Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

AN: Hiya! I'm back! Sorry to keep all of you all waiting. Anyway, this is the last week of my holidays before I will be going back to school. Oh boy....
Just a little reminder. If it is bold in Rae's or Josh's Pov then they are speaking in raptor, not bold then they are speaking in english.
Disclaimer: I do not own Jurassic Park, only the OCs.

Rae's Pov

As the dirt from my body washed away, I could not help but feel relieved and clean like never before. I am not really sure how much time has passed but I am not really bothered, I really needed some alone time after the past two weeks.
However, I am getting the feeling that I am being watched. I know, you people would say that I am bathing in a lake in the middle of the forest but let me remind you that I am not in just any forest. I am in a prehistoric forest where giant carnivorous lizards roamed and I do not wish to end up as lunch on anyone's menu.
"Hello... who's there." I called out. Now, do not call me stupid. How am I not suppose to know if Sorin or anyone of the other pack members followed me.
"Come out whoever you are?" I shouted, scanning the vegetation around me for any signs of a presence.
"Who's there!" I yelled, starting to get a little scared, picking up a rock from the shallow park of the lake and wielding it like a weapon.
"Hold it! It's just me!" Josh cried, running out from the bushes.
"Josh?" I exclaimed, staring at him in shock.
"Hiya?" he said weakly.
"Hiya... hiya.... Josh You bloody Perv!" I screamed, pelting him with rocks, not really caring at the moment if I injured him or not.
"Ow! Ow!... Hey! Rae! Rae! Stop! Ow! Stop!" Josh pleaded, using his hands and arms to try to block the hail of rock flying in his direction.
"Give me one good reason to stop your Perv!" I shouted.
"Ow! Cause.. Ow! That hurts like hell! Cause.. Cause.. Ow! I've have this! This!" Josh yelped, sticking his hand high into the air.
"What the hell is that?" I demanded, spying the black box in his grasp.
"OW! It's a bloody.. Ow! Would you stop attacking me and let me Ow explain!" Josh cried.
"Fine! I'll see if it justifies you peeking me in the bath! If not you would be loosing some very important parts!" I gave in, ceasing fire.
"It will blow your mind. And I was NOT Peeking!" Josh exclaimed, coming closer.
"Stay right where you are Perv!" I commanded.
"What? Fine!" Josh answered, "Now can I share my finding with you?"
"Go ahead." I replied.
"I found this when I went to find the first aid kit for your wounds about two weeks plus ago. It was not really working at that point but after fiddling with it a bit. I managed to fix it..." Josh stated.
"You still haven't told me what the heck it is." I growled.
"I was getting to it when you interrupted me you impatient brat." Josh snapped.
"Not my fault that you talk so slowly old man." I glared.
"Argh! Why the heck am I even arguing with a brat like you." Josh sighed.
"I got the radio to work. We can call for help now. We can go home." Josh explained.
"Home..." I repeated, getting lost in thought.
I could finally go back to civilization.. back to the city... back home....home... Sorin... Marron... Mama... Tasha... Lexus... Lucas... the pack... I would be leaving them behind... Could I do it? I mean, I am a human. My place should belong with Josh in civilization so why did the ideas of leaving the island, leaving the pack, leaving Marron and especially leaving Sorin hurt so much?
"Hey... Hello.... Anyone home? Are you even listening to me?" Josh voice suddenly cut into my consciousness, his hand waving across my face.
"EH.. What?" I gasped.
"You were staring into space." He said.
"Was not. I was just thinking." I replied.
"Whatever... I think we both better head back before the whole pack comes to find us." Josh suggested.
"You mean to find me." I grinned, motioning for him to turn around.
"You are full of ego." Josh answered, turning around. I quickly got out of the lake and pulled my clothes back on.
"That's what people like about me." I laughed, walking off, "Come on slowpoke."
"Oi! Wait up." Josh hollered.

