Reader X Shin-Ah (Yona of The Dawn)

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Yoooo it's been a while! Um I'm doing better now, and in fact I'm really confident now! There had been so much going on and I thank all of you for being there for me and being supportive.
(d/a) = dominant arm
This was requested by Exotic--Butters

Soulmate AU: Soulmate Mark- you have a symbol on your body that represents your soulmate, they're different for both. With enough focus you can find the general location of your soulmate.
Extra: soulmate mark is a blue dragon twisting around (d/a)

Readers POV
       In a forest there was a small hut lodged into the earth. Only making it harder to see were all the overgrown plants and vines surrounding it. There was noise coming from inside, banging and clanging loudly.
       That would be from you, you were rushing around this morning, everything around you messy as it mostly always was. However, the mess was kind of complimenting to the small house.
       As you ran around, you picked up a few things off the ground taking a second to look through them. Groaning frustratedly you dropped it all to the ground loudly before running off somewhere else within the house.
       Now, most would thing this is weird, and it is, but you were trying to find a paper. This paper was very small, containing some very important information that you needed. Now. You were getting increasingly frustrated, and after picking up many papers and almost breaking many vases you had a right to be.
       Finally sitting down, you glanced at your (d/a) that had a dark blue dragon twisting up ending right below your shoulder. You focused on that to calm yourself, then focused on where they were for a few seconds. It calmed you down to know that they were alive, however it did concern you that they had never moved all that much. You wondered why, sometimes you'd spend many hours focusing on their placement, hoping for them to come closer or at least move away from where they were. They never did. And it was worrying.
       You shook yourself out of your thoughts, looking to the mess you had made you glanced over everything. You suddenly stopped moving, darting your sight to the window you huffed in rage. It had been there the entire time. The one spot you hadn't thought to look. You heaved a frustrated sigh, grabbing it you went back to what you were doing.

