Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

AN: Hello, thank you for all the lovely reviews. I am so sorry for not updating last week. This week was Quiz week, so I had two or three quizzes everyday. Anyway, we are finally at chapter 8! Next week will mark the start of Chinese New Year and after that is preparation for exams... Sob!

Disclaimer: I do not own Jurassic Park, only the OCs.

I did not want to wake up and start work. I was really really tired. Simon and Arnold can suck eggs for all I care. I snuggled deeper into my pillow when it purred. Wait a darn picking minute, when did pillows purr? I reluctantly peeled open my eyes to see a dark wall of scales.
"Uh What?" I said to myself when the wall of scales started to move and then I saw the eyes of the one person, well Raptor in this case, I did not want to see. Sorin was eyeing me with large cat like amber eyes. Crap! Everything that had happened yesterday came flooding back to me. He found me! I was immediately wide-awake and made a dash for it.
"Wah!" I cried when I crashed to the hard, wet floor. I pushed myself up with a groan and turned to see what I had tripped over. To my horror, Sorin's muscular tail was wrapped around my ankles, preventing me from running away.
I knew that it was probably not the smartest thing to do but I was tired, dirty and pissed. So I screamed at Sorin, smart right?
"Sorin! Let me go! I am f***ing tired, dirty and bloody hell pissed! What the heck do you want with me? Make up your f***king mind! Eat me or don't eat me! Don't bloody play with me!" I yelled, glaring hard at the raptor before me. Sorin backed away in response but did not let go of my legs. After, my loud, one breath rant, I was left panting and dying of thirst.

I had woken up just as the sun rose and quietly watched my human as she slept. She looked really peaceful, so I let her sleep some more before I dragged her back to the nest. My human was probably cold and she snuggled into my chest, causing me to purr from the contact. That was probably the wrong move as she started to wake up. Once I was sure that she was awake, I started to get up to greet her. However, I should have expected that she would not be happy to see me.
She tried to run away but she ended up falling face first as she fell. Oops. I had totally forgot that my tail that was wrapped around her legs. Anyway, she seemed okay since she was still able to get mad and yell at me. I was ignoring whatever she was yelling until I heard her ask me to make up my mind.
She thought I was going to eat her? I thought shocked. How can she think that! I feel so hurt, after all the time that we had spent together! She still thought I was going to hurt her? She was quiet and I looked at her with determined eyes. If all I have done so far was not getting to her, I have no choice but to use rash methods.
The sun was already high in the sky; we had to go back to the nesting site so that the pack can go hunt for food. I took a step forward, ignored my human's cry of outrage as I picked her up with my arms and took off out into the open.

My eyes were playing tricks on me right? Sorin's eyes did not just look sad but I swear, they really did look hurt and then turned into a determined look as he stared harder at me. Suddenly, he took a step forward and picked me up, making me scream in anger as for the second time, I was human-napped by Sorin.
I lost track of the path we took but I can tell you for sure that our destination was the nesting sites. I remained still in his arm; I really did not know what to do. Do I run and get picked off by whatever was roaming out there or do I stick with Sorin and his Pack that has not shown any interest in having me for lunch, dinner or any meal at all?
My gut feeling was telling me stick with Sorin and his pack so I decided to follow it and when Sorin dropped me onto a nest right smack in the middle of the nesting site. I just sat up but did not make any move to escape. Sorin sat right next to me, his tail taking its place on my right ankle. Sigh...
After an eternity that was actually only a few minutes, Sorin got up and left with most of his pack. Since there were only the chicks, three other raptors and myself, I am going to guess that they went off hunting. I lay down in the nest, contemplating what I was going to do from now on. I knew that I was going to stick with Sorin and his pack so that other dinosaurs that wandered the area would not pick me off but I still had to find my way back to Josh and the others.
Apparently, while I was lost in thought, the raptor chicks were curious of me and had scuttled forward to take a closer look at me. I turned my head to the side, left cheek pressed into the leafy nest, and started back at them. Truth be said, this was my first time being so close to the baby raptors. They were normally handled by the scientist and not the warden and definitely not by the gardeners.
"What's up little guys?" I asked the chicks that were hovering at the edge of the nest. The three adult raptors were sitting around us watching. Once the words were out of my mouth, the chicks started to chirp like mad and the adults were answering them, well that's what I think.

Other Raptors' Pov

All of chicks were all curious of the funny looking two legged creature that our alpha brought back. She was weird looking, she had no scales, no feathers but the marks of an alpha female on her ankles and no sharp teeth or claws at all. We were all wondering if she could talk, when she opened her mouth and uttered some sounds.
"She talks! She talks!" All of us screamed in excitement.
"Yes, she talks. Humans generally are able to talk." One of guardians, Will answered.
"What's a human?" Marron, the youngest and orphaned chick asked.
"The two legged creatures that kept us captive." Another adult answered.
"Ooo..." we all awed.
"What's Uncle Sorin want with her?" Marron asked.
"Uh. Well... Umm..."The third adult raptor stuttered, wondering how to tell the chicks why their alpha had taken the human away from the rest of her own pack.
"It's to learn more about the humans." Will quickly chipped in.
"Oh! Okay." Marron answered. Thank god of children's innocence, otherwise, the three of them will be 'killed' by all the females of their pack for polluting the chicks' minds.

{ Author's Notes }

Keep in mind that I do not own this book and that I have fixed any spelling errors/sentences that don't seem right throughout the entire books

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