Tenerife Sea

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The day of the ball arrives, and my nerves are on edge. Without a date, I start getting ready, slipping into a beautiful dress and applying a touch of makeup. The fabric feels soft against my skin, and the makeup enhances my features just right. As I descend the stairs, the anticipation builds. I spot a silhouette at the bottom, and to my delight, it's Jungkook.

"Would you be my date?" he asks sheepishly, his eyes hopeful. A genuine smile spreads across my face, and my heart skips a beat. "Gladly," I respond, our fingers intertwining. Hand in hand, we enter the kitchen where the boys and Eve are waiting. The atmosphere is filled with excitement, and Suga and Eve look stunning in their together. We head to the cars, the anticipation growing with every step.

Arriving at school, the venue is transformed into a fairytale setting. Decorations adorn the halls, and the air is filled with a sense of magic. Inside, Mulan catches my eye, looking radiant with her date. We grab some punch, and the lively chatter of students surrounds us as we take a seat at a large table. V and Jimin hit the dance floor with their dates, their joy contagious. Meanwhile, RM and I engage in a conversation, the anticipation for the night building.

Suddenly, Jungkook leaves without a word, leaving me perplexed. As I glance at Jin and Eve, they exchange knowing looks, hiding smiles. Something mysterious is ahead. I try to follow Jungkook's movements with my eyes, but he seamlessly disappears into the crowd. When he returns, I hear it – the familiar melody of the song I played in the music class when they walked in. A small, nostalgic smile plays on my lips; he remembered. Jungkook stands in front of me, his gaze intense. "Would you like to have this dance with me?" he asks, the sincerity in his eyes drawing me in. Without hesitation, I say yes, and we move to the dance floor, surrounded by other students but lost in our own silent world.

As we dance, the enchanting atmosphere around us deepens, and the night takes on a dreamlike quality. The quiet moments between us become a canvas painted with the music in the background. The world fades away, leaving only the two of us in this magical moment.After a while, Jungkook breaks the silence, saying, "You took it." Confused, I inquire, "Took what?" Understanding dawns on me. "You took my hand." He reveals that he was the one who saved me, and a mix of gratitude and emotion washes over me. Before I can respond, he suggests, "Let's get out of here." We head to the exit, leaving the crowded room behind, escaping into the quiet night.

We step out into the open, and I suggest a surprise destination, leading him to the metro station. The city sleeps peacefully under the moonlit sky. I look at the board, and with a sense of spontaneity, I go buy two tickets. "Since when do you buy two tickets?" the amused seller, George, asks. "Since now," I answer, stealing a glance at Jungkook, whose eyes sparkle with curiosity. George chuckles, and I return to Jungkook with the tickets, a playful glint in my eyes.Jungkook, growing impatient, asks where we're going, but I keep it a surprise. The metro ride is a brief interlude, and as we exit, we walk for fifteen minutes, reaching the beach. The sound of waves crashing against the shore fills the air, and the moonlight paints a silver sheen across the sand.

"Why are we here?" Jungkook wonders, scanning the surroundings. I reply with a mysterious smile, "It's a surprise." We find a spot on the sand, sitting side by side. The starry sky above us and the soothing sound of the waves create a serene backdrop. Jungkook's gaze reflects a mix of curiosity and wonder, making me wonder what he sees in this tranquil moment.

"If you could do everything all over again, would you change anything?" he asks, breaking the quietude. I take a moment to reflect, realizing that every twist and turn led me to this point. "No, I would do it all over again, just to feel some things twice," I respond, my gaze meeting his with a sense of certainty.

Looking into his eyes, I smile, and he leans in. Our lips meet in a sweet, passionate kiss, a culmination of unspoken emotions. As we pull away, foreheads resting against each other, he whispers, "Do you know why I kissed you?" I ask, "Why?" He answers with heartfelt simplicity, "Because I love you."

In that moment, beneath the starlit sky and the moon's gentle glow, I realize this is not the end but the beginning of our story.

"The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just have to find the ones worth suffering for."

 - Bob Marley

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