Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Disclaimer: I do not own Jurassic Park! Only the OCs.

My life would be perfect only if three things were gone. One was the dolt that my Rae insisted on taking home yesterday. Two was the annoying Eliza that I still do not trust. Lastly was the group of human males roaming around the island. Unfortunately I could not eliminate the first problem without making my precious mate angry, the second one I needed to find out more about her so that leaves the last one to focus on.
"Morning Sorin." My Rae greeted, smiling.
"Morning." I answered, getting up so that she could as well. I watched with a sense of pride as she got up and cradled Marron close to her chest. She really did look like a mother with her chick. Not many females will adopt an orphan chick, especially one as small as Marron. That is one thing that makes me love her even more.
"Rae!" I heard the dolt call my mate. Urgh! I do not know how much longer I can hold myself from murdering her little pet for hogging her attention. Ignoring my mate and her interactions with her pet, I looked around as the rest of the pack woke up for a new day.
"Morning Sorin....." Eliza greeted in a way that she thought was cute but really it was disgusting. Behind her I could see my brothers and sister pretend to gag.
"Ah." I replied, quickly turning away but she did not give up and wrapped her tail around mine rubbing her body close to mine.
"I'm hungry Sorin. Let's go hunt something." She said. I was actually starting to fear this woman and her non-stop approaches. Does she not get the message? I love Rae and Rae only!
"Sorin a word please." My mother called. Thank you mother! Thank You! I quickly unwrapped myself and made my way to my mother .
"Yes mother?" I asked.
"I was wondering what are your plans regarding the humans that are on the island now?" she questioned.
"Of course I will eliminate them if necessary but I would prefer to keep Rae and her pet out of sight until they leave on the their own accord." I answered. I was being truthful; I did not want to put any of my pack members in harm's way unless it was really necessary. The humans would actually be helping kill two birds with one stone if they left the island after taking back the dolt.
"I see. But are you sure that human is safe?" she asked, tilting her head to where my mate sat with the dolt, happily chatting about what to eat. Hmm... that reminds me of something.
"I will keep and eye on him. Do not worry mother. I shall be taking him on this morning's hunt to see how he fairs if he is going to live with us." I answered.
"Alright. I think I will stay here this hunt. I wish to rest." My mother said as she settled back down on her nest. I just nodded in response and went over to where my mate and her pet were.
As I neared, I noticed that Marron was awake and was cuddling in my mate's lap while my mate stroked him. The brat is going to be spoil if she continues to pamper him. By now he should be capable of taking down very small prey but he still relies on my mate and I to provide for him. I shall speak to the both of them about this later. Now I had to prepare for the hunt.
"Rae. Tell your pet that he is joining the hunt. He will have to prove his worth if he is to stay." I told my mate since the dolt could not understand our language.

"Josh. Sorin says that you will be joining the hunt today. You have to do it in order to stay here. You are so lucky! You get to go on a hunt. I have not been on one yet!" I repeated and added on, looking enviously at Josh.
"Hu.....Hunt? Me?" He stuttered.
"Yea!" I replied, before turning to Sorin, "Sorin! Can I join? Please.....Please!"
"No! You are to stay here with mother and the chicks." Sorin replied.
"Aw! But it has already been so long! Please!" I begged.
"No means NO!" Sorin answered simply.
"But.... You need me!" I said.
"Pray tell how do I need you in the hunt?" Sorin sighed.
"Um... You need to me to communicate with Josh!" I exclaimed. I grinned in triumphant, as I knew that I had just won the argument.
"She does have a point Baby brother." Tama the eavesdropper butted in.
"Don't call me Baby brother!" Sorin growled as he stormed away, "Lets go!"
"See you later Sweetie." I said to Marron as I placed him onto the ground, "Come on Josh. Let's go!" Josh scrambled to get up and the two of us followed after Sorin and the other members of the pack that were involved in this morning's hunt.

AN: That's all for now Folks! Hahaha! I will update again this week! Don't worry. Haha. I am already thinking of how the hunt will go. Thanks for all the reviews!

{ Author's Notes }

Keep in mind that I do not own this book and that I have fixed any spelling errors/sentences that don't seem right throughout the entire books

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