Reader X Glimmer (She-Ra)

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Reader is so adorable in this omg.
Glimmer is a good character, not my favorite, but a good character.
So for all the Glimmer lovers, here ya go!
Soulmate AU: Initials- Soulmates Initials are on your wrist; when you first make skin-to-skin contact full name will appear.
Extra: reader loves shiny things, idk if I should make it cause of her being a specific species... but she just likes shiny stuff....

Readers POV
       "Mommy! Mommy! Look... it says ggggggg"
       "No no, that says G, it's your soulmates initial."
       "Ooooooo.... whats a soulmate mommy?"
       "Someone you will love, that you're destined to meet... fall in love with... and live happily."
       "When will I meet her?"
       "That's for you to find out"

       "(Y/n)! (Y/n), wake up. Shadow weaver is gonna have your head, come on." Adora said, pulling on your arms to get you up.
       "Ughhh nooooo. Shadow Weaver can roootttttt.... night Adora." You said, snuggling back into your covers, purposely snoring to make Adora mad.
       She groaned and walked away, before running back and screaming, "(Y/N)! THERES A SHINY DISK! GET IT!" She threw some weird shiny thing, your eyes finding it and then your body following to catch it. When you caught it you looked at it, sniffed it and dropped it.
       You stood up and looked at Adora, "what are you doing?" She asked. You flushed and threw the disk back at her. She dodged laughing,
       "ughhh you just had to find something shinyyyy.." you groaned, getting dressed in a black tank top and grey pants, a maroon jacket on top. Adora grabbed your wrist after punching a picture of a princess and ran to the simulation room.

       You stared through the smoke and dust, at the glowing princess with long blonde hair that flows around her, a red cape, and a giant sword.
       This was Adora. Or it was Adora, Adora turned into her. Is Adora still there? Whatever. One of your best friends just turned into a princess, you should be thinking about other things. You don't know what, but other things. Maybe the fact that Adora just attacked her friends.
       What should you do? Retreat? Talk to Adora? Go to Catra? Wreck something? Wreck something. You're gonna just... you punched the wall, very hard. And Adora turned to you, rocks stared falling off the wall. "Oh.. oh.. stop that... stupid rocks." You tried to stop the rocks but just kinda gave up. "Adora... how did.." you went to motion at her body before noticing the shiny sword in her clutches. You gasped and locked your sight onto it.
       Adora, noticing your intentions, laughed nervously and put the sword behind her to hide its shiny. However, you had already seen it, and was determined to see the shiny object. You jumped at her, got behind her and took the sword.
       She laughed again, and tried to take it back. "(Y/n)! (Y/n), no! It's not a toy." She pleaded as you inspected, sniffed,  and licked the shiny sword. You were stopped as some people that you didn't notice were there started talking.
       Surprised by how close these two were you jumped and hid behind Adora, dropping the sword in the process. "Adora? Who is that?" The small sparkly one asked, as you urged yourself not to jump at the shining... sparkling.... princess..... she shiny. So shiny.
       Adora laughed at you, "this is (Y/n), she's a friend... I think?" Adora said, as you kept your eyes locked on your newest target; the shiny girl.
       Adora noticed once more and as you went to jump, grabbed you by the waist and struggled to not  let you go. "She- ow! She likes- stop struggling- shiny things -ow! (Y/n), no- Glimmer should pro- ouch- probably run!" Glimmer laughed at Adoras misfortune as she continued to struggle with the shorter (h/c) girl.
       As Glimmer was laughing, you got yourself free and went to pounce once more. This time you made it and ended up on the floor with Glimmer as you went through the normal procedure, inspect, sniff, lick.
       Glimmer was not that happy but the burning on her wrist was hurting and she winced. You noticed and got off her, "sorry... oh I really should learn not to jump at shiny stuff. Sorry..." you said scolding yourself in the process of apologizing.
       When you didn't get a response you looked at the shiny girl who was staring at her wrist shocked. You cocked your head to the side, "are you ok?" You asked, Glimmer looked at you and smiled, this time she tackled you. "Uhhh... ok?" You questioned, patting her head.
       She put her wrist in front of your face, still saying nothing. You looked at how your name was written fancy on her wrist, then got confused. "I don't understand?" You said, looking at Glimmer.
       "It means we're soulmates, did the Horde not tell you about soulmates?"  Glimmer asked looking between you and Adora.
       You shrugged your shoulders and looked at your wrist, "I think my mom did. But she didn't say much..." you tried to remember, and it hit you like a brick.
       Soulmates! Of course! Duh. Stupid much. You laughed and showed your wrist it to her as well, which held her name in bubbly letters with sparkles surrounding it.
       "OMG! I get to have a shiny person as my soulmate? Best. Day. Ever."

877 words
I'm watching so much stuffs right now and I can't focus on any of it.

This was a sudden idea, and I had so much fun writing the shiny loving reader.
She-Ra characters aren't actually that hard to write-
-yknow cause they act like panicking gays-
Thanks for reading!

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