Female! Reader X Tamaki Amajiki (BNHA)

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(H/n)- hero name
Requested by Tiredmochiuwu
Soulmate AU: Timer- you have a timer counting down to how long you have until you meet your soulmate on your wrist.
Extra: readers quirk is life, can transfer any wound from life threatening to a scratch from someone and put it on herself. Takes place after high school.

Readers POV
Almost everyone in the world is born with a quirk, some are strong some are weak. Some are healers some are hurters. Some are heroes some are civilians. But the only thing that never changed was that everyone has a soulmate. Sure there are many different ways someone can find them, but they still have one.
And you? You had one of course, a timer on your wrist kinda pointed to that conclusion. And it made you happy, that there was someone out there that at some point would love you.
You'd seen a lot of people that gave up on soulmates and settled down with someone. And that almost derailed your optimism in finding your one. Almost. Your mom had quickly knocked out any doubts by the age of eleven. She was a hero, so it made sense that she was a good parent and role model.
Though not good enough for you to agree to becoming a hero full time. You had gone to UA and became a hero, but you never did much.

You found yourself walking home from the store, some bags with a couple items like spices and canned peaches. You were humming softly, the area around you lit by the street lamps and the many buildings.
You were still in Esuha city and it would take you about maybe half an hour to get home by walking. Yet you nodded to a beat in your head of a song you had stuck in your head, not caring to stress.
You're humming and nodding stopped as a huge explosion happened down a street a but away from you. You stopped to look down, finding three people.
Two heroes and one villain, the heroes looking beat and the villain making a get away. You put your bags down and flipping the hood of your hero costume, which you had yet to take off, up. Pushing a button on the inside a visor like contraption fell down, pushing it again and you got heat vision and a quick look on the condition of each person.
The villain was running away from a dangerously hurt hero and a not so severely hurt hero. You smiled and ran forward, grabbed the villain by the wrist and tossed him to the ground.
Quickly you grabbing some canceller cuffs and slapped them on as fast as you could. He struggled for a second before realizing he couldn't do anything. You pulled out a short chain and hooked him to a pole.
Then you ran over to the two heroes. "He's hurt! Badly, please, call an ambulance!" The second hero called out. He had spiky red hair that went up in some sort of defying gravity style.
"Put him down slowly, careful careful." You directed the red haired hero. He nodded, trusting your judgement for some reason.
You removed some of the cloth from around a large gash in his torso, giving you a clear view of the wound. You put your hands down, your wrist down glowing a bright yellow as it spread to his wound. "Shit shit. This won't do much." You looked away for a second to the other hero. "Names (h/n), I need you to grab a needle and thread from the pocket on my right. Think you can do that?" You asked, your attention now back on the wound.
The red haired hero nodded, "I'm Red Riot! Thank you so much, but are you allowed to use your quirk?" He asked handing you the needle and thread.
You scoffed, "I don't give a damn if I'm not aloud to use my quirk. If I don't do this he'd probably be dead!" Red Riot laughed nervously and nodded his head slightly, watching you do your thing. You stitched his wound the rest of the way, wincing at the wound now inflicted on yourself.
Red Riot noticed, and pushed you to sit down. You nodded at him in thanks, "my quirk kinda likes putting me in danger hah." You laughed nervously as you now stitched your half of the wound.
"Are you a hero?" Red riot asked, checking the wound his friend had.
"Oh yea. I'm not big time news but I'm useful I guess?" You laughed lightly, finishing up the stitches painfully. You didn't have tome to do a better job, right now the other hero needed to go to a hospital and that villain needed to be brought in. "I'd love to chat, Red but this guy needs some blood and he needs some police. See ya around?" You asked, picking the villain up and turning back to him as he picked up his friend and followed you.
"Yeah, this is Suneater! I bet he'd like to thank you if he were awake right now!" He offered, smiling brightly at you.
You smiled back, "nah, I don't much enjoy being thanked that much." You said as you gave the villain to the cops and started filling them in on what had happened and some other legal stuffs.

It had only been a day after when you had noticed that your timer had gone off, you freaked out and almost cried when you found that you had missed your chance. You'd even retracted your steps and couldn't even remember looking at it once that day.
But then you got a call, from that Red Riot guy. You didn't much care but your mom had forced you to talk to him. "Hello?" You asked, unsure about talking to him.
Hey, it's Red Riot, or Kirishima? Suneater really wants to meet you, do you think you can meet us down at the market? The hero cafe maybe?" He was quick and precise, jumping straight to what he wanted.
"Uhh sure? Should I be in hero costume or?" You asked just to be sure.
"No need! Just come as your normal civillian self!" He said before hanging up and leaving you to panic. You sighed, not letting the stress show.
You hummed as you picked out a shirt with the hero fatgum on it and some jeans. Grabbing your phone, and checking the time you walked outside and started the walk down to the cafe.
You didn't understand why he'd want to meet you, of course you saved him but who cares.

You made it to the cafe and walked in, finding the signature red hair as well as the indigo duck hair. You sighed and walked over, "yo. I'm here." You said waving to the two of them.
Red Riot smiled even brighter, "it's nice to see you again! This is Tamaki, he wants to meet you and I have to work soon so I'll be going!" He explained before getting up and walking out of the cafe.
You looked to the shy guy and smiled as you sat down. He blushed brightly, still nervous as ever. "What is it?" You asked calmly, looking around at the decor before finding yourself back on him.
"Uh umm... I-I th- oh god think... we're soulmates?" He questioned as you looked at your wrist to the timer that held the time 0:00.
"That does make sense, mine stopped sometime yesterday and I couldn't figure out when." You looked back to him and smiled brightly, him trying to get his as bright before giving up. You laughed at yourself,
"i-I'm so sorry if y-you don't wanna-want me, I-I-I woul-wouldn't want m-me either... I'll j-just leave.." he said dejected at the sight of your laughing at him.
"Hon, I'm not laughing at you! Happy to finally meet my love, (Y/n) (L/n) at your service!" You introduced yourself and waited on him as he squeaked out his own name.

Saying that day was a miracle was just a bit oversimplified, more like a dream, a very very lovely and stutter filled dream.

1362 words! Wooooo
I like this one!!!
Readers personality kinda fucked
But oh well 😔
Thank you for requesting this, I needed some Amajiki in my life.
Though i feel I didn't do him justice, I'm going to ignore my doubts and just be happy that I finished faster than two weeks......
Doubts don't exist.

Thx for reading!

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