A scream for help as silent as a whisper

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The rain continues to pour as I walk away from the car, leaving Jungkook stunned and speechless. The words linger in the air, heavy with the weight of my confession. I know I shouldn't have said it, but the pain, the frustration, and the hurt burst out of me like an uncontrollable torrent.

I keep walking, not looking back, not daring to witness the aftermath of my revelation. The rain blends with the tears on my face, masking the pain that refuses to be concealed. Every step feels like a mile, as if I'm trying to escape not just from the rain but from the reality of my unrequited feelings.

Jungkook remains in the car, perhaps paralyzed by my unexpected admission. The car engine starts again, and I can hear it driving away, leaving me alone in the rain-soaked street. The world around me seems to blur as my emotions swirl in a tumultuous storm.

When I reach home, or the semblance of it—a desolate space devoid of warmth and waiting—I find solace in the kitchen. The clock ticks towards midnight, my phone silent, a cruel reminder of unanswered messages. The isolation intensifies.

Desperate for comfort, I decide on a mug of hot chocolate. The warmth offers a fleeting respite until a sudden thunderclap startles me. The mug shatters on the floor, the hot liquid seeping into the cracks. I clean the mess, hands shaking, and, in the unfortunate turn of events, cut myself on the broken shards.

The wound bleeds heavily, I walk to the sink and clean the wound. After cleaning, a shower follows, the water providing a sanctuary, cleansing both body and soul.  I start crying again, tears merging seamlessly with the water. The clock mocks me with its unrelenting march to morning. I lie down, eyes closing against the harsh reality. 

The alarm rings, and I wake up. I grab a sweater and jeans. So that the cut is covered.I skip my breakfast and start walking to school with music as my shield. A detour takes me to my favorite coffee shop, where the aroma of caramel coffee momentarily lifts the weight off my shoulders. As I walk back to school, the caffeine-infused warmth battles the chill, a meager defense against the frigid reality I face.

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