Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Keeping the promise

I look down at my bare feet which are situated on the ashy ground. I move my gaze ahead and there lies a white rose. My focus seems to be zooming in and on the rose falls a transparent liquid, one drop at the time then the colour changes to black. Black rain falls down on me as well and it burns my skin, my hands move up to cover my head on instinct but the burning becomes rigorous.
The minute I try to scream, a strident male voice breaks through.


I wake up sweating profusely, looking around my surroundings only to be met with four white walls and I place my trembling hands on the pounding heart. Every night since I turned eighteen, I've been having the same dream but I can't get used it. I sigh and get out of bed to shower.

Yesterday after being brought to the perfect castle, like a flock of sheep we were pushed through large double French doors with a deep red color. My gaze was fixed on the hard black marble floors that were as cold as the mad king himself. I lifted my eyes to see a set of double staircases, one on the left and the other on the right.

We were all ushered up the left staircase. I Always knew right was overrated.
Thereafter, we were all allocated different rooms on the same wing of the castle though. All the rooms were the same, white walls and wooden floors with a single bed, a dark brown closet and a bathroom.

After showering, I walk to the closet only to see a collection of school girl pleated mini skirts and blouses, all of the same color.
Of all the colours he could choose, he went with magenta! I'm not surprised though, considering his dressing style I'm amazed he didn't pick anything more vibrant.

Yesterday we were told to knock on the doors should we need anything. So, I purposefully bash my skeletal hand on the wooden door.
Sourness can be a nasty taste so when a person is sour, it's not an enjoyable sight to see. After opening the door, a maid with nothing but spite on her face walks in. You'd think that with the treatment we receive from Vampires, we humans would treat each better but the castle maids always act so pricy, like scrubbing the castle floors automatically earns them the 'you can be a bitch' ticket.
When a breeding woman reaches menopause, three possibilities await her. The first and most obvious, being hanged. Secondly, she can be a matron if more are needed. Lastly, the castle maid.

I look at her name tag and try to pronounce her name, failing miserably.
"Swa- Swardia- Swardiantalina?"

"Just call me Lina. What do you want?" She asks in a plummy, penetrating voice.

"A sewing kit please." I plaster a fake smile with a honeyed voice.

She laughs dryly. "And I want to be the Queen. You will not get it." She huffs and reaches for the knob.

"Listen Swarwhatever, I didn't want this to get ugly but I don't think the King would like to see his incubator in tears because a certain maid couldn't tend to her needs. Or should we perhaps test just how angry he can be?" Her face turns red and she stomps out.

Seconds later she walks in holding the kit in her left hand and hands it to me. "We'll have to check if everything is still in there once you're done so if your brain works like your tongue, you won't steal anything." I'm fighting the urge to mimic her and roll my eyes.

After she walks out, I call her name. "Swarsomething," she opens slightly and peeps inside. "Do remember to knock next time." She slams the door shut, resulting in me laughing.

Half an hour later, I'm done with my alterations and I'm proud of my sewing skills. I tell the maid to take the kit and she looks at me, bewildered. The look on her face tells me that I did a perfect job.

I stare at her like I don't know what she's looking at and she clears her throat. "I would suggest you wear something else, the king will not at all be pleased."

"Unfortunately for you and the king, I don't care what pleases him. I'm gonna wear what I want whenever I want. Now if you don't mind, let's make sure that everything is still in here because I don't want to be accused of thievery later on." I say, patting the metallic kit.

When she's satisfied she closes it. "I was told to walk you to the council room so you can all be introduced to the council."

We walk side by side and once we enter, everyone's eyes fall on me and I know why.
Every girl in the room is wearing a skirt and a blouse whilst I am wearing three skirts, all sewn together therefore making a single three-layered knee-high skirt with three different colours. There was nothing I could do with the Magenta blouse so I wore it. I promised him a nightmare and I know I'm keeping my promise when I see his jaw clench.

He stands up and slowly wends his way in my direction until he's standing two inches away from me.
"Now, little carrier, go back to the room and wear what you're supposed to." His voice is calm but I and everybody else in the room know he's feeling anything but.

"An incubator is what I am not anyone's property my lord." I accentuate the last part and some of the girls want to laugh while others are terrified.

"That's a smart mouth you got there, it would be a shame if anything happened to it. This is my castle and I make the rules. You will wear what I want you to." The words are coming through clenched teeth and the mad king has his hand balled in a fist. Something tells me not to push further so I remain silent.

"Lin!" He shouts and an Asian man wearing sweats and a tank top with disgustingly hairy armpits approaches.

"My lord."

"Take her to her room and see to it that she wears something appropriate." Appropriate he says? More like revealing! Lin nods and walks to the door with me following closely behind.
The walk is silent until we get to the door leading to my room. He chuckles before speaking.
"Through the years I have been working here, never have I seen anyone do that. What were you thinking?"

Once again, I place an ersatz smile on my face. "You don't really think when you have a bunch of detestable vampires to piss off." I then shut the door in his face.

Hey guys, I know the chapters are short and nothing much has happened but what do you think so far? Please share your thoughts openly even if it's negative feedback it's fine, just don't be mean when doing so.
Thank you for reading.

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