Chapter 16

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Chapter 16
The journal

The beautiful artwork was done by the one and only SamintaIslam12, please do check her work out, she's great.

The day had started so well yesterday, Rosaline even joked about death but now here we are, jumping whenever a voice comes over the intercom and this is worse than the time Matilda and I had broken the matron's favourite plate because then, we knew exactly when we'd be punished. We knew that by seven o'clock dinner would be served and we'd get our punishment. Now, Rosaline and I are just two bundles of nerves waiting for the axe to fall.

Everything is getting out of my control, everything is getting risky and I can't take it, I want to be small, smaller than an insect and be locked in a bottle somewhere far away from here. Even my lungs which never needed any control seem to be in need of one, breathing has become a heavy task for me.

First it was Matilda who is still locked in a possibly invisible place because had it been visible, we would have found her by now. Then the letter, how can I leave without her? To top it up, Lin or whoever 'N' is had to flip a switch and kill the other girls, giving us no time at all to prepare our minds for this. Lin, Lin had been so sure last night. "I know who you all are." He had said it so confidently, as though he knew the answer to a question even scientists had failed to answer.
Lastly, there's this unpredictable madness in the  King's head, that man could wake us up in the middle of the night just to impregnate us.

"... right Adinah?" Rosaline finishes and I have absolutely no idea what she is saying.

"Yes." I reply and nod still looking at the wall. "Of course."

She breathes out. "You're not listening to me, I just said that you and the King would have a pretty baby anyway if it had to happen."

"Yes, I was thinking the sam- what?" Chocking on air, the room fills with my coughs and Rosaline's laughter.
"What's wrong with you?"

"You need to pay more atten-" The door bursts open which shuts Rosaline up, our heads snapping in it's direction.

"I got a new lead and I have a good feeling about this one." The sweaty Sola breathly says, looking like he just ran a marathon. But that's what he said the last time we went looking, even the time before that one. He always has a good feeling.

"When do we leave?" I ask standing from the bed.

"I'm going alone." Sola replies.

"That's not gonna happen," I snap. "I need to be there and search every corner so I can be sure. I mean, I know her more than anyone so I'll easily find her."

"Yet here we are. You have always been there through all the other searches and did we find her then? If that was true wouldn't-"

"Stop! The both of you." Rosaline intervenes. "First of all this is a stupid argument, if there's a lead then we're all going." Her tone softens when she continues, looking directly at Sola. "We-I need to be with you, love. I need to make sure that you're safe." Sola nods understandably, Rosaline is the captain of this ship and it's sailing smoothly.
"All this however, is more stupid. We've been consumed by the thought of finding her so much that we never even considered just how guarded the place would possibly be. We can't jump into the lion's den with neither a plan nor weapons."
For so long, none of us ever considered that.

"Okay," He sighs. ", Dean told me that they are in the West." He looks down, like he always does when delivering the worst news. The west is unhabitable, known for being the driest part of the Kingdom, high temperatures, cacti and deadly scorpions. "That's why I didn't want you to come along. I can't be worried about my survival and yours." I want to say the words so badly, I want to tell him how sorry I am but they get glued somewhere in my throat.

"This is exactly why you need us love, so we can watch your back." I didn't see them walk to each other but now they are so close and Sola smiles as he brushes his knuckles against her cheek.

"Fine." He says softly.
We need to find a weapon, anything at all that can hurt a vampire and I know where to start searching.

"Let's go search for a weapon Rosaline." Like they had forgotten that I was in the room, the look away from each other and stare at me.


"How to kill a vampire 101, yayy I found it." Rosaline whispers dryly as she drops a book to the floor with agitation. "I promised I wouldn't count but three hours, we have been in this library for three whole hours and there is still nothing. Somehow, you believe that they'll keep a book on how they can be killed in here?" She throws her hands in the air and I ignore her. This isn't the first fit she's thrown since we got in here.

I've been focusing more on old journals and my eye lands on another, a leather journal fastened with a strap and just like all the other ones, I open it.
We need to find something soon because we're running out of time, Supper will be served soon and we won't be able to come in here again.


I am scared for Aharon. It gets worse with each passing day and I don't think I still have the ability to help him, I don't think anyone does.
A mother will die trying, I have to save my son.


I met with the Sinctures today. My son will finally be saved from himself. It's just a matter of time!

My legs drive me to the seat by the window I have to read it all.

Oh, heyyyy. Short? Yes I know but it's a double update guys hehe.

This one is for, theshinin, thank you for always pushing me, I swear she's always saying "we" not "I" and I appreciate that, a lot.

I love you awesome people and thank you for reading.

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