Reader X Kenma Kozume (Haikyuu)

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Hey y'all! I don't have any requests, so my brain is running around with many different stories. This is one because I started watching Haikyuu. So another fandom that can be requested from! Yay!
I'm putting a song I've recently found and like, it might not fit with the story though.
Soulmate Au: First Words The first words your soulmate says to you are tattooed on your wrist.
Extra: Reader is Hinata's twin brother

Reader POV

Hinata was being crazy today, but what did it matter to you. He would calm down soon enough. He ran and ran before coming to a stop in front of you, "IT APPEARED! (Y/n) do you know what this means?" He said as he grabbed his bag.
You walked along side him and stared at the ground, your (h/c) hair being blown by the wind. "No. What are you even talking about?" He gapped at you as you walked. He stopped walking and you stopped too turning to him your (e/c) eyes showing confusion.
"The soulmate mark! I got mine today, what about you?" You realized what he was talking about and thought about your morning. You don't remember checking. So you checked your arms. There it was.
Plain as day on your right wrist. Your eyes wide open you spoke, "It's there." You said as you held your (s/c) arm out in front of your face. He peered behind you as you began to walk.
He read your wrist and bursted out laughing. "Your soulmate called you out!"
You blushed and walked faster. "Well what does your say Shōyō!" You said as a pout formed on your face. You slowed down so he could catch up. He showed you and you smiled, him beginning to laugh at it.

That was when you got your soulmate mark, at about four or five years old. Now you were 16, still have yet to meet the person who calls you out.
Shōyō met his right before high school, on his first volleyball game. You were happy for him, yet he didn't want anything to do with them at first. He finally started bringing him over for dinner about a week ago. His name was Kageyama Tobio, very tall, kinda seems mad all the time. Almost opposite of Shōyō.
Today Shōyō had forgotten to bring his journal, seemed normal. He always forgot it. So you, being the nice brother, chose to go home after school and bring it to him during his practice.
Walking towards the gym was a big problem though. It seemed so menacing. The sound of their shoes and the ball hitting the ground. Not to mention the screaming. There was a lot of 'Chance ball' and 'Cover' and other stuff like that.
You walked up to the doors and peered through. There was a large net in the middle, people in a black and orange gym uniform, as well as people in a red and black gym uniform.
There was a game today? Shōyō didn't mention that. It must have been last minute. Does he need the journal or not? I don't think he does, I'll leave.
A whistle blew and feet began running around. The people in red and black came out side, not noticing you, and began running. Taking this as your chance, you walking in. "Shōyō? Are you here?" You asked silently.
The group of people turned around and stared. You looked down before being knocked over by a short person. "Y/nnnnnnn) you came!" He seemed happy to see you.
You were shocked before pushing him off, "Yea yea, get off." He stood up offering a hand, grabbing it you were hoisted up. "You said you wanted your journal, but you didn't say anything about having a game."
You could feel the curious eyes from his teammates following you as he brought you over. You stared right back at them with your stunning (e/c) eyes. They all looked away and Shōyō stood between you and them. "Everyone, this is my twin! (Y/n), say hi!"
You looked at him and looked at them before finding Kageyama. You walked up to him and you hid behind him, "they're scary!" You said silently, though they all heard.
Just then the other players walked in seeing you hiding, thinking that you're Shōyō they tried to touch you. You screamed and ran to Shōyō.
He laughed and rested his arm around you shoulder. Playing with your (h/c) hair, he decided to mention the fact that your just a little shy. "At least I'm tall." You muttered. "Anyway, mom says we're having sushi tonight and to bring Kageyama. I think." You smiled at him before waving and walking away.
You kinda scurried away from the other team. They were scary. But that blonde was kinda cute.


Shōyō walked into your shared room and your (e/c) eyes followed him as two others walked in. "Shōyō? Why'd you bring him?" You asked motioning to the blonde.
"He said sushi sounded nice so I invited him." He said as he sat in the bed with you. That seemed fair to you. Sushi is pretty good.
The room was filled with talk of volleyball not to soon after and you joined from time to time. You were definitely more talkative.
"Did you know that you're the quietest person I've ever met." You froze. That was.... it couldn't be. Oh. Oh no. Ohhhhh nooooo. I'm crying! Stop it! No! That's not how you react!
ITS YOU!" You screamed at him, pulling him into a surprise hug. "HOW DARE YOU CALL ME OUT BEFORE I EVEN GET TO MEET YOU!" You were kinda low key pissed off. Oops.
"I'm sorry." Was all he had to say for himself.

That was fun to write!
I had a moment of trying to figure out personalities.
I might have completely butchered them, sorry
New fandom!
This is a good story for me to start on after writers block is gone. Or at least that's what I think.
Thank all of you guys that read these!
I'm so happy to have all of you!

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