Airbender!Reader X Aang (Avatar the Last Airbender)

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In honor of Avatar being recently put on Netflix, I am writing this!
A couple things to know before you read!
• Toph can barely see you because (like Aang) you have soft foot steps. Your steps are a lot softer though!
• The italics part is the past, your past.
• The picture above are the clothes you wear when you meet Aang and the others. (If you know what app that's from, good for you)
• —🌟— = time skip
Soulmate AU: Necklaces- Everyone receives a special necklace that is exactly alike with their soulmate. This necklace will grow hotter and hotter the closer the soulmates get to each other.
Extra: reader is one of the last airbenders and grew up in the Eastern Air Temple

Readers POV
       "Mom! MOM!" You screamed out, (e/c) eyes looking all around you. There were flames everywhere you went. You jumped back as a pillar fell in front of you, "mom! Please mom! Where are you!" You screamed out once again. There was a scream from your right and you ran over to a fallen pillar. Underneath was your mother, "mom! Are you okay? H-Hold on!" You said then got up to remove the pillar. As you began to push you were pulled away. Right in front of you was a fire nation soldier. You froze and he walked over to your mother, and pushed the pillar more. You fell to the ground and screamed. "NOOOOOO!!!"

       You awoke to the hard ground digging into your back, "uggghhhh wh-what?" You asked, your voice scratchy and your arms trembling. You pushed yourself off the ground, (h/l) (h/c) hair falling out of place. Looking all around you, you found a ruined air temple. "What... how did this...?" You were confused, shouldn't you be dead right now? The fire nation should've killed you? That was what they came here to do, right? You shook off the confusion, simply determined to find any other lucky survivors. You began your search. Your (e/c) eyes burning with unshed tears.
       You found no one. Not one person that was alive, you found many dead though. You had to bury them all. At least they got a resting place. "I'm so sorry mom."

       You flew into the Southern Air Temple, landing swiftly and began your search. You had made it a promise to go to every temple, find if any had survived, and bury the unfortunate. "Hello there." You said to a lemur that had run up to you, a small smile crossing your (s/c) lips. It did it's weird noises then ran off after you gave it some food.
       You looked around more, coming upon many fun looking places. As well as many dead fire nation and air nomads. "Rest in peace, may you find hope and guidance through death." You wished upon the newly buried air nomads. You found yourself walking away, scowling at any sign of fire nation.

       This is the last one. Then I go home, and try to restore my temple. You had landed on the Northern Air Temple a few hours ago, and you were still finding and burying many men and women as well as children. Your (h/c) hair was tied up in a long braid. (If you have short hair, just ignore this) Your eyes no longer wanted to shed tears, they just wanted to look away from death.
       At this point, you'd lost hope. To find an airbender. To find family. To find anything that wasn't death. After you were done paying respects to the dead, you looked out from the cliff. It was a beautiful sight. Your mother would have loved to see it.

       You sat in front of the fountain at the Eastern Air Temple. Everything had been fine recently, no one had come here except for two men. One with a patch over his eye and a fat, knowledgeable, old man.
       They-er the eye patch guy- was trying to find the Avatar. Luckily they had not seen you and left after a bit of investigation.
       You sighed and stood. It was time to clean the temple. You started fixing the temple a while ago, however there was still much to do. Before you could go anywhere an intense heat hit you in the chest. For a second you thought you had been hit with fire, before you noticed your old necklace.
       Your mother gave this to you when you turned five, said it would help you find your soulmate. You pulled it out and examined the hot accessory, it was in the shape of a top. Well more like a top made of air. You had found that it was a fun move to try when you were bored and constantly tried to perfect it-you unfortunately had yet to.
       Over the last one hundred years, your necklace had never made even the slightest bit of heat. You had presumed your soulmate died, though people said that you would definitely know if your soulmate died. You were fascinated, even as a child it barely heated this much. It was practically glowing and you were having trouble touching it.
       Your soulmate was alive, and moving closer!
"Oh. Oh no." You stated, freezing in place. "Should I find them? Should I stay? Oh, what to do?"
       You asked yourself, starting to pace back and forth. "I could finally talk to someone! But I haven't talked to anyone in a hundred years, bad idea." You reasoned with yourself, planting your feat firmly on the ground.
       It broke quickly however and you hunched forward. "But it's my soulmate! I should!... No. I shouldn't." You once again reasoned and slowly let air sit you down, as if you were a piece of paper.
       Crossing your legs, you landed on the ground and you fell back. Laying out on the concrete floor staring at the overhang of dirt and concrete that was made for the temple. You sighed and brought the necklace to your face, the heat burning your skin, but you didn't care.
       Your (e/c) eyes held a feeling of hope, one you'd never felt sense the temple was attacked. If they are back, and coming closer, I should make this place the best it's ever been. So that they can see it. So that I can leave, and help them no matter what. You thought to yourself, getting up with a bit of air bending and began to fix the temple once more.

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