Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

AN: Sorry for not updating for this whole while. School has been hectic from 9 all the way to 6 everyday with piles of projects and tests, especially since we have no exams this semester. Anyway, today marks the end of a term and the start of Christmas break. However, I still have 3 projects to do but luckily finally have time to write.
Disclaimer: I do not own Jurassic Park, Only the Ocs and the Plot, well most of it.

Marron's Pov

I am literally on cloud nine right now! I have a MAMA! I lay cuddled on my mama's Lap while she lay in the nest that we share with alpha Sorin. I must say that I am a little worried that alpha Sorin is going to be angry at me for asking Beta Rae to be my mama, after all she is his mate.
"Mama." I called softly.
"Yes Marron?" My mama answered, petting me.
"Do you think if anyone is unhappy about you being my mama?" I whispered.
"Huh? Why do you ask this? Did anyone say anything to you?" My mama questioned.
"No..." I dragged.
"Then why the sudden question baby?" Mama asked, lifting me from her lap to place me at her neck and continued to pet me.
"Because you are Alpha Sorin's Mate and I am an orphan chick." I muttered, tears gathering in my eyes.
"So what if you are an orphan? I said that you are my son and so you are. I do not care what other people say." Mama told me, her reply making me tear even more but I could not cry in front of her. I am her son so I have to be strong.
"Did you know that your mama is also an orphan?" Mama said. I was shocked, I never knew that my mama was just like me!
"Did the bad humans take away your mama and papa too?" I asked.
"I don't know. I have never seen them." Mama replied. Never seen them!
"I am sorry mama." I apologized.
"What are you apologizing for?" she questioned confused.
"For asking about your mama and papa." I answered, snuggling.
"It is okay darling." My mama replied.
"Mama?" I called.
"Hmm.." She mumbled.
"What Happen.." I was going to ask but was cut off when Alpha Sorin suddenly appeared from behind the bushes, I immediately kept quiet.

Sorin's Pov

I was walking to where I had last seen the new mother and son walked to and could not help but to eavesdrop on their conversation. When I heard Marron ask her if anyone in the pack did not like the fact that he asked her to be his mother I was pissed. Who dares to upset my son! Yes, I did say that Marron is our chick, Rae's and my son.
I continued to stand there quietly, mentally thinking through who from my pack could be the biggest suspect for talking bad about my new family when I heard my mate tell our son that she is just like him, a orphan and comforted him. I smiled at the sight in front of me, it was very heartwarming and made me feel very proud of what a good mother my mate made, not that I had any doubt before.
Unfortunately, I had to interrupt their private conversation as it was time to go hunting or dinner and I wanted to ensure that my new family was safe with the pack not off alone god's knows where without me with them.
"Rae, I am going to go hunting with the pack for dinner." I said, stepping out from the bushes. Is it me or did Marron look terrified when he saw me? Hmm.. must be my imagination.
"Oh hi Sorin. Sure, let me get ready." She greeted, slowly sitting up. What! Did she not hear me say 'I'?
"I am going hunting with the pack, YOU and Marron are going to STAY at then NEST." I repeated, stressing the main points of my words.
"What do you mean I'm STAYING at the NEST? I'm going hunting too!" She answered simply.
"You're still injured woman!" I cried, looking at her in disbelief.
"So..." she replied.
"So.... YOU are NOT going hunting. YOU are going to stay at the nest to REST." I emphasized.
"I have been resting for who know's how long already! I am bored! I want to run, hunt, jump, skip and do a whole lot of things!" she cried. I just gave her a pointed look.
"I'm going and that's final. I am perfectly healthy!" She exclaimed, standing right up with Marron hiding behind her legs. What is wrong with the chick? He is acting weird.
"No." I replied.
"Please..." My mate begged, staring up at me with big wide eyes that glistened. Oh don't..... argh.... Puppy eyes.... Must resist... I must....crap... it is just too cute....
"Fine. But you are bringing your human pet along with you. At least I will have an extra pair of eyes on you." I sighed, giving in. Damn the puppy eyes! It should be banned from the face of this earth, if not there should be a rule that women are not allowed to use it! It is too hard to ignore!
"Okay! Come on Marron lets go look for Josh." She cheered, walking off with the chick scurrying behind her. I shook my head in disbelief that I was won over so easily and followed after my family. Mine to protect . Mine to cherish.

