Reader X Katara (Avatar the Last Airbender)

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The video is just the guitar stuffs that happens during the story, don't have to listen to it.
Yo, it's kinda sad.
I don't feel like spoiling by putting tags on the reader so I'm not gonna. Yay.
Soulmate AU: Event- Each day on your arm is an event your soulmate will face that day.
Extra: reader is so sads right now :'(

Readers POV
       You wandered the streets of a town, looking all around you finding people and shops. You pulled your hood farther down on your face and continued walking.
       You sighed as you exited the town, (e/c) eyes skimming the forest ahead. You shook your head, and lowered your hood, walking into the forest and finding the tree you'd been living in. It was quite big and had a large enough cave underneath it.
       You found yourself inside and put down your luggage. Finding your dagger among them you walked over to the walls of the cave and once more carved a small tally into it. "That's day... uhh twenty in this cave!" You said after counting the tally marks of the last few days.
       You were proud for living this long all by yourself. After all, you were only a teenager! After sitting down and starting your fire for the night you checked your wrist.
       Everyday before bed you'd check on your soulmate. Most would check at the beginning of the day, but you'd found that that constantly left you in a worrying state. One that you couldn't shake and would end up getting nothing done in. You were proud of your soulmate, after all if you were still getting their events then they're alive. They had been through so much, but you could tell they were okay and that they were important. Maybe they were a noble? Or maybe even a royal? You'd promised yourself years ago you'd watch out for them, but never involve yourself with them.
       They were important, you... not so much. After all, today, they had met the Avatar!

       You cursed at yourself, a fire nation scum behind you. "What did you say?" He asked, turning to look back at you.
       You stayed put, not turning nor answering. When he said nothing you began to walk away. He got angry and pulled you back, "What the hell did you say to me, brat!?" He screamed at you, grabbing your hair.
       "I said you're a good for nothing. Someone who is no longer deserving of honor or respect." You spit at him, glaring into his eyes. He was pissed and started fire bending.
       The fire connecting with your right arm. When he burned you you tried to back away or run or something and backed up into something that shattered a window. The glass flew everywhere, you falling backwards. Landing in the glass that lie broken on the floor.
       Shards got stuck in your face and you winced, feeling the cold feeling of blood running down your face. The man freaked out and ran away, not wanting to be blamed for causing such an injury, his friends following.
       You brought a hand to your face and tried wiping the blood away, it didn't work. You got up, swaying a bit. There were people staring at you, they wanted to ask if you were okay but were afraid. You smiled at them and began to walk away, back to your cave in the forest.
       You'd let your conscience slip, so before you fell you pulled back your sleeve. There in the most fancy writing, 'Meeting her soulmate' you frowned at that. I don't want to meet her. That's the last thing you remember before collapsing to the ground, maybe a foot away from the cave, in the middle of the forest.

       "Omg! Katara, look!"
       "Aang? What is it?"
       "There's a girl, she's just... laying there."
       "She's hurt, Aang go get Sokka."
       You groaned, slowly opening your eyes, you didn't know those voices. What time is it? How long were you out? Someone's voice cut in, shushing you. "Hey, it's ok. How'd this happen?" There was a girl, she wore blue, lots of blue. Everything was kinda blurry so you couldn't see much, however you could see her blue eyes. They were beautiful.
       "What? What are you... talking about?" You asked, confused as to what she wanted to know. Did something happen? Did you die?
       "You have shards of glass all over your face, how'd it happen?" She asked once more starting to pull out some glass from your face.
       For some reason you didn't feel it and just let her do whatever she was doing. "There... were... fire nation soldiers... I fell, some glass broke? I fell... into it?" You were questioning everything you said as you said it, not quite sure why.
       "It must have hurt, but I don't see any glass here. Where'd that happen?" She asked once more still roaming her glowing hands over your face and pulling out shards.
       "In... the village. I came out here... tried to go... home." With each word you were pulled further and further back to sleep.

       You felt yourself be lifted up, and freaked out. You did not like that feeling. You jumped up immediately and went for escape.
       You heard shouts or protest, but somehow found yourself safe on solid ground. You turned around, finding three people looking at you. You knocked your head to the side, "huh?" You asked.
       "We... found you in the woods? You were injured and Katara healed you!" The small boy with a blue arrow on his head said, smiling at you.
       You narrowed your eyes, looking to the one he had pointed at. You guessed this was Katara, "Then, I thank you. But I must be going home, how long ago did you find me?" You asked, dusting off your shirt before looking back to her. She looked distressed, you shook it off.
       For some reason the guy in blue answered you this time. "About a couple hours ago, maybe 2." You nodded to him in thanks before looking around you. You knew where you were thankfully and just stared heading to your home.
       Luckily that was away from them. "Hey! The village is the other way!" Katara shouted after you, still looking worried. You turned to her and smiled, before turning back and continued walking.
       She didn't seem to like that answer and began running after you. You groaned at her stubbornness, and decided to keep walking. "You're the first person we've seen all day! Please, tell me. Are you and your  soulmate going to meet today?" She had grabbed your hand to stop you, and you froze.
       How'd she know that? She seemed relieved that you stopped however it was short lived as you just started walking once more.
       Ignoring the hand that was still holding tightly to your wrist, you forgot that this meant you'd be dragging her to your home. So when you found yourself inside your home, accompanied by three others, you were kinda pissed. "Get out, don't touch that!" You said to the dude in blue as he tried to mess with your guitar and fire.
       You groaned once more and flopped to the ground. "So sorry about him, so... about the soulmate thing?" Katara approached once more, like some kinda predator. She looked ready to pounce if you didn't tell her.
       "Look, I don't know about you, but I'd rather not talk about my soulmate. Thanks." You said to her, pushing her away. "Listen here, you all can stay. For one night. Then you have to leave, this is only because you helped me, got it?" You said to the three the two men instantly agreed.
       Aang ran over to you, "do you actually know how to play guitar?" He asked, looking excited.
       You nodded and picked it up, and began playing. Aang was undoubtedly excited and began dancing, Sokka sitting to the side and Katara staring at you.

       In the middle of the night when everyone went to sleep you got up, grabbing your knife and carving the tally for that day.
       Your knife clinked you the floor in surprise as someone began speaking. You turned around, finding Katara. "I think.. your my soulmate. Please, I need to know." She was desperate. All she'd wanted to know for all her life was who the poor person her soulmate was. To help them. To save them.
       And now, the one who might be hers is standing before her, and denying her. "My soulmate was supposed to find me today. But, I don't want to meet her. That may seem rude, but she seems so important and I'm... I'm not." You said as you looked to her a sad smile reigning over your face.
       That was all she needed, and she tackled you into a hug. "You... you're so important! To me. To them. To her. And if you weren't important, then they wouldn't be alive right now, so please. Just say that you are who I think you are?" She asked, you knew who she was talking about.
       Most would think at first she was talking about Aang or Sokka, no. She was talking about your friends. The ones from the jail, that you had risked everything to save. It didn't seem like enough however, as she had died in your place that night.
       "You know about the jail?" You asked her, she nodded, smiling to you sweetly. You felt tears well up and you cried on her shoulder, thanking her. There was one thing you heard from her before you once again fell asleep,

       "Every life is important, be it dead or alive."

1589 words.
This was loooong dang -_-
Anyway, thanks for reading!
Someone said I should do more Avatar stuffs, so here's this one.
I think you can tell that the reader was through some stuffs?
Meh, I kinda just wanted to write so I did. If it's bad or seems lazy, that's why.


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