Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

AN: Hiya! I know that I have not updated in quite a while but I was running through the general plot of this chapter through head for the best plot. At first, I had no idea what to write, then an idea came then I kept switching ideas. Argh!
Anyway, here is the final idea for this chapter. I hope you all like it. There will be some changes though, in this chapter and for the other chapters onwards, when Rae talks, she will speak Raptor, it will be in bold while normal human speech and thought will still be in normal font.
By the way, Thank you all for Reviews!
Disclaimer: I do not own Jurassic Park, only the OCs.

Somewhere above the Island

"We have arrived." A gruff voice announced to the joy of Josh, who immediately moved from his seat to take a look out the window. There it was, the island that he had escaped almost half a year ago, the island where she, Rae was left stranded on and most likely still alive.
"So tough guy, where is the best place to land?" the pilot asked.
"Uh. If I remember correctly, the landing pad should be just over those mountains." Josh replied.
"Okay. Go back to your seat. We don't need you to go flying out." The pilot ordered. Josh went back to his seat, slightly shaking in fear. Fear of from his last encounter with the dinosaurs, Fear from the chance that the whole reason for this return was already dead.
It had taken Hammond a whole two months from the day that he had went to find him to gather a team of people that were wiling to go to the island. His new teammates were more of extreme hunters that had long grown bored of hunting the usual game and wanted more interesting prizes. Well, beggars cannot be choosy, Josh will just have to make do with them.
Fifteen minutes later, they had already safely landed on the island and were busy unloading their supplies. The two helicopters will remain at this very helipad for them to use when the task was over, so they Rae included could return to civilization.
"All ready boys?" Sam, the lead hunter of the group asked? Twenty or so men, nodded their heads in reply.
"All right! Let's go save the Princess and have some fun at the same time." Sam ordered, being the first to enter the dense forest. Josh walked right behind him, since he had lived before on the island and had a sense of direction.

Back to wherever we last left of with Rae and the Rest...

"Tasha, Have you seen Sorin?" I asked, looking away from the chicks who were all playing in the pool.
"Ah. Sorin? I think he went off with Eliza." Tasha replied.
"Eliza... I see..." I muttered, getting up and walking away, back to the nest. It had already been about six months since I was left alone on this island, within all this time, I had managed to master Raptor speech but there was only one phrase I still could not translate. It sounds like a very low purr, Argh! What the heck does it mean?
"Sorin? Ah! There you are! Hey, wanna practice hunting?" I asked, stepping out of the vegetation, to only see Sorin and Eliza sitting and talking. I shall just ignore her, something with her just did not sit right with me.
"Sorry Rae, can we do that later, I'm going to show Eliza around the lands again." Sorin said, barely even looking away from the raptor in front of him.
"But!.. Never mind." I said, before storming off back into the forest. Eliza this.. Eliza that... Argh! What is so special about her? What is wrong with Sorin? What the heck is wrong with me? Why am I even angry at the mere thought of that Eliza getting so close to Sorin?
Who is Eliza? Well, two weeks ago Sorin and I were by ourselves near the meadows playing when Sorin suddenly said he smelt blood and wanted to check it out. So we went to check it out and there in a pool of blood lay Eliza. Sorin went straight ahead to check on her but I hesitated, do not ask me why but there was something wrong with the picture. I just did not know what!
In the end, Sorin and I brought her back to the nest. Now, two weeks later, she has fully recovered and Sorin was spending ever-single moment with her! He barely spent any time with me! That made me mad for some reason and I could not stand it anymore!
Ah! Who cares! Who needs Sorin! I can just do fine by myself! With that thought in mind, I ran away from the nesting area. I knew where I wanted to go, the Tourist centre and dormitories. I have not been there in about a month! You all know why! Someone whose name stars with a big, capital 'S'.

There was something strange about this Eliza. I could not pinpoint it but so as to not alarm the pack of anything, I have been keeping an eye on her. It of course meant that I have not been spending anytime at all with my Rae, since every minute was spent watching Eliza.
She said that she does not remember where her pack is and how she managed to get injured but I do not buy it. Who knows if she and her pack are a threat to mine? I could tell that my Rae was not happy, hell even the rest of the pack was not happy with me for spending all of my time with a stranger. I mean, who can blame them. From their point of view, I had seemingly dumped Rae for Eliza.
I really hurt for my own family to think that but for their safety and Rae's safety, I have to find out what are Eliza's plans and decide if they are threats to the pack at all.
When my mate came to find me back in the nest and asked if I wanted to take her hunting, it pained me greatly to turn her down. However, her safety and that of the pack is my first priority as Alpha Male. Upon hearing my answer, my Rae stormed away and I knew that she was upset. Hell, anyone could feel the anger and sadness radiating off her, maybe I should... No! I must stay focus!

My room looked exactly like how I had left it the last time I had visited it. Of course, Sorin did not know about it and he never will. I went straight to the shower, oh how I missed it. Normally I would just take a dip in the pool but let's just say that nothing beats a hot shower.
After that treat, I slumped into my soft bed and started to get lost in thoughts. Wait what was that sound? My eyes snapped open and I found myself to be staring at the ceiling. I must have fallen asleep... Wait it is that sound again! I slowly slid of the bed and crept to the door, pressing my ear against it. I mean, it would be really stupid to just fling open the door and give a dinosaur full entrance to my room where it can dine on me.
I anxiously perked my ears but the sound seemed to have disappeared so I slowly opened the door and was met with a empty hallway. Wait! Is that an open door I see? I remember clearly that that particular door was closed when I came. Oh crap, whoever, or what ever had opened the door will surely open this one too!
I immediately scrambled to find a weapon but all I could find was a very old wooden stick that I last used when I first came to the island. Well, I can't complain if I want to live. The door of the room next to my banged opened, so I only had minutes to spare. I squashed myself as much as possible behind the door, arms raised high above my head with the stick in hand.
I could hear my heart pounding in my chest and my breaths labored. Slowly, the handle of the door bent downwards and I gripped the stick harder. Hope there were no splinters. Something/Someone stepped into the room and I brought the stick down as hard as possible.

{ Author's Notes }

Keep in mind that I do not own this book and that I have fixed any spelling errors/sentences that don't seem right throughout the entire books

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