Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

AN: Thank You for the reviews. Loved them.

The wooden stick made contact with the skull of whoever it was that came in. A ear-splitting scream was heard but other than a shake of head, the raptor that came in was relatively unharmed. Well that's good.
Not! With a loud roar, it lunged at me. I screamed ready for the feel of sharp teeth to penetrate my skin but all I got was a faceful of saliva. Instinctively, I had brought my hands up and was holding the raptor at bay with the stick. I was cornered and was slowly being squished against the wall by the raptor that was really intent on making me dinner. With an unexpected surge of strength I managed to push the raptor away and dashed into the washroom.
Wrong move though, now we were playing tug of war with the door. Now for people that must be wondering why the heck was I so scared of the raptor since I have living with a whole pack of them for six plus months? Let me tell you this, no raptor with a gram of brain would attack or dare to make me into any meal of any kind. Sorin would whoop their asses. Plus I am a likeable person so no raptor from the pack will attack me so this raptor was definitely not friend or family.
Suddenly, the familiar sound of a gun going off was heard and the pulling from the other end of the door stopped. I fell onto my butt, panting but when the door opened, I grabbed the stick again. There standing in front of me was a face that I thought I would never see ever again.
"Josh!" I exclaimed, getting up to fling my arms around him.
"Rae!" he exclaimed back, returning the hug with equal force.
"OMG! I thought... I... what? Have..." I stuttered, lost for words.
"Wow.. Wow... slow down there tiger. Deep breathes." Josh said, patting me on the back.
"I thought I was all alone on this island!" I yelled, pounding him hard.
"I know. I'm sorry for leaving you behind." Josh comforted me, leading me out of the washroom and to my bed.
"There there. I'm here now. Don't cry." Josh said gently. Cry? I am not crying but when I then realized that without realizing it, I was bawling like a mad woman. Maybe the fact that I had been left all alone on this island with man-eating dinosaurs for six months, the fact that I had once again been abandoned by people that I loved and the fact that someone had came back for me finally caught up with me.
"I missed you." I grinned, waterworks having stopped.
"Missed you too kiddo." Josh grinned back.
"Be right back." I said, slipping off the bed to take a closer look at the now dead raptor. It was definitely not one from Sorin' pack. The ones in his pack are mainly a beautiful copper colour but this one was colored a dirty green, kinda reminds me of someone...but who? (AN: Anyone wants to take a guess? )
"Hey it's dead. Don't worry." Josh offered, walking up beside me.
"It's not that. This raptor is different from Sorin and the rest." I answered.
"Sorin?" Josh repeated.
"Uh.. Let's take a seat. It's a long story." I smiled, sheepishly, knowing what his reaction would be. We both sat back down on the bed and I launched straight into the tale, starting from the time of our punishment.
"You do know that I really want to smack you right now for not telling me anything right?" Josh said after the hour-long story.
"Kinda of wondering why you haven't." I replied.
"Cause I'm really glad that you are still alive." Josh smiled, patting me on the head.
"Hey! I hate that!" I yelled, swatting away his hand.
"Well what are you going to do about it?" Josh challenged, chucking a pillow at me.
"Oh. I do hope that you know that this means war." I answered, tackling him with fore mentioned pillow.

