Neko!Reader X Meliodas (Seven Deadly Sins)

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Suggested by Yours Truly!
Hey so I had a sudden urge to write this and it turned out some what how I pictured! Enjoy!
Soulmate Au: Touch Mark- you have a dark, birth mark like mark in your skin where your soulmate will first touch you.
Extra: Reader is a neko! Curtesy of yours truly!

Readers POV
       You sat in your cell watching the door, the guards were talking about some people. They seemed to be coming here for an ally, Ban, they had called him.
   "Shut... ears don't like." You stated loud enough for them to hear. You had good English, but not a good mouth to portray anything properly.
       They stopped talking and then there was a loud sound of... metal? What was happening outside your cell?
   "What's... deal?" You asked the guards. They didn't answer instead there was shouting.
       You tried to listen in but it was a bit too far for your ears. Even if they were (h/c) cats ears they could only hear so far. So you sat there and waited. There were steady steps nearing your cell,
   "Hey... let out." You said blankly to whoever was out there. Peeping your (e/c) eyes through the tiny eye gate in the door you saw a man with short mint blue hair with no shirt.
   "You want out?" You made a noise of agreement before the door was ripped from the wall. "You seem like an interesting person." The man said dropping the door.
   "Would think so." You said truthfully. I mean, come on, you were a person with cat ears and tail. How could someone not think you looked weird?
   "Well, you're free now. Do whatever." He stated as he started walking away.
   "Can... follow?" You tried to ask properly but your brain said it wasn't allowed.
   "I don't care." You heard from a whiles away and you ran to catch up, (h/c) tail swaying behind you. "What's up with your speech?" He asked out of nowhere.
   "Speech... not like." You simply replied as you continued on your walk. "Why did... bust out?" You asked as you looked to a cell to your right. No one was inside.
   "My friends got here, can't keep 'em waiting." It made sense. Was he planning to leave? Didn't he know that was a bad idea? He could get the injecty object! You followed anyway.


       You had arrived at an exit like area with a bright light through it and some people were in front. Not guards though. You couldn't tell what they were. Your ears twitched and your tail curled around your leg in anxiousness. There seemed to be a staring contest between the man who had let you out and the blonde across the way.
   "CAPTAIN"/"BAN" was shouted at the same time by the two men as they ran at each other. They seemed to go at it for a while, destroying the building in the process. You freaked out for a second, you were being forced outside! No, you couldn't! So you grabbed a ledge and pulled yourself up and walked back a bit.
       You watched as they calmed down and the blonde came over to you.
   "Hi, I'm Meliodas!" He said cheerfully.
   "Nice... meet you." You said carefully.
He cocked his head to the side in confusion. "What's with the stutter?"
And as last time it was asked you said "Speech... not like." And sat down waiting for someone to guide you back to your cell. As you sat there Meliodas questioned you as to what you were doing. "Waiting... lead... to cell." You looked at him as if he were asking death upon you.
   "What's your name?" He asked sitting down.
   "You... wish to know... name?" You asked cocking your head in confusion.
   "Well of course!" He said as if it were obvious.
   "I don't believe... was acquired during... stay." They really hadn't given you a name, if you remembered clearly.
   "Well, what did they refer to you as?" Was his reply. He seemed to want to understand you.
   "Well, were many... want main?" You offered after thinking over the words they had used to get your attention or talk to others.
   "Sure." Well that was a good answer.
   "Then... make name... Subject F267!" You said smiling enthusiastically with your head slightly cocked to the side looking at him.
   "That's not a proper name!" He said bewildered.
   "It... not?" You were utterly confused. If that wasn't a proper name, then what was?
   "No, what else did they call you?" He asked as he looked backwards.
   "Want... list?" You simply asked cursing at the gap between the words. He made a "Mm" sound and you took it as an approval. "Brat... mistake, experiment, slut, filth, ra-" you had only started before you were cut off by the emerald eyed man.
   "That's all I need to hear, thank you!" His eyes were wide and seemed to be filled with anger, you flinched slightly at the sight ears going backwards. "Why don't we just name you instead!" He said happily as he stood up and began walking.
       You stayed silent and watched him walk off. "I'll take that as a yes!" He said enthusiastically. You were confused, names were given to humans. You were not human if you remembered correctly, so you voiced your confusion.
   "Why would... give name to thing?" This was the easiest way to say what you wanted. Though not very efficient with your broken speech.
   He didn't back down though, he stopped walking, turned around, gave you a big closed eyed smile, and said, "Because, you're not a thing, you're human!"
       You were frozen, there was never anyone who ever ever had called you such a thing. Because you weren't human. You were a cat that simply had a humans featured. You were cut off from your brain as an arm dragged you up by the sleeve and started walking out, freaking you out.
   "Can't leave... this home!" You yelled loudly and pulled your arm away.
   "This? you believe this is home?" He seemed shocked.
   "All... known! Not leave home!" You screamed as you fell to the floor in a heap of (h/l), unkept, (h/c) hair. It covered your face as the tears fell, remembering everything that has happened here. And the warnings.
   "Home... not fun, but outside... danger..." you knew that your speech had gotten worse, but you didn't care.
  "Look, kid. This place is no home for you." He looked worriedly down at your form as you trembled.
   The scream that erupted from you next scared you deeply, "No! Home! Can't leave!" The shake in your body had been displayed in the scream as you tried to calm yourself.
   "Why can't you leave?" He seemed to calm down as he asked the question.
   "They warn... danger." You explained slowly taking a breath before continuing, "Out... bad. It... pain, more pain than...." you stopped yourself as you couldn't remember what they had called the object.
   "Than what?" He asked timidly kneeling down in front of you. You looked him in the eyes and sat up criss cross and racked your brain.
   After a while of nothing you simply improvised and put words together. "Inject... object. ...Puts stuff in arm... make sleepy." The way you described it was not very useful but it was what it had done to you. Then you remembered something, "Sometimes make... go berserk for... day."
       This seemed to catch his attention and he looked to you and asked, "A needle?"
       The question seemed so innocent to him, but, to you, it was a nightmare. That was the question that caused so many panic attacks, so much pain.
   "No!... don't want... hurts!" You screamed at him, tears blurring your eyes as you tried to run. Only to find yourself in his arms and then you felt a feeling of complete bliss wash over you.
What happened? What was the feeling that was covering your mind and soul? The feeling was amazing! Meliodas seemed to freeze as the feeling washed over you.
   "What... hell?" You tried to say the full sentence but the bliss caught the words in the back of your throat.
   "Didn't think that was how I was going to meet my one." He laughed looking you over.
   "Your........ one?" The gap between words was a hassle to try and break.
   "You mean... you don't know about soulmates?" He asked shockingly. You knocked your head to the side and pouted.
   "What's... so-ulm-ma-te?"  (Soh-uhl-m-mah-tey) The word was a cruel thing to get off your tongue, Meliodas only laughed at the pronunciation and dragged you up.
    "You will be safe, you will be loved, and we will fix the wrongs that have been made. I promise you this." He seemed to take a bow and grabbed your hand leading you out of your prison of home.
       You didn't struggle, you were overwhelmed by the bliss flowing through you at the touch.

1453 words! (I did better)
Hey, this was a fun one!
I had fun messing with the readers capabilities and personality.
This was a update chapter and a
'get the damn idea out of my mind'
Hope you like it!

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