Judge me if you know the whole story

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I find myself in the hospital cafeteria, engaged in a non-stop conversation with Eve. She's a new friend, having just moved here due to her mother's battle with cancer. Our connection feels instantaneous, as if we've known each other forever. After sharing the story of what happened on the bridge, Eve seems more at ease with me. I'm happy to have a friend of my own. She starts in my school next week!

The boys, excluding Jungkook, join us, interrupting our lively chatter. His absence is both painful and oddly relieving—I'm not ready to face him yet. Lost in my thoughts, I hear Suga say, "Look who has made a new friend." Tae adds, "No hey or guys, what are you doing here?" Jin playfully slaps V, and Suga, unusually interested, remarks, "Who is this cute girl here?" Eve introduces herself, and the boys follow suit.

Uninterested in their banter, I decide to go to my room. As I leave, Jin calls after me, "Hey, where are you going?" I reply, "To bed, I'm tired." Jin decides to accompany me, and we walk in silence to my room. "So... You want—" I cut him off, stating, "I didn't jump, if that's what you want to know." Jin hugs me, and he assures me, "You can always talk to me, okay?" I can sense his regret for any pain he caused me. "I know," I respond, and we continue walking in silence.

"How is..." I begin, but I can't bring myself to say his name. Jin understands and answers, "He is fine. You startled him, but he's glad you're okay." Confusion crosses my face. If he's glad, why isn't he here? Too afraid to ask, I start to question, "Are they..." but Jin sighs, "I don't know. He's been distant lately." "Why?" I inquire, but Jin insists, "I don't know, but it's none of your concern. Right now, you just need to rest." Jin resumes his mothering role. As we walk in silence again, he suddenly shares, "You don't know how strong you are." I meet his gaze. "Even angels can fall," I say with a sad smile. "Goodnight, princess," he wishes, and I my response is a big yawn, "Goodnight, Jinnie."

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