Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
The smell of freedom

The dress she's wearing above, not the longest but it's better right?

Oh, how the matron wouldn't be proud of my latest deeds.
'You listen child, a woman should never be rebellious. Always do as you're told.' That's what she'd say to me almost everyday since I was a child and I don't know why she never stopped even after realising that it wouldn't work.

After telling the mad king that I wouldn't parade in the castle wearing the ostentatious fabrics he called clothes, he locked me up in a room, saying I would not have food until I came to my senses.

So now, a day later he's standing in front of me.

"Don't think you've won little carrier, I'm only doing this because you need to gain weight for my son's sake." Funny how he is already hoping for a son even before any one of us is pregnant. Dresses which are still short but not very garish are being loaded into the closet, replacing the old ones.
I can't help but feel like I truly have won but I don't think saying it out loud will work in my favor.

He looks at me expectantly. Is he hoping for a hug or a bell ringing thank you card by any chance?
When I don't say anything, he strides out of the room, leaving me to celebrate my little victory.

After showering and wearing the almost comfortable dress, I knock on the door from inside and Swardiantalina comes in chewing a gum and looks at me with a bored expression.
"What? Do you want another sewing kit?" She makes a huge pink bubble which is followed by a snapping sound.

"Yes, to take the scissors so I can cut out your tongue but for now, I need food." I say with a bogus smile.

"What?" She looks startled for a while.

"It's a joke Swarwhatever, chill."

"Let me show you to the kitchen." She walks ahead of me, the only thing filling the silence being the sound made by my leather kitten heel shoes on the marble floor. The ambrosial aroma reaches my nose the moment we enter the kitchen. "You can serve yourself and walk back to your room." She says still chewing her gum loudly.

After opening more than five pots with the best unknown food, a genuine smile grows on my face this time and I eat to my heart's content. My felicity is however short-lived because a lanky brunette girl with freckled pasty skin walks in and sits beside me. I can tell straightaway that she is one of us by looking at her body weight.

"Hi, I'm Rosaline." She extends her hand for me to shake and I return the gesture. She giggles, "Don't tell me who you are, everybody knows now."

I genuinely smile at her. "That was quite a stunt hey?" I laugh awkwardly.

"Yeah well someone had to say it and look at you now, wearing a proper skirt." We both laugh and Swardiantalina barges in.

"You're not here to make friends, if you're done go back to your room." Miserabilist!
Rosaline quickly stands up and scrampers out of the kitchen but not before pushing a piece of paper in my left hand.

After getting to my room, I open the paper cautiously and in a beautiful hand-writing it reads;

We shall meet at the party.
We care.

I read the paper six more times, turning it over four times before I conclude that the note is not addressed to me. I will have to return it to Rosaline later at the party.
The reason I'm not at all ecstatic about the party is because tonight the first ten girls to be knocked-up will be chosen after the function.

Hours later, I'm dressed in a very tight black skirt and just as Lina is about to knock, I open the door, revealing her disinterested face. "Let's go." She says with froth at the edges of her lips and the gum still in her mouth, though it's colour has changed from pink to white.

We reach the grant mahogany double doors and the guard eyes us with distaste before opening, my lungs forgetting how to work for a while.
The hall is colossal, so much that if it wasn't for the string sextet playing their instruments passionately under the light of the glittering chandeliers, or the galaxy of extravagantly dressed vampires in their seats or maybe a melee of other incubators huddling at the corner of the room, the sound of my shoes would be loudly echoing through the room. A long glass table is situated on the left and the other on the right, both filled with the world's delicacies, which they don't need by the way because some are already drinking from the humans in the room and it pains me knowing that the food in this room alone would feed the whole colony for days.

On the stage sits the elite of the vampire society, the council. It's hard not to notice them when their photos are plastered on the entire walls of the school and hospitals.
The Queen and the King are in the middle, with four council members on each of their sides.
After everyone is settled in their seats, Jonathan walks to the front and begins.
"Tonight the first step to ensure that the Mara lineage never ceases to take our nation forward begins. Each and everyone of you knows that before King Aharon Cendric Mara became our leader, we used to live in the shadows, always hiding in the darkness because we were ruled by a feeble man, a weak man who believed that these," he gestures to us with his hand that is not holding the microphone. "These execrable frail creatures were above us." Plaudit upon plaudit, the room roars with praises for the mad king.
"Now, both the King and the Queen shall have the first dance and the ceremony shall commence later." The crowd roars once again.
The ice Queen is still sitting on her throne, with no emotion whatsoever until the King stands to offer her his hand.

The pair promenades to the dance floor and share a dance, showing no affinity at all. More vampires join in and them dancing while we watch continues for what feels like hours.
When they are slacked, we are told to dance amongst ourselves and like the minions we are, we comply.

I move to the center of the room where bodies are colliding with the note in my hand, my eyes darting around the room in search of Rosaline until a shirtless guy stands in front of me. I instantly know that he works in the gardens because according to the King, every man who works in his gardens should never wear a shirt.
Sometimes I think on a lazy Sunday, they got high on the strongest drug and made these rules.

"Hi, I'm Sola." And you're blocking my view. I want to say but bite my tongue.

"Hi Sola, can you please move to the side. I'm looking for someone." I say with a smile, not trying to be rude.

"Oh, yeah." He moves to the left and I notice Rosaline already looking at me. She slants her head towards the main entrance and heads there.
"So what's your name?" Sola asks.

"Please excuse me." I say my eyes still fixed on Rosaline.
Thinking that she wants me to follow, I copy her actions and to my surprise, the guard at the door lets me pass with no fuss.

I look beyond the water fountain on the side to see the door leading outside open and the itch to walk through it eats me alive. I can smell the pungent fragrance of my freedom behind that very same door but where would I go? No one has ever managed to get away from him. Those who tried ended up dead, hung from the poles to set a warning. I sigh heavily and try to walk ahead, where I presume Rosaline walked but I feel a presence behind me and I turn my body around.

A person wearing a black, hooded, ankle long coat stands behind me, his back facing me and they drop a piece of paper, sprinting out into the darkness before the bookfell can even hit the floor.

Hey guys thank you sooo much for reading. What's with the notes???

Anyway, Please remember to vote and comment.

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