Raptor's Pov & Sorin's Pov

"Now now son, I am sure that Rae would not appreciate you barging on her bathing." Mother adviced me as I paced the nesting area, anxiously waiting for my mate to return from her bath.
"I know I know. I just cannot help but worry about her." I sighed.
"Aw.... Isn't that adorable..." Lucas and Lexus cooed.
"Shut it the both of you," I snapped, "Wait till you two get mates of your own and we will see wheather you'll act the same way as I do."
"That's right boys." Mother added.
"I pity the two ladies who do end up being your mates. They must be angels to stand the two of you." Tasha offered.
"I think I know one of the two angels. Her name starts with a 'L' and she like my little brother who's name starts with a 'L'..." Tama teased but was cut of by the alarmed gasp of the pack.
My family and I all turned to see what was everyone looking at and all of our jaws dropped. There stood Josh and my mate but the shocking thing was not that the two of them are together but of the fact that the red and black alpha marking on my mate's ankle was missing.
"Beta Rae! Your alpha markings are gone!" Marron cried, making a mad dash to her side.
"My what?" She repeated, looking at him in confusion as she picked him up.
"Your markings! Your red and black markings!" Marron panicked.
"I think he means your anklet." Josh offered.
"My anklet? Hey! When did you understand raptor?" Rae accused. Yea! I want to know too! When did the little human learn my language?
"Well, I have been living here for about a month now..." Josh explained.
"And you never thought to tell me!" My mate glared.
"Beta Rae!" Marron called.
"It's not like I had the chance with you picking a fight with the green bitch from hell. Plus big boy over there has not really spend a lot of time with you" Josh replied, defending himself and pointing at me. Hey! She's my mate so of course I do not want you around her all the time!
"Beta Rae!" Marron chirped loudly, tugging at her shirt.
"Well you could have told me just now! When you were happily sharing with me that you found a radio!" My mate growled. Radio? Is that edible? I am getting a little hungry, it should soon be time for a hunt.
"MAMA!" Marron cried. Whada? Did the brat just call my mate Mama?
By the sudden silence and the look of shock on everyone's face, especially my Rae's, I do believe my ears have not played any tricks on me.

Rae's Pov

Did Marron just call me Mama? I cannot believe it! Someone saw and needed me in that position. Someone saw me as a protector, as a provider, a mother!
"Did you just call me Mama, Marron?" I spoke gently to the chick that was trying to bury himself under my arms.
"Um.... Yes..." Marron whispered, "You take care of me and really remind me of my mama. Are you angry?"
"I'm not silly. In fact I am very honoured that you call me mama." I smiled, unable to control the waterworks that leaking down my face.
"Then why are you crying?" Marron asked, licking my tears.
"These are tears of joy baby." I explained, cuddling him close.
"Can I really call you mama?" Marron questioned.
"You can call me mama all you want." I grinned.
"MAMA! MAMA! MAMA! I luv you MAMA!" Marron yelled.
"I love you too my baby." I laughed.

Sorin's Pov

I cannot believe it! Marron just called my mate Mama. Actually, I should not be surprised. The poor kid lost both his parents very young and my Rae was the first one to really take very good care of him. Even I was luckier then him, I still had my mother even though my father was taken away.
Well, looks like the little brat is officially my chick as well. Not that I am complaining or anything. I'm just not so sure how good of a father I can be for him.
I made my way to where my new family was laughing and joined them. Looking at their happy faces, I made a new vow there and then. Nothing and I mean nothing was going to tear my family apart. They would have to get through me first before they can get to my mate and my chick.
"Congratulations to the new family!" Lexus yelled as the pack all cheered.
"Looks like you have a new grandchick mother!" Tasha said.
"I'm an uncle." Leon announced.
"I'm a grandma!" Mother exclaimed, teary-eyed.
"Father would be proud of you little bro!" Tama offered, patting me on the back.
"Congrats little bro!" Lucus cried.
"So what happened to Beta Rae's alpha marking?" Kyla, a pretty female raptor whispered to raptor closest to her.
"I think we should wait for them to settle down before bringing up the subject again." Dante replied, blushing.
"Good idea." She replied, smiling at him.

{ Author's Notes }

Keep in mind that I do not own this book and that I have fixed any spelling errors/sentences that don't seem right throughout the entire books

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