Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

AN: Thank you for all the reviews. Loved all of them.

"Sshh." I motioned to Marron who was behind me. We were kneeling behind some really tall vegetation in the middle and my prey was in sight, right in front of me, blissfully unaware of our presence. I crept forward slowly and silently, wanting to be right on top of my prey when I pounced.
"You're mine." I smirked before springing out of the vegetation, intent on my prey when all I got in the end was an introduction to the cold, unforgiving, hard earth. My prey in question just snorted.
"Yea, yea. You heard and smelt me." I groaned, sitting up. Sorin just snorted once again.
"It's not my fault that I'm such a klutz!" I snapped, it has already been slightly more than a month since Sorin has stared to teach me how to hunt and almost three months since I was left alone on this island.
Over all this time, I have learnt how to communicate with not only Sorin but all the other raptors as well. I can mimic some of their sounds but let's just say that it comes out slightly off pitch. The only thing that I have not mastered is how to hunt, as a klutz I always end up tripping and falling down, alerting even the deafest and dumbest of prey that I was coming.
Sorin growled at me before walking away, back to the nest.
"Oh come on. One more try. Sorin!" I pleaded, running to catch up with him but my foot got snagged on a tree root and I was re-introduced to the ground. Marron, who was behind the two us, came up beside me and started to chirp.
"I'm okay. I'm okay." I said, trying to calm the poor little guy down. Sorin must have heard me fall as he was now beside me and carried me. So, the three of us made our way back to the nests.

She fell again. That is the third time she has already fell, if this was a real hunt, all of her prey would already be long gone. What am I going to do with her, sigh. It has already been slightly over a month from the day that I taught her how to hunt, why could she not have gotten it as easily and as fast as she had when I taught her what was edible and what was not.


We were at the waterfall; I was in front of the water, not trusting my mate to not make a run for the water. Earlier on, I had collected some inedible things, like rocks and grass on one side and on the other side, some meat.
My mate was sitting in front of me, looking attentively so I started the lesson.
I took a few of the rocks into my mouth and mimicked chewing before spitting them out. This was accompanied with a shake of my head to signify that they were not edible. I repeated the same process with the grass. Once I was done, I glanced at my Rae to see if she understood the first part of my demonstration.
"Uh Whatcha up to Sorin?" She asked. Hmm, maybe she will get the picture when I demonstrate finish. With that, I walked to the meat, chewed it and swallowed it accompanied with a nod of my head. Now did she get it?
"Right? Are you ill?" She said concerned, getting up to walk to me and placing her hand on my head. Ill? Here I am trying to teach her something important and there she is thinking that I was ill?
"Someone kill me now." I grumbled.
"Does that mean that I become Alpha if I do?" Lexus asked with a smirk on his face as he stepped into the clearing.
"What do you want Lexus?" I snapped.
"Now now, little brother is that how you talk to your elders?" He teased, "Especially in front of a pretty thing like Rae."
"Shut up!" I glared.
"Hiya Spike!" My Rae greeted the idiot. Over the few weeks, she had gotten used to the whole pack and had named every single member. However this time round, all the names were not accurate and from what I realized, they were all pretty much random. Just do not tell my mother that, she was so happy when my Rae called her Mum.
"I repeat, what do you want?" I growled, keeping an eye on my mate, who was now looking curiously at the rocks.
"Well, I was bored and decided to..." Lexus was replied but was interrupted.
"Ow!" I yelled, swerving my head to the direction in which the pain had came from. All I saw was my Mate, storming away, grumbling.
"Uh what just happened?" Lexus asked confused.
"That's what I want to know." I grumbled, rubbing my head.

End Flashback

It was only later; when we had gone back to the nests than did I find out that my mate actually knew how to distinguish between edible and inedible. So technically she was pissed after figuring out what my demonstration had been about.
Anyway, back to the present. The three of us are back at the nests and straight away, all the chicks ambushed my mate. Since she is learning to hunt along the other chicks, a little rough play between them is acceptable but if I see that things are getting a little too rough, it stops. I do not want my mate to be hurt unnecessarily, especially when she is already a danger to herself.

In civilization

"I need a team Mr. Hammond." Josh said to the old man in front of him.
"Are you really going back Josh, my boy?" Hammond sighed.
"Of course! Rae is still alive and I am going to bring her back!" Josh replied, looking the other man dead in the eyes.
"It is highly unlikely, that she is still alive." Hammond tried to convince the young man.
"The very thought that she is alive and left all alone on that island is eating into my gut. I need to go see for myself." Josh pleaded.
"I will see what I can do." Hammond relented.
"Thanks you." Josh replied, turning around to leave the room.
"Josh," Hammond called, causing the said man to turn around, "Do not do anything stupid please."
"Of course." Josh nodded before making his exit.

{ Author's Notes }

Keep in mind that I do not own this book and that I have fixed any spelling errors/sentences that don't seem right throughout the entire books

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