You got me, I got you

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The car ride isn't long, but it feels like hours. I'm still nervous despite what Jin said. Finally, the car comes to a stop. We all get out, and J-Hope and V eagerly open the door, rushing to help us get my stuff into the house. "Hey, people," J-Hope greets with a playful grin. "Hey, Hope and Tae," I respond, and the others join in with their greetings. Jungkook approaches the car. "Let me help you," he says, taking the box I was carrying. I mumble a small "Thank you."

It takes us ten minutes to get all my stuff inside the house and into my room, and in the end, all the boys chip in to help. "Hey, my mom just texted me, I have to go. See you at school tomorrow?" Eve announces, typing a text message to her mother. "Yeah, see you then," I reply. Suga decides to drive her home. After they leave, an awkward silence forms. I decide to break it. "I'm going to my room to unpack," I say before disappearing upstairs. "Wait, I'll help you," Jin says, running after me.

I enter my room, all the walls are olive green .My room isn't that big, but it has everything I need; there is already a single bed, a bedside table, a wardrobe, and a desk in the bedroom—the boys used it as a spare bedroom. Suga shares a room with J-Hope, which is opposite mine. Jin and RM sleep in the room next to mine. 

I start unpacking, placing my clothes in the wardrobe and my personal items on my desk or nightstand. Jin helps me, and we don't talk much. I hear the front door open downstairs. A few minutes later, there's a small knock on my door. The door opens a crack before swinging open completely. "Hey, I'll help her further. The boys are hungry, and it's your turn to cook," Suga says, walking into my room. "Then I'll go," Jin says and leaves.

Suga and I are left alone in my new room. He opens a box and sees the photograph. He takes it carefully, afraid to break it or let it fall. "You still have this? I miss them. I should have been there for you. I'm sorry," he says, tears escaping his eyes. I go to him and give him a big hug. "It's okay. I've got you now." He looks me in the eyes. "I made myself a promise, made them a promise, that I would look after my little sister. That I would always have your back. I broke that promise." We're both crying now. "You didn't break it, believe me. There was nothing you could have done," I assure him, avoiding his gaze.

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