Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Disclaimer: I do not own Jurassic Park. Only the OCs!
AN: I know I know. I have not updated in such a long time! Very Sorry about it. This is all I have for now. I will try to update again before the week is up. I promise.

"We're back!" I greeted, stepping into the nesting area with Sorin and the rest trailing behind.
"Alpha Rae!" I heard Marron squeal as he came running towards me. I picked him up and cradled him.
"I'm glad you are all back safely." Sorin's Mama said. Suddenly, the whole pack became on alert. The chicks were are hiding behind their mothers and the adults were all growling.
"Uh Hi....Uhm just ignore me?" Josh said nervously as he stepped out from the vegetation.
"What is a human doing here?" Alina, Sorin's mother gasped.
"What's a human?" Eliza, piped up but was ignored. (AN: YAY!)
"Rae picked it up along the way." Sorin snorted, heading straight for his nest, right smack in the middle of the nesting area.
"Yea! Funny little bugger it is." Lucas added.
"It is kind of cute in a ugly sort of way, actually." Lexus said.
"It's name is Josh." Dante supplied, nicely.
"No one cares what it's name." Sorin snapped, eyes trained hard on the choice of topic that was being introduced to Marron by Rae.
"Oh dear." Alina sighed.

Over to where Josh and Rae are

"Josh meet Marron. Marron meet Josh." I introduced the two to each other. Marron was being shy as he was squirming in my arms, trying to bury himself under them. Josh on the other hand was just as shy or maybe nervous as his eyes, were busy looking everywhere else except at Marron and I.
"Josh! Josh!" I cried, snapping my fingers in front of his face to get his attention. "Its alright, they won't harm you."
"Says you." Josh replied skeptically.
"Alpha Rae. I want go back to the nest." Marron whined.
"Okay Sweetie. Let's go." I comforted, making my way to where Sorin was. "Come on Josh. Let's go rest."
"Don't leave me!" Josh cried, making sure to stick close to his friend.

I watched as my Rae tried to introduce Marron to the thing that she brought back. Marron was obviously very nervous around the thing and was trying to bury himself under Rae's arms.
I was definitely happy to note that the dolt was a nervous wreck around us. I would pounce onto it in a heartbeat but that would just upset Rae and I did not need that. Marron whined that he wanted to come back to the nest that he now share with both Rae and I. I was elated when my Rae agreed and made her way over to me. Unfortunately, she went and called the thing along and it stuck itself like a newborn chick to her side.
"Rae...." I purred in delight, when I felt my mate lie down next to me. Marron went to make himself comfortable on her lap, leaving her stomach clear for me to rest my head. Good boy. I laid my head on my mate's stomach and pressed my ears as close as possible to her chest so that I could hear her heartbeat and I felt the day's stress ebb away.
That was until I felt the dolt moving to lay down next to my mate. I immediately shot up and hissed at it. Feathers flared. Was this Dolt asking to be killed!
"Sorin." Rae sighed.
"Ask your pet to go sleep somewhere else." I ordered.
"He is not my pet." She answered but I just gave her a 'do-not-argue-with-me' look and she relented.
"Fine. Josh, Sorin here says he wants you to sleep elsewhere. I'm sorry." She said kindly. Pssh! There was not need to be kind, just kick him to one side and be done with it.
"Oh. Oh. Okay. Nah its okay." The dolt stuttered as he got up and moved to the edge of the nesting area. Good riddance! I happily settled myself on my mate and purred in content.
"I'm glad you are happy Sorin..." Rae yawned, " Night."
"Night. I love you." I replied.

"Night." I wished Sorin after he had chased Josh away and replied with that one sound that I did not understand. Oh well... I will find out what it means. One day!

{ Author's Notes }

Keep in mind that I do not own this book and that I have fixed any spelling errors/sentences that don't seem right throughout the entire books

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