Reader x Kiyoko Shimizu (Haikyuu)

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Yo! I'm sorta back, I guess. I'm working on multiple stories to get my mind back into the whole writing thing. I'll post them as I finish them, this is one of many HaikyuuXReader I have planned. I hope you enjoy, if something's wrong like personalities or gramma I apologize.
Soulmate AU: Whenever someone describes your soulmate, the words they say will appear in a special journal. Only you are allowed to look at this journal.
Extra: reader doesn't like physical contact with strangers, though isn't afraid of it.

Readers POV
You, (Y/n) (L/n)was just given a journal. It was tattered and very destroyed, but you couldn't help but admire the battered thing. "This will describe your soulmate, don't lose it." Your mother said, leaning over your shoulder.

That was when you were about ten, the age where everyone was gifted their own soulmate journal. That night you had looked in it, curiosity overtaking your will. You weren't surprised to see nothing.
However, now in high school, you were tempted to kill the thing. There was one word. Only one. Not even a sentence, one word that describes your destiny. Goddess, your soulmate could only be described as a goddess. You kinda wished that you just didn't have a soulmate by now, and in all honesty you didn't want to meet them. If they were really that gorgeous, then people would be flocking them all the time and you didn't want that trouble.
You looked up from your journal, taking notes was so boring. You sighed as the bell went off, releasing you from the torture. "Yo, (Y/n)-Chan. You should come watch me play today!"
Oh right. Hinata, your childhood friend. "Hinata, I told you already. I don't have time, maybe tomorrow." You looked up at the orange haired moron. He was pouting, down on his knees. You just sighed and shook your head. "I said no, that's final." With that you pulled out your food, and began eating.
"You know what, (Y/n)-Chan. tomorrow no matter what, you are going to watch me play, I'll drag you down there myself." Hinata declared smiling at you with closed eyes. You groaned and continued eating, Hinata leaving the classroom and to the gym.

The next day, walking to school. "(Y/N)-CHAN! YO! (Y/N)-CHAN! WAIT UP!" You already knew who it was, Hinata. He pulled up beside you on his bike, smiling brightly. "You ready to watch me play?" He asked still peddling forward, you couldn't help but groan.
"Sure, why not. Don't have a choice anyway." You mumbled the last part.
He didn't seem to catch it and could only smile brighter and ride beside you. "You won't be disappointed! My friend is finally meeting my other friends, I'm so happy!" He said as he put his bike safely on a bike rack, locking it there so no one stole it. "I'll see you later (Y/n)-Chan!" He waved to you as he ran to the gym. You watched silently before leaving.
The day was slow and you seriously couldn't stand the classes today, they all just talked and talked. Boring much.
As the bell rang, you went to get your food but was stopped by Hinata. "I am here to retrieve you, (Y/n)-Chan! Let's go!" He said, dragging you out to the gym. You just let him drag you, this is normal by now anyway. He knows you wouldn't have shown up if he didn't come get you. He opened the doors to the gym, still dragging you behind him.
The gym was pretty cool compared to what you thought it'd be. Hinata picked you up easily despite you being a bit taller than him. He put you down and smiled at you, "Welcome, (Y/n)-Chan!" You couldn't help but glare at him, he jumped and hid behind Kageyama. Someone you actually knew, somehow.
He looked at you then to Hinata, "Dumbass Hinata, why's she here?" He said, also glaring at the small guy.
Before you could hear anymore of the conversation, a guy ran over to you. He had slicked back black hair a golden tuft falling into his face. "Hinata, you brought a really pretty girl!!!" He went to hug you, but you stepped aside. You didn't quite like physical contact with strangers.
You turned your glare onto the new guy. He was shorter than Hinata, that's surprising. He smiled at you, "I'm Nishinoya Yu! Nice to meet you!" You kept your glare, not willing to give in to him.
Hinata jumped in front of you, "This is (Y/n)! I've brought her to see me play!!" He said, then got hit across the head by Kageyama.
"Dumbass Hinata, we're not playing anyone. There's nothing for her to watch." You tried to escape this fiasco, a perve, mister mean, and Hinata. No thanks. You ducked outside the doors, thankful no one saw you. That was stupid.
You looked up, ready to leave, but stopped yourself. There in front of you was a gorgeous girl. She had long black hair that framed her face perfectly, glasses sitting atop her beautiful eyes, and wearing some sort of track uniform. Her eyes were wide and her lips slightly parted, seems she was surprised to see you. You were just as surprised, you had called her beautiful and gorgeous, she really was, but she was much more than that. If anything, she was a goddess.
You knew it, this girl in front of you is the one. At this you lunged to hug her, "I found you..." you whispered to her.
Pulling away, you smiled at the feeling of her hand in your (h/c) hair, slightly petting it. "You know, the journal didn't describe you that well." She said. "It called you petite and attractive at most, but you're really gorgeous."
You froze around her words. "Well at least you had a proper description, mine only says goddess." She laughed, your heart pounded at the sound of her laugh.

She really was a goddess.

The reader in this seems kinda random, but I don't really care.
Thanks for reading this, sorry for how long I've been gone.

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