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I eagerly open the box, revealing a comforting slice of pizza – exactly what I need in this moment. As I enjoy the slice, I observe the people around me. Some pass by, giving me curious glances, while others purposefully detour, avoiding me. How pathetic.

After lunch, I head to my next class, coincidentally it is one with Jungkook. The pounding music in my ears shields me from the outside world; just me and my thoughts.

Entering the classroom, I take a seat at the back, hopefully avoiding Jungkook. However, my plan fails. He is late, giving the teacher an excus about visiting the principal. The teacher instructs him to sit next to me, prompting an audible internal groan – "Fuck."

Our interaction during the class is minimal, a mere exchange of a few sentences or monosyllabic responses. The atmosphere is tense, and the hour feels like an eternity. We're becoming experts at mutual avoidance, not giving eachother a single glances.

The tension lingers even after the bell rings. As I leave the classroom, Jin and Suga notice my expression, and Jin shoots me a disappointed look. What did he expect? That we become friendss again after one shared class? It doesn't work that way.

Heading to my locker, I stash my books and proceed to the detention class. Staring blankly out of the window, I watch raindrops fall down, lost in my own thoughts. When the bell rings, I stand up and leave, my mind still clouded.

Walking home, music becomes my companion, helping me navigate the storm of emotions. Music helps me a lot, it brings me rest and helps me distress when I'm overwhelmed.

When I get home, I prepare some ramen. After eating, I dedicate myself to my homework, compensating for the time I spent in detention looking at the rain. I yawn, glancing at the clock – it's half past eight. Too early to sleep. I turn on the TV, my favorite movie, Suicide Squad. As the movie ends, I head to the bathroom, completing my nightly routine before changing into pajamas. I close my eyes and surrender to the embrace of sleep.

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