Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

AN: Hello! I am terribly sorry for the very long disappearance. I have been spending the past few weeks recovering from a flu that has now became some infection of the lungs.... Anyway, I am trying to catch up with school work! Can you all believe it ! I am in my second year already! How time flies, I can still remember my first day of school!
I am so happy that so many people like my story! Stupidest thing about me is that I already have the ending of the story but the parts leading up to that is still hazy. One thing though that many of you all will not be happy about is that I am not going to kill Josh off.. Sorry but he is important for both the plot and the ending. So please bear with him and me!
Disclaimer: I do not own Jurassic Park, only the OCs.
Recap: When it is bold it is in Sorin or the Raptor's pov or Rae is speaking Raptor. Normal font is in Rae's or someone, like Josh's pov.

"Rae!" the four male raptors roared as they made their way through the dense vegetation, searching for the one human that belonged with their pack. They had already been searching for a couple of hours but there was still no sign of their missing sister, well sister to three of them and mate of one very worried, anxious, annoyed and royally pissed off Sorin.
"Where did you go? Those filthy humans better not have laid a hand on you!" I growled mentally, ignoring the ache in my muscles and pushed my legs to run faster.
They were near the waterfall when my nose caught scent of my favourite scent in the world but another breath made my heart grow cold. The scent of a male. A HUMAN male.
"Uh oh..." Lucas and Lexus mumbled, casting a worried glance at their younger brother and Alpha male. Dane did not say anything but casted a glance at his leader.
There was something very familiar about this male scent... I know I had smelt it before... but from where? Argh! Who cares, when I get my claws into this male, there will be nothing left of him that is for sure. I motioned for my brothers and Dane to follow me and we slowly crept forward, nearer and nearer to the waterfall.
There near the water's edge was the one thing that I treasured the most, Rae, she was bent over drinking water from the pool below the waterfall. The male scent was strong but there was no sign of anyone besides my mate.
"Well looks like she is okay." Lexus sighed.
"Yea. All that fuss for nothing." Lucas said. Dane just nodded in agreement.
I also nodded in relief; I could literally feel my heart unfreeze now that I found my precious Rae before any of the human males. She must have gone somewhere the humans had been and had picked up their scent.
"WATER BOMB!" a loud voice shouted as a figure dashed out of the thick vegetation from the right of us and jumped straight into the water causing a small tsunami to appear, soaking everything that was within a 3 feet radius.
"What the?" Lexus spluttered.
"Or maybe I was wrong." Lucas corrected himself.
I could not help but growl at the sight before me. There floating in the middle of the pool was a human male and at the edge of the pool was my mate that was thoroughly soaked and did not look happy at all. Well she was not the only one.
"Hey whose that?" Lexus asked, pointing at the human male.
"That would be a human male. Dimwit." Lucas answered, rolling his eyes.
"Hey I know that but how does he know Rae?" Lexus replied, snappily.
"By the looks of it. Someone that she is very close too. Maybe a brother or mate?" Dane suggested.
"That is nothing but a dead two-legged freak!" I growled, having enough of watching my mate play with the human. They were both now in the water and playing happily with each other. I sprinted forward, knowing that my brother and pack mate would follow.

The water was delicious after an hour track through the forest. If I was not wrong and on the correct path, we would reach the nest very soon. Hopefully it would be before Sorin burst a vein... Yea right, like he would care, he has his Eliza now.
Sigh...what am I doing? Josh was here now and I could go back to humanity but why was I hesitating? Why was I even entertaining the thought of staying here forever?
"WATER BOMB!" I heard Josh yell before I felt what was a mini tsunami hit me.
"Josh!" I screamed, dripping with water from head to toe, glaring at the big dimwit who was happily swimming in the water.
"What? The weather is hot! Come on in! The water is just fine!" Josh offered.
I just stood there but after a few seconds, I jumped into the cool inviting water with him. We were engaged in a water fight and I was loosing, Josh was driving me into a corner and water was relentlessly splashing into my face making it hard to breath.
Suddenly, a shadow cast itself over me and the splashes ceased. I saw a look of fear cross Josh's face as he pointed at something behind me. I was going to turn around when a jaw clamped itself around my shoulder and lifted me clean out of the water.
"Argh!" I screamed as I was lowered gently to the ground but I stopped when I saw who it was. There before me was Sorin and boy did he not look happy.
"Sorin!" I exclaimed, breathless, "Don't scarce me like that."
"Argh!" I heard Josh scream and turned to see him scrambling away from his gun that was being stepped on by Lexus. Lucas and Dane were surrounding him.
"Hey! Don't hurt him!" I shouted.
"Pray tell why we should not? He is a human." Sorin spat
"I'm human too Sorin. You going to hurt me?" I asked, staring him in the eye.
"You of all people should know that I would never hurt you" Sorin growled.
"What do we do with this human brother?" Lucas asked.
"You do anything and I will make sure you feel pain Lucas. And that applies to you three as well." I threatened, I would not let any harm come to the my friend.
"Really? And what do you plan to do with him? Leave me!" Sorin shouted.
"What? No..I mean Yes... Argh I do not know but not now that is for sure." I groaned, annoyed with myself for being torn between the two choices. Should it not be easy to choose?
"So you do plan to leave me! After all the time we have spent together!" Sorin yelled.
"Time! Time! You of all people should know that the one person that you have been spending all your time with is Eliza!" I started to shout, I did not understand why but hearing him question the time we spent together when he has been spending it all with the new raptor.
"That is not the issue here now!" Sorin answered
"Oh how is it not? At least with Josh, I know that he will spend his time with me." I replied.
"You have the rest of the pack to keep you company!" Sorin growled.
"Well, I want Josh to keep me company too!" I yelled.
"No! I will not have this human pest near the pack or the nest!" Sorin roared.
"Then we will go elsewhere to camp! I am not leaving him out here alone! His companions could jolly well have been dinner for the T-Rex!" I announced.
"You will come back to the nest with us! The pest can die for all I care!" Sorin ordered.
"I can't believe you are even saying such a thing! Either he comes back to the nest with us or I am going with him to camp somewhere else! Josh will not harm the pack! Or give away its location!" I begged. One could really see the wheels turn in Sorin's had before he finally answered.
"Fine! The pest can come but he leaves his weapon." Sorin finalized.
"Thank You!" I replied, giving him a hug before getting up.
"Rae.. as entertaining as it was to watch you speak raptor could you tell me what is going on?" Josh asked.
"Sorin says you can come with us to the pack and nest but you cannot bring the gun." I replied, wringing out my clothes.
"What! No no no no... I am not leaving behind my gun," Josh stuttered.
"Come on Josh. I promise you that it is totally safe." I assured him, "Please... trust me!"
"Oh Alright." Josh relented.
"Yay! Let's go!" I said happily, grabbing one of Josh's arm and wrapping my other around one Sorin's claw, I started to drag them to the best of my ability into the dense vegetation.

"Well, that was interesting..." Lucas trailed off.
"Hahahaha! Sorin is hen pecked! Hahahaha" Lexus said through hysterical laughter.
"I agree. Let's go." Dane added, before following their Alpha male, his human mate and the human male. The three of them knew that the fun was only just beginning.

{ Author's Notes }

Keep in mind that I do not own this book and that I have fixed any spelling errors/sentences that don't seem right throughout the entire books

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