List Of Who Is Who

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Who is who?

(AN: Thank you for asking me to add one. I'm also loosing track of who is who... Argh! I keep forgetting what Sorin's sister's name is!)


Age: 18
Gender: Female
Bio: Hi! I am an orphan but was unofficially adopted by Hammond and worked as a ranger/ gardener until the storm. Now I am happily living with Sorin and the rest of the raptor pack. They are all family to me! My best friend is Sorin but I kind of feel a little different around him (AN: She is not aware of her feelings for Sorin yet though this will change soon if I have a say in it!)
The only person I hate is Eliza! Argh! She is so irritating! Always trying to get Sorin to talk to her and all! Marron! Do not get me started on him! He is so cute! I love him so much! I am his unofficial mother(AN: I plan to change this soon! HAHA!) so no one bullies him! Or you will get it from me! You hear me Sorin!


Age: (AN: let's just take if as he is about 20 in human terms)
Gender: Male
Bio: Yo! I am Sorin, Alpha male of my pack and mate to my Rae. I love her very much and am willing to put up with all her wishes. Yes, even her pet, human Josh. My main priorities are the safety of the pack and to ensure that no one tries to take over our land and stuff. I lead the pack on hunts and I must add that we have come a very long way since we escaped from the humans.
Yes baby I heard you! (not that I plan on listening, the brat has to learn to be independent! You coddle him and leave the manly stuff to me.) Anyway, I love and respect my mother very much, I do not really remember my father, except he was taken away by the humans when I was still a hatchling. (maybe this is why I actually do admit that I do like Marron, cause we can like relate you know)
Now my sister, she is nice and all. My brothers, all three of them are pests, end of story but are always there when you do need them the most and unfortunately, even when you want to be alone. Now the one person I do not like is Eliza! She is hiding some thing, I am absolutely sure and I will find out what it is! But for now, I will try to observe her from far, the old tactic of getting close to her has sent her the wrong signals and she think I am interested in courting her and she is reciprocating the feelings. Sorry but I am Rae's!


Age: 24 Gender: Male
Bio: Hello.... I'm Josh and my life has officially been a whole rollercoaster ride ever since I made that one life-changing mistake. I cheated on my long time girlfriend and she broke up with me. I had hurt her and I really wanted to get back together with her but I just did not have the courage.
I left the city and came to work in Jurassic Park that was where I met Rae. She is a good kid and really knows her stuff when it comes to the dinosaurs and all. She grew on me then when the storm came and she disappeared and I managed to escape the island with the rest. Well, after I made it back, I tried to win my girlfriend back and after much persuasion she accepted me back.
However, I told her that I had to go back to the island and find Rae because I had a feeling that she was alive. Lo and Behold, she was and to my surprise, she has been accepted by the raptor pack!
I suppose I have been accepted into the pack as well, but there is just one raptor that I have a feeling does not really like me. He is the alpha male from what I could tell and according to Rae, his name is Sorin. I was confused as to why at first but after a while I realized what was going on and boy was I surprised. A raptor loving a human! Now that is a first but from what can also see, Rae also has feelings for him but being the clueless and slow person that she is, she does not realize that herself. Sigh, looks like I will have to push her little.


Age: (AN: About 27 in human years)
Gender: Female
Bio: Hi! My name is Tasha and I am Sorin's elder sister. I love all my brothers equally and I find Sorin and Rae to be a very cute couple especially that Eliza that needs to stop trying to squeeze her way between them and stay out of the picture! My mate is Leon and he is a very caring and protective man. We have about four chicks, all about the same age as Marron. Oo... Marron, Sorin and Rae! They make quite a lovely picture together don't you think? (AN: I do think so.)

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