Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

So I think there's something I failed to clarify in the previous chapter(s);
The sinctures are the 'care-group' ( Rosaline called them that because they didn't know who they were but kept saying they cared) and according to Lalan's words when welcoming them, it seems like they are also a part of the group.
Right, now that it's out let's get on with the chapter.

Right, now that it's out let's get on with the chapter

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  Lalan above

"Rise and shine noodle-head." That voice bursting through the doorway is undoubtedly Rosaline's so I bury my head under the pillow and just as I think she's done, she pulls my leg, dragging my body across the bed.

"What do you want?" I groan but my voice is muffled by the covers, I don't even have to look at her to know that she's smiling.
"Seriously, what do you want? And noodle-head? It's not even cute."
I crawl from under the covers and sit cross-legged with my back against the headboard, pushing my mussy hair back.

We got here at dawn and everyone who isn't Rosaline would understand my need to sleep in.

"That's because it wasn't meant to be cute. It's already two in the afternoon and you're still sleeping." She walks over to sit and the mattress dips beside me. "I woke up at ten thirty-two,"

"Of course you'd know that because you have a stolen clock Rosaline. What about the seconds?" I ridicule and she chortles, no doubt feeling proud.

"That's not the point I was trying to make." Her voice still holds humour. "So... what would you do if you woke up at that time and realised that everyone you knew was still asleep?" She asks excitedly.

"What did you do?" I rub my temples and finally look at her with tired eyes.

"I went exploring." She bats her eyelashes and gives a self-satisfied smile. Of course Rosaline would walk around people's house and 'explore' like she isn't a guest. "That's still not the point though, so even after hours of walking around this mansion I still haven't seen Matilda. I could've gone to her room but I don't think she likes me much..."
She drags the 'ch' out and presses her lips in a straight line.


"That's not true. If she didn't like you, believe me you'd know. You wouldn't think." I assure her and mean it.

If Matilda doesn't like anyone for any reason, she makes it a point to let them know.

She's not one for confrontation but they always know.
In the fifth grade, this girl named Brenda with beautiful curly hair liked being around us but she was the gossip Queen reeking of trouble and whenever she spoke she'd do it so close to our faces that we'd see all the activities in her mouth. This other day she tried to speak and Matilda immediately scrunched her nose and covered it with both her hands.

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