Reader X Modern!Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan)

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Levi is modern!!! NO TITANS! I didn't feel like writing about big, naked, man eating, abominations.
No thanks. Not for this lesbian.
Anyway this was requested by my best friend, cause I bug her a lot and she likes Levi. Or really just angsts boys. (Her words, not mine! And yes, I will embarrass you. Should've expected it, really.) anyway, thanks to her for this story! Also thank her for that song, it was completely her idea to make fun of Levi. And here we go!
Soulmate AU: Injuries-You get the same injuries and bruises as your soulmate.
Extra: Modern AU.

Readers POV
       You sat in front of two cats, one with black and white spots and the other a fluffy orange. Each of them were hissing and biting at each other. You sighed and pulled them away from each other and began to pet the two of them. "Seriously, this is the fifth time today." You groaned, still petting the beautiful creatures.
       Looking at the orange one first you began to speak, "Jackie, it's not your food. This is Ace's." As you spoke you got up, grabbing the fluffy kitty and walking away after putting Ace with his food.
       This is you, (Y/n) (L/n). A short girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and a cat cafe that you own. At the moment it was closing for the night and all the cats were being fed.
       Jackie and Ace, they were your most precious babies. In fact they were the oldest, your mom and dad had decided that after you moved out you needed a companion. These two were sent to you as little kittens, and you got to name them yourself. However, they don't really get along. In fact, they weren't the only ones.
       You and your soulmate couldn't quite figure out how your injuries affected the other. With you, his little injuries were quite deadly. He once got a giant cut on his arm, leading all the way from his elbow to about mid arm. This was very hard on you, after all you work with cats. And fur on a wound is not fun, learned that the hard way when you tried to pick up T-Rex.
       With him, he was kinda worried about you. You constantly got scratches all over your arms and legs. As well as bruises on your forearms, and rarely on your legs. Little did he know, you had cats. Cats that just loved to trip you during feeding. And when your taking food to customers.

       With a wave to your kitties you walked up some stairs that were in the back, these led to your own living space. Work below, comfort above. You found your bed, plopped down and stared at the ceiling. You didn't feel like sleeping, especially when you could feel large wounds from the day. Your soulmate must have really been doing something important because every second you could feel a new wound appear. You lifted your body up and gazed at your legs. There were so many scratches, those were your wounds. However your legs were almost completely purple with bruises, those were definitely his. You sighed and pushed against one of the worst looking ones. "Tch... yup. Painful." You laughed at your self, then went to sleep.

       You walked out of the kitchen, taking a tray of tea to one of the tables. A man in a police uniform sat there. He seemed pretty fancy, for a police officer. But that was who he was. You'd seen him multiple times already. He was one of the few regulars here, always ordered Black tea. It was weird. In fact he was weird. He was a cop, so you should probably respect him but he was so short, shorter than you. And when he first came here you had almost died of laughter when you saw him hold the tea cup. He looked like he was trying to intimidate the seat in front of him, like he was interrogating it. Absolutely hilarious.
       A smile crossed your (s/c) lips as you set down his tea, and walked away after he glanced at you. You were about to head back into the kitchen when a cat jumped up into your arms from one of the booths. "Whoa!" You didn't exactly have any free hands, so you couldn't catch the feline and ended up freaking out.
       The cat, surprised that you hadn't caught it, also freaked out and brought out it's claws. You didn't notice and fell back, the cat in turn trying to escape the fall by scratching your face in an attempt to jump back into the booth it came from. You hit the ground, "AH SHIT!" You screamed, your hand flying to your face to somehow keep the wound from hurting. It didn't work for some reason, and your face stung. "Fucking shit. Owwwie." You said, you heard one of your employees running over.
       Grabbing your hand and pulling it away to see the damage. "Pfftttt.... sorry sorry. Hey, (Y/n) nice cussing." Your best friend, Tarryn said. They helped you up and got you to the upper room, scolding T-Rex for jumping on you along the way.
       You found yourself in front of a mirror, looking at the scratches that went from your (e/c) left eye to the right of your (s/c) nose. Your left eye was thankfully spared, the scratch missing it just a little.
       You got a wet rag and began to clean the scratch, Tarryn behind you to make sure you did it right. "Ouch..." They were more experienced with cats than you, so they knew what to do as soon as you got scratched.
       After the blood stopped trying to escape from your face, you set the rag down and simply splashed your face. There was no way you could put a bandaid on the giant ass scratch.
       "Damn it! Get back here, you may be a cop but a simple scratch doesn't allow you to barge back here! Hey! Someone grab him!" There was a lot of shouting outside of your upper area.
       "I'll deal with it, put some Neosporin on it." Tarryn said, tossing you a tube thing and went down to help with whatever happened. You looked at the thing, disgust covering your face before putting some of the weird gel on your finger and applying it to the scratches. "Ow. Why does it hurt! Owww....." you complained, before your door was slammed open and the black tea guy walked in. You turned to face him, very confused.
       His grey eyes still glaring as always as he walked over, the most surprising thing was the scratches that went from his left eye to the right of his nose. "How did... why are you up here?" You asked, straying from your original question of the scratches.
       When he didn't answer you, but glared harder you just looked around the room. To avoid his gaze, it was kinda intense. "(Y/n)! So sorry about him, he was just leaving!" Tarryn said smiling, grabbing the glaring guy by his arm and trying to drag him out.
       It failed and he only budged a bit, he glared harder at you. "Do you... do you need something? I have some Neosporin? For the scratches??" You asked hoping it would get him to stop glaring.
       He sighed in frustration and grabbed it from you. Then threw it back at you.

       "Ok then. Uhhh." You glanced at him, his glare was harder. You recognized those scratches.......
       "ITS YOU!" You screamed at the short tea guy. He nodded and pushed Tarryn out the door.
       You could almost hear their pout as the door was closed and locked on them. "I'm sorry for not realizing earlier, it's nice to meet you soulmate! I'm (Y/n) (L/n)!" You said smiling and extending your hand out to shake.
       He took it, "Levi Ackerman." He said, his voice was surprisingly not as scratchy as you'd thought.
In fact, it was smooth, clean.
"WOOOOOO! YOU GET IT GIRL! HAHAHA! FINALLY!" There was a short pause.

1341 words
As I said, my best friend requested this, so thanks for that.
She's great, wooo!

I didn't know how to end it, so rough ending!

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