw that he was about to pop the whole thing into his mouth and immediately snatched it in mid-air before he could take a bit out of it and hugged it close to me.
"Rae!" Lucus shouted, glaring at me.
"You have to cook it first." I said, ignoring his death glare.
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get cooking!" Lexus cheered.
"I'll go get some wood." Josh offered as he placed down his load and started to walk off.
"I'll go. You can stay here Josh." Tama announced.
"Oh. Okay. Thanks." Josh replied.
"I'll go with you." Kayla said, following after him.
"Me too." Dante said, trailing after the two.
"Sigh... love triangle..." Lynn and I cooed.
"What love triangle?" Sorin asked curious.
"Are you blind or just plain blur?" I asked him.
"I have been busy with other things." He growled.
"True. Like spending your whole day with that Eliza." I replied, rolling my eyes.
"I was not flirting!" He snapped.
"Oh. Then what was it then? Just spending every waking moment with her?" I sneered.
"I was looking out for the pack!" He shouted.
"By spending all your time with her!" I yelled.
"I had to know more about her!" he roared.
"So you admit to flirting with her!" I screamed.
"What! How does getting to know her become flirting!" He screamed back.

Other raptors' Pov

"Love triangle over there and a lovers' quarrel over here. Man is this entertaining!" Lucus said.
"It is like a soap opera." Josh added.
"Soap opera?" Lexus asked, curious.
"How can you think of a bath right now?" Lucus questioned.
"What? NO! That is not what I meant." Josh quickly stated.
"You can take a bath later when we get back Josh. " Leon offered kindly.
"No! What I mean is that this is starting to look like a drama." Josh corrected.
"OH....." Lucus and Lexus answered 'smartly'.
"What happened?" Tama suddenly asked, appearing from behind the quartet, a pile of twigs at his feet.
"Why are Alpha and Beta yelling at each other? We could hear them from about a mile away." Kayla questioned.
"Ah. Young love." Leon replied.
"Oh." Was their reply.
"Beta Rae we have collected the wood." Dante interrupted the two lovers.
"Ah! Thanks Dante." She replied, smiling at him. Next to her, Sorin was a red-faced Sorin, who looked as though he was lost for words.
"They are wet Rae. We won't be able to start a fire." Josh said as he arranged the pile of sticks.
"Why not? You used them before?" Tama asked, upset that his hard work had gone down the drain.

Rae's Pov

Ah... yes... the day I introduced the pack to fire. I remember it like it was just yesterday.


"What you up to Beta Rae?" Marron asked, curious as he watched his new guardian play with the twigs on the ground. She seemed to be arranging them in specific pattern.
"I am trying to start a fire" I replied, racking my brain, trying to remember how to start a fire from a camp long long ago.
"What's a fire?" Marron asked, sitting down next to me. He handed me another thing to add to the ever growing pile.
"It is something really important." I replied.
"Why?" He questioned.
"Cuase it keeps me warm when the weather is cold, it cooks my food, it dries my clothes, it kills bacteria and germs...uh... it keeps predators away... ah... it is something that I cannot live without." I explained.
"But you have Alpha Sorin and the rest of the pack to cuddle with when you are cold... Alpha Sorin and the rest of the pack also keep the other big dinosaurs away. What is cook? Alpha Sorin and the rest of the pack hunts food for us. What is bacteria and germs?" Marron rattled on, tilting his head cutely in confusion.
"Ah... How am I going to explain this.." I mumbled to myself.
"What are you busy with Rae?" I recognized Mother's voice ask.
"I'm trying to start a fire." I replied, looking up as Sorin's mother stepped out from the bushes in all her glory. She really was a beauty to look at, especially her eyes. In fact, out of all her children, Sorin was the only one who inherited her beautiful eyes. Talking about those eyes.. I could get lost in them... Snap! When did I ever become such a hopeless romantic?
"Oh. What is it for?" Mother questioned, watching me in interest.
"It is for many things but I am mainly going to use it to cook the meat that Sorin and the rest will bring back later." I replied, not wanting to be stuck with a whole load of questions that I have no idea how to answer.
"It's also for keeping warm! And to scare away the other big dinosaurs! And to kill baocteri and Gems!" Marron contributed excitedly. Oh boy, so much for escaping those questions...
"I see. And what are they?" Mother smiled, encouraging Marron to continue.
"I don't know." He replied cutely.
"Actually it is bacteria and germs. They are the things that cause us to fall ill." I corrected, knowing that mother was going to ask me for an explanation.
"Ah. Interesting but what is cook?" Mother replied. I was going to reply when we heard the call of the pack, announcing that dinner was home.
"Maybe it would be easier to show you all." I said, getting up and picking up my pile of sticks. I would probably have to do a live performance at the nest.
Let's just fast-forward to the part where the meat was already cooked and I was happily enjoying my first taste of meat in months. Ah... Why did I wait so long to do this?
I picked a slice of meat and was about to pop it into my mouth when suddenly, a set of really sharp pointy teeth grabbed it. I stared blankly at my now empty hand before turning my head to see Sorin chewing while sitting next to me.
"Sorin! That was my piece of meat!" I glared.
"Now its mine. It taste weird. Not as juicy as before. What did you go and do with it?" He simply stated.
"I went to cook it. It is not as juicy as your raw meat cause it is no longer bloody and duckbill meat does not have a lot of fats." I replied, picking up another piece of meat and placed it into my mouth.
"Cook?" he asked.
"Yea. I placed it over the fire." I said.
"The Orange thing?" He questioned. I nodded my head in response.
"Oh." He replied.

End Flashback

Ah... the old days..
"Hey look! The rain has stopped."

Sorin's Pov

"Hey look! The rain has stopped." Someone from the pack alerted.
"YAY!" all of us cheered. Thank gwad. Now we can do some real hunting.
"All Right! We're back in the game!" Lucus and Lexus yelled.
"What!" My Rae cried.
"What about the mushrooms!" Josh demanded.
"You two can take a few back with you but we are going to finish this hunt." I replied.
"Ah man! I thought we were going to have a mushroom feast!" Rae pouted.
"Nope. Let's go!" I ordered, turning to sprint back towards the open enclosures where prey should be.
"Aw....." I heard the two humans groan. Oh well, they will just have to suck it up and continue on.

{ Author's Notes }

Keep in mind that I do not own this book and that I have fixed any spelling errors/sentences that don't seem right throughout the entire books

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