Does this woman ever shut up? I saw this. I did that. I...I...I...someone snap her neck or something so that I can get some peace and quiet! I could have been spending time with Rae, hunting but no, I am stuck with this B***h who does not seem to ever stop talking.
Oh gawd. Shut up woman! My limit was reaching soon when there was a loud bang. I shot up from the ground, recognizing the sound but was slightly skeptical of what it was. The good thing was that it made Eliza shut up.
"What is that?" Eliza asked nervously. Oh well, only if it was for a short while.
"Sorin." Tasha said, emerging with the other females of the pack and chicks.
"You all okay?" I asked, the safety of my pack being my first concern.
"Yea. We're all right." Lucas, Lexus and some of the other males of the pack replied, returning from their patrol.
"Lucas, Lexus, Dane, You three come with me, we will go see what is going on. Mother I'll leave you in charge of the rest of the pack until we return." I ordered before taking off.
"Finally, some time away from that chatterbox." I sighed.
"Whatcha say little bro?" Lexus asked.
"Nothing." I answered.
"That was nothing. You said something." Lexus insisted. I ignored him.
"Oh come on little bro. You can share." Lexus prodded. Crap! From a chatterbox to an irritating pest, someone must be punishing me for ignoring my mate for so long.
"Leave him be Lexus. He must be thinking about HIS ELIZA." Lucas said bluntly.
"Oh." Lexus said, before keeping quiet.
"Uh... So how are things between you and Eliza?" Dane quietly asked, trying to break the awkward silence but that just made the temperature of the surrounding drop even lower. Lexus and Lucas just snorted and ran slightly faster, not even wanting to hear what I had to say.
I really wanted to strangle Dane for his question but that was typical Dane for you. He was a very neutral guy that did not like to take any side in any arguments. He was okay with both Rae and Eliza unlike the rest of the pack.
"We are okay." I answered simply, focusing on my legs.
"Oh. I see." Dane replied.
"Why?" I asked, curious.
"Ah. Nothing." Dane said. I nodded and we continued on our journey in silence.
"I prefer Rae." Dane whispered before he also picked up speed, catching up with my two brothers. What? Did I just hear correctly, he preferred Rae? Dane the neutral was apparently not as neutral as I thought!
"You are not alone buddy." I whispered but no one heard me.
Lucas motioned us to stop as we were really close to the origin of the loud bang. I signaled for them to approach slowly and quietly before taking the first step forward. I peered through the thick vegetation and what I saw made my blood run cold.
Four human males sat on the ground, cradling their black weapons. Humans! I thought the only one that was left on this island was my Rae! Where did they come from? Why were they here?
The reason for their presence was painfully obvious and was my worst nightmare. They were here to take back my Rae! Rae! Where was she? Did she make it back to the nests? Did she see any of the humans? Did they spot her?
"Uh oh. Looks like trouble." Lucas whispered.
"What are we going to do brother?" Lexus asked, looking attentively at me.
"Do we attack?" Dane suggested.
"No. We head back to the nests to inform the rest." I ordered, turning back and made a mad rush for the nests. My Rae was safely there and out of sight from the humans' sight. I could not lose her!
"What has happened?" My mother asked urgently, once I emerged from the vegetation. I did not reply to her immediately, I scanned the pack assembled in front of me but my Rae was nowhere to be seen.
"Where is Rae?" I asked, panic building up in me. "Tasha was she not with you?"
"She went to find you." Tasha replied.
"What is wrong son?" My mother asked again, more urgently but I was more worried with where my Rae was.
"The Humans have returned." Lucas replied. His answer was replied with gasps of shock.
"Are you alright son?" My mother asked but this time with understanding.
"No, I'm not. Sorry mother but I must go find Rae." I apologized before taking off once again.
"Lucas, Lexus, Dane. Please follow him and keep him from doing anything stupid." Mother, the alpha female of the pack asked the three males before her.
"On it mother." Lexus and Lucas replied.
"Of course." Dane replied. All three, heading off to follow their worry-blinded Alpha male, in search of the human female that had captured his heart. Not that they were going to complain about her.
"Alpha Ma Ma. Alpha Rae coming back right?" Marron asked, coming up to her knee. Mother looked at the little chick and all the other chicks that were looking at her.
"Of course." She assured them.
"I hope so myself." She thought to herself.
"RAE!" I roared, racing through the forest, trying to catch a hint of where my mate had gone. I could not help imagining the human males finding her before I do and taking her away or her spotting them and leaving with them. I cannot even bare to think which one was worst. Them ripping my heart out or my Rae ripping it with her own hands?

"Rae!" I heard Sorin's voice echo through the forest, making me drop the biscuit that I was munching on. Josh and I had called a truce from the intense pillow fight for some food. We left my room for the kitchen and managed so find some canned biscuits that were still edibe.
"Something does not sound happy out there." Josh commented.
"Sorin does not sound happy out there you mean." I corrected him.
"What? Wait? How did you know?" he asked, looking at me curiously.
"I speak Raptor now. Remember?" I pointed out.
"Oh yea. So what does he want?" Josh replied.
"Well...looks like he is calling for me." I sighed, getting up from the chair that I had occupied for the past half and hour as Josh told me about his crazy adventure from the time he had returned to the island.
" are going back?" Josh asked, skeptical.
"Yup!" I answered popping the 'p'.
"Stay here with me. The other guys are for sure to find us." Josh insisted, grabbing a hold of my hand.
"Josh. It's safer to be with Sorin than staying here. The T-Rex that caused you all to separate likes to visit the tourist center and who knows if that strange raptor has any friends? Do you seriously think any of your new friends are still alive" I explained.
"But!" Josh said.
"Josh. Trust me!" I said.
"All right. But I get to take my gun!" He agreed, getting up as well.
"Alright! Let's go! Before someone pops a vein." I shouted, pulling Josh into the thick, dense forest. Here is to hoping that do not get lost and both of us killed.

{ Author's Notes }

Keep in mind that I do not own this book and that I have fixed any spelling errors/sentences that don't seem right throughout the entire books

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