Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

AN: HAPPY NEW YEAR! May all of you have a wonderful year ahead of you!
As much as the holidays have been fun, I am sort of glad to go back to school cause by April 2012, I will be a senior and in my final year! Oh yea!
I have a whole new idea for Ninja in the Big Apple, Inspiration came to me in the shower, Weird I know. Sadly, the end is in sight for The Raptor and I... should I write a sequeal? I have a rough idea but I think it is a bit too out there...Sigh... maybe I will write new stories first?
Still racking my brains for my Red River FF and my Naruto x HP FF. I don't think I will continue My Secret, bad memories when writing... hmm... I have quite a few new story ideas for the New Year.
Thank you SuicuneLuver for the idea of only Rae and Sorin falling ill after eating the mushrooms!
Disclaimer: I do not own Jurassic Park, only the OCs. Is the Plot included?

Hmm... other pack's alpha's Pov

"Keep an eye out. Don't get spotted. Anyone who spots the human female is to inform me. I want her unharmed." I ordered the group of pack members that had followed me on this hunt.
"Yes sir!" They replied before breaking off into their little groups.
Soon, I will find out what is so interesting about that ugly creature that Alpha Sorin is so smitten with. After all, our meeting has been long overdue.

Rae's Pov

My stomach is killing me! Maybe I should not have eaten those mushrooms... but they were delicious... nah, I do not regret eating them. I mean, Sorin ate them too and he is fine.
I was lazing at the nest, rubbing my painful tummy. I have not idea what I ate wrong but it felt like there was a nuclear war going on in my poor tummy. I am entirely sure on the number of times that I had to run to do you know what but I am sure that it was definitely more than my toes and fingers could count.
"You okay Mama?" Marron asked.
"Not really baby. I will probably feel better after I rest for a while. My legs feel like jelly." I replied, throwing an arm over my eyes.
"Okay. Can I go play with the other chicks?" Marron questioned.
"Sure." I replied. I listened until I could not hear his little footsteps anymore and then groaned in pain.
"I was actually going to say 'I told you so' but then, seeing the amount of pain that you are already in, I shall not say anything." A voice chuckled.
"You say that but haven't you already said it." I moaned, turning my head to see Josh squatting next to me.
"Well, I did tell you that those Mushrooms were not edible. But did you listen? Oh No." he grinned.
"I'm going to smack that grin off your face." I threatened.
"Heh! That is if you got the energy to move first." Josh smirked. I glared at him hard.
"If only looks could kill, I would have just died a horrible painful death." Josh said, his smirk growing wide, " Anyway, you aren't the only one in pain. Poor Sorin is in a hell lot of pain too."
"What!' I gasped, shooting up straight, "OW!"
"He is the same world of pain as you." Josh said, pointing his finger right in my face. " After all, his love for you made it impossible for him to reject the mushrooms you asked him to try after the rest of the pack had already refused to even take a bite of them."
"Oh my Gawd! It's all my fault! I have to go apologize to him!" I gasped, scrambling to my feet and running to go find Sorin.
"Sigh... All you heard was that Sorin was in pain and the rest was out the window. You really are an emotion idiot." Josh sighed, running his hand through his hair.
"Oh well. I better get going." He mumbled to himself, walking of in some unknown direction.

Sorin's Pov

Start Flashback

"We're back Mama, Marron!" my mate yelled from next to me.
"Welcome back!" the pack greeted.
"Mama You're home!" Marron cheered, running towards my mate like how all the other chicks were running towards their parents."
"Hey there baby boy. Here is our dinner." I watched as she crouched down to greet Marron and pulled out a piece of meat from the duckbill that we had taken down. The chick was so happy that he snatched his dinner from her hands and was quickly tearing his way through it.
We all settled down to rest after a full meal but my Rae was still full of energy as she went about collect wood. If I recall, she is going to start a fire to cook those mushrooms of hers. It took her a total of fifteen minutes to get her fire going and another twenty for her mushrooms to be cooked.
"They are done! Who wants one!" She cheered, holding a skewer of mushrooms high above her head.
"No thanks. We're full." The pack declined politely. Actually, it is more of no one, me included wanted to eat the strange things, which we do not even know if they are edible, or not.
"Marron you want to try?" She asked Marron who was lazing a few feet away from where we were. He sleepily shook his head no.
"How bout you Josh?" She next asked her fellow human.
"No way! I don't think they are even edible Rae. You shouldn't eat them." He warned.
"They are not toadstools Josh. So they are edible. Sigh... looks like I will have to eat all of these mushrooms by myself." She sighed, looking very down.
Now, I must argue my case. I did not like seeing my mate upset and that was why, against my better judgment, I said this.
"I'll eat it with you." I smiled.

End Flashback

"Well, I really hope it was worth it." Tama chuckled.
"F off!" I snapped, not even bothering to look at him from my position on the ground, it hurts to move.
"Ha! You don't need to hope Tama. Little Bro must be thinking that it was definitely worth it." Leuxs laughed along with Lucus.
"You three are asking for death?" I wanted to threaten but it came out as a groan.
"HAHA!" All three of them burst out in laughter. Someone come and save me. Anyone!
"SORIN! SORIN! OW! SHIT! SHIT! That hurts! SORIN!" I heard my Rae shouting. Gawd! I barely have any energy to answer her. Crap!
"RAE! Lover boy is right here!" the three idiots yelled. I flushed when I heard 'lover boy'.
"I'm seriously going to kill the three of you." I growled with whatever might I could muster.
"You can thank us later little bro." Lucus smirked just as Rae appeared.
"Sorin! I'm so sorry!" she cried, probably looking at me flat on my side on the ground, unable to move a muscle.
"Well, looks like nurse Rae is here." Tama sang as he left with my other two brothers.
"Do you need anything? Water? I don't know what you use for medicine! Do you need anything Sorin!" she rambled in panic.
"I'm okay." I said.
"Of course you're not! Look at you! You are in so much pain! It's all my fault!" She said.
"So what if I am? At least I can share the pain with you." I grinned, ignoring the sharp pain in my stomach. It was worth it as her face started to turn red.
"What.... What are you talking about! The pain must be getting to your head." She stuttered, flushing and looking away.
"You're so.." I started to say but was suddenly cut off by a very loud growling sound.
"Sorry, I got to go." She groaned, running away. Sigh... looks like she needs to go again. She is just so cute! Argh! Damn does it hurt!

Other Raptors' Alphas's pov

Grrr... I have been searching for two hours straight and still no sign of the female creature. Where the hell is she! Does she think it is so easy to sneak into enemies' territory undetected!
"Ah! Stupid stomach!" a voice groaned loudly.
I swerved my head in the direction of the voice, smirking, I slowly went forward. The tall grass parted in front of me as I stalked forward and when I reached the source of the voice I felt like my luck has changed. There right in front of me, with her back towards me was my prey. The two-legged female creature called a human.
"I don't think I can take this anymore..." She groaned, dropping onto the ground and rolling around. What the heck is this creature up too? Does she not have a sense of danger? She continued to roll around until she came to a complete stop right in front of me, of course she could not see me as the tall grass gave me cover but couldn't she smell me?
Anyway, I was not going to look the gift horse in the mouth, I crouched low and pounced right onto my prey. She screamed but with a quick claw to her head and she out like a light. I quickly checked my surroundings to see if anyone had heard the scream and was coming to investigate. Luckily, there was no one, so I picked the female up and ran off to meet my pack at the designated meeting spot. Damn, I love having good luck.

{ Author's Notes }

Keep in mind that I do not own this book and that I have fixed any spelling errors/sentences that don't seem right throughout the entire books

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