       You had finished what you were working on that night, thankfully, and went to sleep after checking on your soulmate. They hadn't moved.
       You woke up that morning at the sight of sunlight shining through your single window, hitting you directly in the face. You rubbed your eyes and got up.
       You looked around, happy that you cleaned before you slept. Stretching you grabbed some clothes for the day. Putting them on, you started your daily routine. Bake some cookies and maybe cake. Then make some kind of bread food like banana bread or muffins. You liked baking mostly, and found yourself in the kitchen for most of the day.
       Finally leaving the kitchen you ate breakfast, with breakfast you would focus on your soulmate. However, unlike most days you had been shocked at your soulmate. They had moved! They actually moved from where they were!
       You were ecstatic, jumping up and down, squealing and laughing happily. You were over run with emotions, focusing back on them you noticed that not only had they moved, but they were moving closer to you! "Omg, I have to start baking!" You rushed to the kitchen once more. "They're on their way! Haha! Yes!"
       You were so happy as you baked, making bread, pastries, macaroons, pies, and some more cookies because you got hungry. Once you were done, you put everything down and started cleaning. However, you were stopped as a burning feeling invaded your arm and footsteps were heard outside.
       You hissed, looking down to the pain you saw your mark. You gasped and focused on their location once more. They were literally a few steps away! "H-how... omg they are fast..." you were shocked to say the least.
       You put all the cooked items on your table, careful not to burn yourself with the more recent ones. Finally finished, you rushed to the door. Hearing footsteps and muffled talking outside, your heart raced.
       "Do you smell that? Now that is what good food smells like!" You heard a voice say, most likely a male.
       "Yeah yeah, I get it you didn't like the food I made. Don't have to shove it in my face." There was another male, voice deeper and much more intimidating.
       "Guys, I think that's where the food is!" That was a girl, she sounded excited and honestly kinda done with those two bickering. All of a sudden there was knocking on your door.
       "Hello? Is anyone home?" This one you couldn't tell, but you're pretty sure it's a man.
       Your heart raced even more, thinking about covering the soulmate mark as it drew a lot of attention. You grabbed your sleeves that had been rolled up due to your baking and you concealed it.
       Heaving a soft sigh to release your anxieties you answered. "Who is it?" Your voice was soft, almost like silk as you asked. Despite your soulmate being out there you didn't want to invite just anyone into your humble abode.
       "Oh- there are five of us here. We were looking for somewhere to eat? If you don't mind, we smelled the food down here and we were hoping you might have enough for a few extra?" You thought over it, they were five and you had... over cooked... now that you thought about it.
       You opened the door with a smile on your face. "I don't mind, I actually had a huge baking spree so I cooked a bit too much. Come in!" You said, enthusiastically meeting each of their eyes as you spoke.
       At the front was a short strawberry blonde, most likely the boy you had been talking to. Right beside him was a girl with bright red hair about his height. Behind them were two taller men, one with dark hair and blue clothes carrying a staff with some kind of cloak covering the top half. The other had bright white hair and blue and white clothing, his right hand was huge but you thought not of it. Right beside them, a man wearing a mask with long white hair covering his head. His clothes were fluffy and mostly blue and black, with a small squirrel sitting on top his head.
       You shook away your thoughts of them being weird and opened the door to allow them in. You showed them to the table where you had all the food you had cooked in a happiness spree. "I'm (Y/n), it's nice to meet you all." You said as each of them took a seat.
       They each introduced themself except for the masked man, you waited patiently but figured he would not speak. Noticing his silence, the girl now known as Yona introduced him as Shin-ah.
       A sudden burning sprouted in your arm, acknowledging it you spoke up, "Go ahead and dig in, I have things I still have to do so I shall leave you here." You knew it was not a good idea to leave behind strangers in your home, but you really didn't want to just show off the huge dragon on your arm.
       You gave it a nice rubbing with some cold water and returned to the table. They had started eating, looking happy at the taste of it.
       The white one, known as Kija, spoke, "this is truly wonderful! May I ask, how did you get this good at baking?" He asked you, looking up from his food.
       "Lots of practice, I used to burn everything!" They all seemed surprised at the thought of you burning anything due to how good the food was.
       This time the strawberry blonde, Yoon, spoke, "If you don't mind me asking this, why did you bake so much in the first place?" You looked up at him, smiling slightly you laughed at yourself for a second.
       "My soulmate usually stays in one spot, but they moved today so I got really happy and went on a baking spree!" You explained to them, not noticing some look to the masked man. "In fact, they got really close for a few minutes. But I think they moved away again." You were fondly looking down to the arm with the dragon before looking back up. "
       "What about you guys? Why are you wondering around in a mostly abandoned forest?" You asked them, they glanced between each other before their sights landed in the red haired girl, Yona.
       "We're on a journey, and recently gathered a new member," Yona motioned to Shin-ah. "And he was really sheltered so he didn't know what soulmates were. As most of us have already met ours, we wanted to help him." She explained before looking to you.
       You were confused now, but not very surprised, many were sheltered from the idea of soulmates. In fact, you yourself had been for the longest time.
       Your mom found it stupid and something unworthy of her most precious child, as she liked to call you. She removed any thing that even so much as brought a thought of love, and when you were about 12 you ran away.
       "I've known many that were sheltered, but to think one wouldn't know this late into their life. That's really sad." You stated, sorry for him.
       "We gave him a general description of how the soulmate bond worked and followed his directions to find his one." Yona concluded, looking you in the eyes, she stated "we believe it's you." Once Yona said this she motioned for the others minus Shin-ah to follow her out of your house.
       You thought over it for a second, closing your eyes and focusing on your soulmate once more. In this land of focusing it was all dark, probably darker than any night alone, but then there was a spark of light. The light grew larger and larger growing into the shape of a heart, it was blue and swirled and flickered.
       The flickering was random like a fire as it illuminated the area. This was always what you saw when you focused on your soulmate, and never ever had it been so close.
       You opened your eyes, seeing the masked man you smiled. "Wow," you sighed out, "your heart truly is very beautiful." You could see a smile cross his face, and though he said nothing, you knew he was happy to see you in front of him.

1805 words

So, at the end I didn't want the reader to just- notice that Shin-ah was their soulmate so I...... made a really cheesy little look into what I thought would happen when one checks on their soulmate........
Honestly, can't say I hate it though!
It turned out way better than I thought it would've and I'm actually really happy to return to writing these small love stories!

If you see any mistakes in the writing or anything really, tell me. I'm still improving and a little positive criticism is always welcome!

Thx for reading and being patient with me and this book.
I'm so happy to have all who read this.
Thx so much all of you!

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