Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

AN: Happy New Year! I wish all of you the best year of your lives!

Once again Thank you all of those that reviewed my Story. For those that asked what was the name of the main male raptor, well this chapter will finally reveal it. There was one of the reviewers who asked why the raptors did not try to escape, well, they know that if they escape, they would have to get past the electrical fences that surround the enclosure and even if they do, they need some form of cover like a storm or something to achieve this.

Time to go to the story. Reminder, I do not own Jurassic Park, only the OCs.


The rest of the week flew by and I had spent them in the Raptor enclosure repairing the mess that the Alpha male raptor had created. Funny thing was that over that period of time, I believe that I had became his friend. He would be waiting at the door when I entered, spent the whole day following me around and would even send me off at the end of the day. 

During the time that we spent together, he never even made a single move to harm me and even helped me out a few times by handing me tools and helping me dig holes. I gradually started to see the raptor as a friend and no longer feared him at all, I trusted him to help me watch out for the other raptors as I worked. I even named him! He is now called Sorin and responds whenever I called him.

I never told anyone about my new friendship with the raptor, not even Josh since his first encounter with Sorin was not exactly very friendly. Anyway, today was a very important day as Mr. Hammond was going to arrive with his very first batch of guests, that he personally invited to be the first to explore Jurassic Park. From what I recalled, his guests consisted of the professor Alan Grant, his fellow colleague, a lawyer, a mathematician and Hammond's own grandchildren, Tim and Alex.

Simon wanted Josh and I to take care of Tim and Alex when they arrived until they went on the tour, with the rest of their grandpa's guest the next day. So now, Josh and I were on our way to the helipad to pick up the kids, who had just arrived.

"Hello. You guys must be Tim and Alex. I am Rae and this guy here is Josh. We will be your guides till your grandfather arrives later on in the evening." I smiled in welcome.

"I think you are scaring them." Josh whispered to me when I was ignored by the two kids in front of me. I 'accidentally' stepped on his toes as the four of us boarded the jeep and made our way to the visitors' center.

We spent the whole afternoon following the hyperactive Tim, who had insisted on exploring the whole of the visitors' museum. Alex just followed behind her brother quietly, not really interested and a little scared. Finally, Arnold radioed us to tell us to bring the children back to the main entrance of the visitors' center as Hammond has arrived with his guests.

Tim and Alex flew into Hammond's arms when they spotted him, Josh and I stood at the side, unsure how to act in front of he guest but Hammond saved us as he started to introduce us to them one by one.

"My dear Gentlemen and Lady. I present to you my two Gardeners and assistant park wardens. This strong man here is Josh while this cute little lady here is Rae." Hammond said with a wide smile. Me cute? Well that's a first. No one had called me that before.

"Hello." The whole group greeted. Hammond invited them to tea before he started the brief tour on the history of the park. Josh and I were allowed to go back to our duties, so we went to take a stock check of the four green houses located throughout the whole island. After we were done, we went for dinner and retired for the day. Tomorrow was a big day, as everything had to be in working order for the very first tour of Jurassic Park.

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