Reader X Izuku Midoriya (BNHA)

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So... Deku's personality is most likely wrong.
Your welcome.
See ya~
Soulmate AU: Lies-It is impossible to lie to your soulmate.
Extra: reader has known Izuku sense they were children, and they are dating

Readers POV
       He... he lied? No. No, he can't lie. That's... stupid, soulmates can't lie to each other. That's how it works. But...

       Your soulmate, Izuku, has just used his quirk. The quirkless, lovable, crybaby, had used a quirk.
       You and him both had been accepted into UA, and of course you were so happy for him. His dream was coming true. But, you were confused how he got in. He was quirkless after all.
       You had shook it off at first, putting it down to luck and congratulating him. However, you couldn't think of anything as Katsuki stormed up to him screaming profanities before Aizawa stopped him. Your eyes were wide and your body frozen.
       'Does this mean we're not actually soulmates? Was that a lie too?' You thought, your eyes begging to release those tears that welled up at your dispense.
       The day continued on, no tears were shed and your thoughts ran wild as soon as you were released for the day. Walking out of school, without your supposed soulmate, was hard to say the least. And hearing your name leak out of his mouth hurt, but you continued on, refusing to stop for him.
       "Y/N PLEASE! LET ME EXPLAIN!" He screamed out to you, and you stopped. That is exactly what you wanted. A fucking explanation. "I'm so sorry, y/n. This quirk, I'm- well borrowing it. I-I just recently g-got it, and I wish I could tell you everything, b-but I can't." He had sighed when you stopped, you couldn't tell if it was relief or not, but you didn't care.
       Your body began to shake. "Y-you lied to me." You whispered to yourself, he didn't hear you though and asked you to repeat yourself. You turned around to him swiftly, tears finally attacking your face in streams. "YOU LIED TO ME! HOW LONG! HOW FUCKING LONG WERE YOU LYING TO ME?!" Your words were harsh and he flinched at the curse words.
       You never cursed. He had never heard such words fall from your lips. And you never cried. You were a very happy person, sometimes you were air headed but that's rare too.
       He was scared-that he hurt you. "(Y/n) I never lied. I j-just—" he was cut off by you
       "Bullshit, Izuku. Fucking Bull. Shit." your voice had lowered a lot and your tears had increased.
       You weren't mad, really. Just afraid that the one person made for you wasn't meant for you. That you were actually meant to be alone. That you didn't deserve it. You were so... afraid.
       "(Y/n), you k-know I can't lie to y-you. I simply didn't tell you. And I know th-that it's bad. I-I-I should've told you, that I'm not quirkless anymore. That I... I love you." He had begun to walk towards you, closing the gap and hugging you. "And I can't lie... I can't let you go."
       Your tears were wiped away by his hand, a soft smile across his freckled face. "I'm so scared, Izuku." You said grabbing the hand caressing your face and leaning into it. Closing your eyes you continued, "what if we weren't soulmates? I don't... I don't want to think about it." You laughed softly. And his laugh followed afterwards, filling the space with happiness.
       Earlier your eyes had said how scared you were, how much you just wanted to hold him and make sure he'd never leave you. He had seen those eyes and knew you just needed some reassurance that he was there. That he was forever yours. That he would never leave. That... that he loved you.

And he does. And he will.
       Because he's yours, and he would never lie.
No matter soulmates or not, he would forever speak truth.

Heya dudes and dudettes.
This was heartbreaking to me, I had the idea when I was reading some fan fiction.
It had just gotten to the part where Deku runs after Bakugo to explain everything. I just had to do something where the reader was hurt by him getting a quirk too.
Then this happened.
And I'm kinda proud of it.
Except Deku's personality.
I fucked that up.

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