Female!Reader X Laughing Jack (Creepypasta)

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Suggested by AmyMayKit
Don't play the song until I tell you to!!!
I am sorry if you have schizophrenia and I wrote it wrong. I have no idea how it works and I'm trying.
Soulmate Au: Clock- you have a digital timer on your wrist counting down to the second you meet your soulmate.
Extra: reader has schizophrenia warning I don't know much about it.

Y/N couldn't help it, the feeling of eyes watching her every second. It was something she had delt with for a while and didn't care about. The timer on her wrist was also something that she didn't care about.
She didn't want a soulmate.
The things she wanted were unclear, but she understood that a soulmate was something utterly useless to her. Even though she thought this she couldn't help but worry.
What would her soulmate say?
What would they do?
Would they reject her?
Would they walk on by as if it were nothing?
These thoughts came to her at least twice a week. Every time she would find herself unable to sleep and would wander the streets lost in thought. She would wake the next day and most of the time found herself outside a park or her house.
This time, however, she found herself in front of a carnival. The carnival was nothing special. This was not a place she herself enjoyed compared to her home or the park, it was a loud, upbeat, crowded land. To say the least she was not fond of it. Yet she found herself walking in, thinking it was a park like normal. When she found the middle she fell to the ground and passes out, waiting for sunrise.

It was a bit passed sun down as Lj watched the (h/c) haired females eyes widen and her body shoot up in surprise. He chuckled lowly from his hiding spot before teleporting to a different tent a bit closer to the woman. 'Well well. A new lamb for my enjoyment' he thought darkly keeping his eyes on the (s/c) woman.
He watched the girl stumble a bit as she got up and as she proceeded to look around in confusion, then he heard a voice. "What the hell?" The woman had spoken with such an angelic voice that Lj thought of not killing her for a second. Then he shook his head and analyzed her. She had (h/l) (h/c) hair framing her face beautifully, (e/c) eyes that glowed with confusion, a small nose and lips with (freckles/no freckles), a large baggy (f/c) sweater with blue jeans and (f/c) converse.
After analyzing her he watched as her eyes widened with fear and she darted her eyes around the area. Her voice called out again, "Is-" she sucked in a breath "Is someone there?"
Had she seen him? She couldn't have he was hidden.

You darted your eyes around then calmed down. You blamed it on your schizophrenia for now and started walking around in hopes of an exit.
As you walked around the more the feeling of eyes on you increased. This was not helping anything. You looked down at your wrist when you felt a pain shoot up your arm. You pulled up your right sleeve and looked at your timer. 'Oh shit'


This was not good. You were either going to meet your soulmate in the creepy ass carnival or outside the creepy ass carnival... great.
You stayed there looking at it for a bit before you went back to your earlier objective, remove yourself from the creep zone.
The anxiety that coursed through you as you walked made it hard not to run. The timer had gone down a lot and you were nowhere near an exit at this point.
The timer had been the thing distracting you the most. Why, of all days, would today be the day you would meet your destined? You didn't want to meet your destined anywhere, but why here? As this thought came to mind you bumped into something and fell down. "Ow fucking wall thing." You cursed at the pole in front of you.
(Play the song now)
You froze in fright, there was a low chuckling sound behind you. You whipped around to find a tall man creature covered in black and white with pointy teeth and a long swirled black and white cone like nose. You didn't have time to check the rest of his appearance before you heard a jack in the box song from under you. Your fucking timer.


It showed as it yelled at you with the creepy song and all you wished was that you could chop it off. You couldn't look away from your destined. "Motherfucker" You stated before flopping to the ground. This world just destined you to be with a creepy bastard dressed in all black and had pointy ass fucking teeth. Damn it.

Lj seemed to freeze as you fell back. 'What the hell' he had thought. 'She sees me and a ringing goes off and she lays down? What kind of idiot-' he was cut off from his thoughts by the (b/t) woman getting up and looking at him.
"So your the one. Thought I would get someone eh less you." She had paused in her speech for a second.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Lj asked with a sneer.
She looked at him as if he were crazy before holding up her wrist with a timer on it marked at zero all the way across. "We're soulmates." She stared blandly before putting her hand back down. Lj seemed to ponder for a moment before his eyes shot wide.
"OH! Right, I forgot that humans have those."

953 words (damn thought I wrote more)
Hey everyone who might be reading!
Srry to the individual who requested this, I had a bit of a time trying to figure out the schizophrenia thing.
It took awhile.
The song idea for the timer was a bit of a last minute touch, Srry.
Can't wait for the next request!
I'll try to be faster on it!

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