Some time later

"I'm singing in the rain.. Oh I'm singing in the rain...."
It is official. I will never understand humans and do think my pack will agree with me. I mean, it is storming and my mate and her human pet are singing. We can barely see 5 feet in front of us, making it almost impossible to hunt and there they are singing.
"Looks like there is still a lot for us to learn about humans eh little bro. Who knew they loved rain so much." Tama commented.
"How they can be so happy eludes me...." I sighed, for what was like the umpteen time since the rain started.
"You know the tune is kind of catchy...." Lucus added before he himself started humming.
"Yea!" Lucian agreed and joined in as well.
"Don't tell me you are going to tell me that it is catchy and start humming along as well." I groaned, looking at Tama.
"Unfortunately for you little brother, I do find it very catchy. So yes, since you suggested it. I shall join them." Tama replied, grinning.
Sigh.... Am I the only sane one out of us four brothers? We continued to prowl the plains for prey but there were none to be found, the humming and singing did not help the situation in any way and was starting to grate on my nerves.
"What are we going to do alpha, there does not seem to be any prey to be found?" A pack member asked.
"I am thinking." I replied. However, with the singing and humming that was going I could not think at all.
"SHUT UP!" I shouted. The singing and humming stopped. Thank god!
"Thank you!" I exhaled, breathing deeply before resuming my thinking.
"Party Pooper!" The noisy people booed, interrupting my thoughts again.
"Do you brats want to starve." I growled, vein twitching on my forehead.
"Starve? We are hunting for dinner aren't we little bro?" Lucus piped up.
"Hunting for a delicious, mouth-watering, scrumptious Dinner to fill our tummies." Lucian added, licking his lips.
"And to feed the rest of the pack back at the nest." Tama smiled.
"And to feed us Humans!" My mate and Josh exclaimed. Sigh... and people tell me I sigh too much... Sigh... can you blame me when you see what I have to deal with everyday?
"Well... we are hunting for dinner but it is pouring so much rain that we can barely see anything within a five feet radius so that means we can't get a delicious, mouth-watering, scrumptious dinner to fill our tummies our the rest of the pack's tummies! We won't even be able to feed you two humans as well!" I roared at them, as they all shrank to chibi-sized figures.
I panted after my outburst as the three idiots that I called my elder brothers, were still cowering in a corner and mumbling about how fierce I was. The two humans seemed fine, especially my mate as she looked like she as deep in thoughts.
"Mushrooms!" My mate suddenly exclaimed. What?
"You sure they are even edible Rae?" Josh asked.
"Of course they are! You think the old man Hammond would plant anything poisonous or dangerous on his island." She replied, brimming with confidence.
"As long as you are sure." Josh replied.
"What is a mushroom?" Tama suddenly asked, appearing right beside me.
"Don't do that!" I hissed, jumping a bit.
"Aw... did I scare you little bro? I think I did..." He teased.
"Who cares! I want to know what is a mushroom!" Lucas said.
"I just want to know if it is yummy!" Lucian added.
"Hey Rae! What's a mushroom?" The two idiots shouted, pouncing on my mate and josh. The rest of the hunting group also started to murmur in curiosity.
"Hey! Don't do that! You could have hurt her!" I snapped and was going to go over to give the two imbeciles a piece of my mine when a claw stopped me. I turned around to see Tama shaking his head in amusement.
"What?" I growled.
"Nothing.." he grinned. I was about to throttle him when my mate called out.
"Hey you two! Keep up otherwise we will leave the two of you behind and keep all the mushrooms all to ourselves!" she shouted, leading the hunting pack in the direction in which we had came from. Tama and I, not wanting to be left behind, quickly ran after them in the search of the mysterious mushrooms.

{ Author's Notes }

Keep in mind that I do not own this book and that I have fixed any spelling errors/sentences that don't seem right throughout the entire books

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