Female!Songwriter!Reader X Jiro Kyoka (BNHA)

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Jiro has fucking hips and I am there for it.
I love Jiro, she's not my favorite (Shinsou takes that title) but she comes a close like second or third.
Soulmate AU: Swap- Every week something of yours will randomly disappear and be replaced with something of your soulmates until you meet them, after you've met you can choose to send something of yours to them.
Extra: Reader is female and writes songs

Readers POV
You ran out your room, holding the guitar that had taken the place of your song book. "MOM! MOM! Look, look!!!" Your hands grasped the guitar, afraid of dropping it. Your mom looked your way, her long (h/c) hair sweeping across her shoulder as she did.
She smiled at you and the guitar that was actually much bigger than yourself. "Where'd that come from? Did you buy a guitar?" Her voice was laced in confusion as she took the black guitar from your hands.
"No! No! It's the soulmate thing, remember!" You laughed at her, your face stretched out in a smile reaching your (e/c) eyes.
It was rare for you not to smile, so your mom expected the excitement. "Oh, was that today? I'm so sorry hunny, I need to get back to work. Love you." She said, then turned back to the papers laying out in front of her.
Your smile dropped slightly and you clutched the guitar tighter. You nodded, your smile coming back and ran back to your room. Today was the start of your soulmate swapping, the day you and your soulmate began swapping things of your own until you meet. You were ecstatic.
My soulmates into music! How many instruments do they play? Do they sing? What do they look like? How many guitars do they have? Can we play together? Your mind was just as happy and go lucky as your physical self as you got your uniform on.
Most people on the day their soulmate swapping starts don't go anywhere, in case something swaps. But not you! You needed to get to school, you were training to be a hero after all!
So as you left the house, a glance was sent to your mother and a wave to your father. You began the walk to school, not only was it your soulmate swap day, but also the first day of UA high school. Where you'd train to be a great hero with your classmates.


You had been through a lot with your classmates by now, and you were pretty happy too. Though that was pretty normal. It's been a while and you and the rest of your class had been put into the dorms, cause your class keeps getting attacked.
You and your soulmate continued to swap things, and you were kinda mad when your music from choir was swapped for, what you think was an electrical piano. You actually needed that because you were going on a trip soon, you eventually just got new copies from the teachers. Your mom was mad at all the musical instruments now sitting in your spare room cause you didn't have any room in yours for them.
Now that you moved out however, they were back in your room. There was a knocking at your dorm room as you tried to put up some fairy lights. It scared you and you toppled backwards. "Uggggghhh... owwwww ow ow." You groaned as your door was opened and someone came in. You got up rubbing your head, looking to see who came in. "Oh hey there, Jiro. Do you need something?"
You asked smiling at the girl. She sighed, "I should be asking if your ok, but you seem fine. What were you doing anyway?" She asked looking up at the ladder you were using.
"Just hanging up some lights for my room, thought they would add a little warmth too." Your smile widened as she took in your room, you had never let anyone in here.
She seemed zoned in on the guitar sitting in an open case. "Wh-where'd you get this?" She asked stumbling over to the black guitar.
You got up as well and walked over, admiring your soulmates guitar. "It's the first swapped item from my soulmate. I like to keep it clean, and didn't want to leave it around my dad so I took it with me. There are a few other things from them here too." You explained, a soft smile on your face for once.
She was stunned for a second, just standing in awe of the special guitar. You were confused as to why she was so keen on this one item when there was so much more in your room.
She looked away hesitantly then to you. "C-can you follow me for a sec? It won't take long, promise." She said heading for your door.
Your face lit up and you nodded beginning to follow her out of your room and to her own. She beckoned you inside and you stepped in, taking off your shoes.
She walked over to her desk and pulled out piles of papers and folders. "Th-these are some of the things I got swapped with, please tell me if you recognize them." She handed you the papers and watched.
You scanned over them, seeing music and choir music. Your (e/c) eyes lit up again as you looked through. There was some written music of your own. At the very bottom of it all was a journal, filled halfway with original music. You were surprised to say the least. This was yours, the stuff your soulmate swapped you with.
You looked up at Jiro, your smile wider than ever as you set down the music and hugged her tightly. "You're so perfect! I'm surprised I didn't figure this out when I saw your room!! Oh, I still have all your instruments! Do you actually play that much?! My desk almost broke with how many times a random instrument would fall on top of it! Oh! There's so much to say, so much to do!" You were pretty excited and your rambling was very entertaining to the taller girl.
Her laughter was cut off when you kissed her on the cheek, holding the back of her neck. You were smaller than her, but not by much so kissing her wasn't that hard.
She froze and a blush spread across her face, your laughter filled the room and you couldn't help but kiss her cheek one more time.


You were bored. Homework was boring, and Aizawa had assigned so much too. You wanted to get it done, but it was so boooooring.
Realization crossed your face and your (e/c) eyes held mischief. You began writing on a notecard, and waited. A small smile on your (s/c) skin and a hand running through your (h/l) (h/c) hair.

3....... 2....... 1.......

Suddenly your door was tossed open and in came your beautiful girlfriend. "(Y-Y/N)! YOU SHOULDN'T SEND STUFF LIKE THAT!" She screamed, a blush over her pretty face and the notecard from before clenched in her right hand.
"But it's so funny, babe! You get so flustered, and your blush is so cute!" You said standing up and waking over to her.
She gripped the notecard harder, and glared at you. "S-saying that my body is hot and that I would be good at the h-hula isn't f-funny!" She said, her blush getting darker as you wrapped your arms around her waist.
"Oh? I wasn't trying to be funny, silly! I was just telling the truth!" You said kissing her cheek.
Her onyx eyes were wide and she was trying to push you off, knowing what you were trying to do.
You snickered and held her tighter both hands holding her waist at the side. Swinging them back and forth. "You do have hips after all! The hula would put them to good use!" You laughed as she smacked your hands.
You were respectful of her, yes. But that didn't mean that you weren't the slightest bit of a pervert when it came to her.

1371 words
Heya y'all!
I'm updating, what a surprise!
I wrote a lot more than I thought I did too!
I'm proud of this one!

The personality might be off, but I don't really think so.
Readers a bit more hyperactive than I thought I'd make them, but I'm liking it!
Jiro, as I said, is one of my favorites!
She's just a really good character, needs a bit more character development though...
Anyway, thanks for reading!
See ya next time!


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