Male!Reader X Hinata Shoyou (Haikyuu)

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The color wheel is the emotions with their color, not all of them are shown. In fact in the story most of the time I verify what the colors mean, so hopefully you won't have to use it that much.
Have fun!
Soulmate AU: Color- World is monochrome but every time your soulmate feels a certain emotion (happy, angry, sad, eager, excited, nervous, etc.) the color that represents that emotion can be seen. When you look into your soulmates eyes, world is no longer monochrome.
Extra: reader is male

Readers POV
       You, (Y/n) (L/n), had always seen yellows and greens, with an occasional red from time to time. You never minded it, after all these were your soulmates feelings. He was such a hyper person that it scared you. You could only imagine what colors he saw from you, maybe red cause you were angry all the time. Maybe it was a blue, but you couldn't care for that. Honestly you just wanted to get done with high school, find a job, and live peacefully. No family. No soulmate. No problems. It didn't matter if half the world was black and white, you'd just live with it. You're mom had done it, so can you.


       You found yourself on the road home, happy to finally get away from all the noise of school. Though it didn't last long as you found yourself immersed in colors. There were so many different shades of red surrounding you, who the hell pissed him off anyway? So annoying, can't you just stop for one day.
       You'd seen these colors for a few days now. Oranges and reds, mixed with a few dark greens. The dark green wasn't here for once, but still. You sighed closing your eyes and continued to walk on home.
       Once you arrived you took of your shoes and walked in, putting your bag down by the door. "I'm home!" You shouted out, your mom peaked out of the kitchen and greeted you.
       "Welcome home, (Y/n)."


       This continued for the first week, the colors that is. So much red and orange. However one day, Saturday to be exact, there was a pale orange yellow and a lime green. He was trusting and excited? You guessed and left it there, dismissing the small smile on your face.
       Even if you hated the thought of someone for you, you couldn't hate him. He didn't choose to be your soulmate after all, he just got stuck with you. Your mom, however, spotted the smile and gasped, running over and picking you up. You were tall, but she was strong. "My baby! My baby smiled!! Ooh look at you! Growing up! ....learning emotions!!!"

Authors POV
       Hinata had just hit the volleyball over the net, with his eyes closed for the first time. He landed and looked to where the ball landed, then to his hand. "I... I TOUCHED THE BALL!" he screamed and then his vision met a pale yellow color.
       He was surprised, his soulmate barely ever had any emotion other than anger, at one point he even thought Kageyama had been his soulmate with how angry he was. This was joy! His soulmate was happy for once!


Readers POV
       (Y/n) was on her way to school, stopping at a little shop to pick up breakfast and then she was back on the road. She walked and ate the food she'd just bought, not thinking much of the colors she had seen today.
       I wonder if I'll ever meet him? Maybe... maybe just so I can tell him to forget me. He doesn't need someone holding him back, he needs to succeed, unlike myself.
       You stopped your train thought there as you neared the school. You found your way through easily and sat down in your classroom. There were a couple people already here, and you just decided to sleep.
       However you didn't quite get there as the door busted open. You found yourself looking at a short guy with orange hair, he was breathing heavily and then looked up at you.
       You flinched and he gasped, running over to you. "A-ARE YOU (Y/N) (L/N)???" He screamed in your face, and you couldn't help but meet his eyes.
       You found the colors around you come to life, mainly his hair. It was orange, the color you'd see from your soulmate a lot. You nodded, used to the oranges and thinking nothing of it. He however deflated at your lack of a reaction to color. "You do see the colors don't you!?" He almost screamed at you.
       "I see a lot of colors daily, what are you talking about? Better yet- who are you?" You asked confused at who the pipsqueak was.
       He once again deflated, and fell to the ground. "And I thought I was dumb... No matter! I'm Hinata Shoyo! It's nice to finally meet you, soulmate!" He said and smiled at you, the defeated him completely gone. You just got more confused and looked around, there were more colors than usual.
       OH SHIT.
       ITS HIM!

       "Well shit man, I didn't expect to meet you at all. Heh." You said, an arm traveling to the back of your neck and rubbing, as if some sort of confidence boost.
       He grinned at you and nodded his head, "I heard someone say something about a kid who never smiles and is always somewhat angry, so I bugged them until they told me who you were!"
       His eyes caught yours and he began to speak once more, "So soulmate, mind if we eat lunch together? Get to know each other better??" His smile somehow got brighter and you couldn't help but try and look away.
       He's blinding me! Seriously, I'll need some sunglasses! Especially if I have to live with him the rest of my life.... wait no, he should find someone else, stupid.
       You smiled at him, and he got even brighter. You opened your mouth to turn him down, but the look of his smile caught your eye. You... you didn't want his smile to go away, it was so nice. It made you feel nice. "I guess"
But for now, I'll keep him. Just... just so he doesn't get lonely.

1049 words
Heya! This was fun to write, there were a few bumps and I did have to rewrite because it got deleted.
But it turned out better than I had it the first time!
I'm really liking how it turned out, I've read it myself so many times.
See ya next time!


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