Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Disclaimer: I do not own Jurassic Park! Only the Ocs!

"Rae! Rae! This is suicide! We both don't posses the arsenal that these raptors possess! How are we supposed to hunt?" Josh hissed at me as we followed the pack in stalking a group of duckbills.
"Don't you have your jungle knife?" I whispered back, Sorin, being the overprotective dimwit he is, ordered me to stay at the back of the pack, Josh of course was also included as he had to stick with me.
"No, I lost it somehow when the guys were running away from the T-Rex." Josh answered.
"Oh.... Okay. Here you can borrow mine first." I replied, pulling out my jungle knife and handed it over to Josh.
"What? No no no. You need it as well!" Josh said.
"I highly doubt I will need it. Sorin still thinks I am not capable of hunting." I insisted, pushing the knife into his hand. (AN: I'm not that mean as to send Josh hunting without a knife! Haha!)
"Okay. Thanks." Josh replied gratefully.

Eliza'a POV (AN: I just felt like it!)

"Sorin. Why do you even bother with those strange two legged pets of yours? They look harmless." I said, trying to keep Sorin's attention on me but he was busy trying to keep an eye on his two pets even though they are at the back. The male is not that much of a concern but the female one however, is a cause of concern. Sorin is very possessive over her, always keeping an eye on her, like right now.
"Sorin. Sweetie! Sorin!" I snapped, finally gaining his attention.
"What?" Sorin replied, turning to face me for a split second before turning back to stare at the female human as he called the male two legged creature.
"What is the male human to you?" I asked, going round him to block his view.
"Nothing but a pest." he answered simply.
"How about the female?" I pressed.
"My mate." He answered, with a small smile. Mate! Mate! You got to be kidding me! This handsome, strong and powerful leader of Central Raptor Pack has taken this weird two-legged creature, a human as his mate! I mean what is so special about her? She does not even look that strong!

Sorin's POV

I really hope that Eliza got the hint that I have a mate and not at all interested in her approaches.
"Hey baby Bro. Rae seems to have given Josh her pointy thingy (AN: HAHA. That's what I call a knife.) that she picked up a week after you brought her home." Lucus said as he came up to me.
"Why are you even calling the pest by it's name?" I snapped. Can you blame me? Any mention of the human male just made my blood boil.
"Of course the first thing he picks on is the fact that we are calling Josh by his name." Lucas pointed out as he also joined us.
"He actually ain't that bad baby bro. You should get to know him too." Tasha suggested.
"I rather make friends with the rock." I shot back.
"Now you are just being stubborn Sorin." Tasha replied.
"And what will Leon say when he finds out that you have talked to the human?" I said. Leon was Tasha's mate if any of you were wondering.
"Leon likes him too." Tasha answered, before slowing down to run beside Leon.
"What?" I spluttered.
"Ew....! Watch the saliva baby bro!" Lexus and Lucas squealed.
"Shut up!" I yelled, not watching where I was going and tripped, falling flat on my face. That made the pack stop running and stare at me. Talk about embarrassment.
"Sorin you okay?" My Rae asked, walking towards me with a worried look. NO I AM NOT! Sweet Rae. I will be though, once you got rid of your little pet. Argh!
"Of course he is okay. A little fall like that would not hurt him." Eliza chipped in. Are you blind woman? Of course I am not okay! I do not trip! Absolutely do not!
"Sorin is not one to trip Eliza." Rae pointed out. My Rae knows me best!
"What do you know about Sorin human!" Eliza snapped. And what do yo know about me Eliza?
"Definitely more than you." My Rae growled back. I agree with you my precious!
"Are you sure, you pathetic human." Eliza growled back.
"Want me to show you Bitch?" Rae shot back.
"Show me then." Eliza answered, bending into a pounce.
"Bring it on then." Rae snapped back, crouching down herself. OH my Gawd! MY Rae was actually defending me! Yay!
"Uh Rae. I don't think it is such a good idea." The pest interrupted. Shoo Pest! Don't destroy this moment for me!

Other Raptor's Pov

The Alpha is acting weird ....

Sorin's sibling's pov

"I think baby Bro hit his head when he fell. He is acting weird..." Lucus whispered.
"I just think he finally lost his marbles." Lexus whispered back.
"Stop being stupid you two." Tasha hissed at her two middle brothers.
"Sorin is just happy that Rae is accepting the challenge that Eliza is throwing at her for the position as Beta female and Sorin's mate." Leon replied in a soft voice. (AN: I forgot that Sorin's mother is Alpha female, so that makes Rae Beta Female.... Sorry. So when Marron calls her, he will from now on, call her Beta Rae.")
"You can practically see the stars in his eyes..." Lexus pointed out softly.
"I think they are hearts actually." Lucas corrected softly.
"Why are you all whispering?" Tama interrupted them but when he saw their 'oh-yea-why?' looks, "Don't bother explaining. I better interrupt and wake Sorin up before anyone gets hurt. Plus I am Hungry."
"Oh Ladies... I am sorry to interrupt but I am sure you are all hungry. Shall we continue with the hunt and finish this later?" Tama said nicely.
"You are lucky that I am hungry." Eliza snapped at Rae before answering Tama, "Of course. I am very sorry."
"Psshh... Pig." Rae answered back. Luckily, Eliza did not seem to know what a pig was or just chose to ignore Rae's comment. Let's just go with the former shall we.
"Thank you. Wake up baby brother." Tama said, chucking a stone that at Sorin, successfully waking him from his stupor.
"Ow!' Sorin growled.
"You deserved it. Now lead the hunt. I am starving." Tama said simply, not even giving his youngest brother a glance.
"Prick." Sorin muttered.
"I am just going to ignore you." Tama replied, turning away.

Argh! I cannot stand that ugly green bitch anymore. How dare she think that she know more about Sorin than me! Me! Sorin's... Sorin's.... what am I to Sorin anyway? A friend? Family? Mate? No! Not the last one. How can he see me as his mate? I'm human and he is a raptor! It is not possible! But then why am I angry whenever I see him with Eliza?
"You okay? You really scared me there." Josh said, breaking me from my thoughts.
"Yea. I'm okay." I answered.
"Why were you angry in the first place?" he asked.
"Eliza, the green bitch thought that she knows Sorin better than I did." I snapped.
"And that you makes you angry how?" Josh pressed.
"I don't know? How bout the fact that Sorin used to spend all his time with me and then WHAM! When she showed up, Sorin spends most of his time with her!" I shouted storming away. "Argh! I need to punch something!"
"Rae.... Are you really that clueless?" Josh whispered, looking at the retreating back of his friend.

AN: Opps! I am sorry I still am not sure how to write the Hunt so I wrote this one in first... Sorry!

{ Author's Notes }

Keep in mind that I do not own this book and that I have fixed any spelling errors/sentences that don't seem right throughout the entire books

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