Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"I have a theory, you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to but please let me know if I'm wrong or right,"
I say to Lalan and she nods then taps a pen on the table.

When I left my room a few minutes ago, I had a mission;
I'd spend the day piecing everything together until at least one part of the puzzle was clear and here I am, starting in Lalan's office.

"So, Cilak is still alive and if he dies every vampire dies too," I voice my speculations and her eyebrows shoot up in alarm but she nods anyway.

"How do you know about Cilak and who have you been talking to?"

"No one, I read about him in Helen's journal while living in the castle," I explain truthfully but the quizzical look in her eyes doesn't fade so I continue anyway.
"The only reason their lives are tied to his is because of the ritual you, sinctures helped Lalan perform." The accusation is clear in my voice but I hope I'm right because if not, I'll be back to where I was yesterday, clueless-town.

Last night while turning in bed and thinking about everything I knew about this whole situation, I'd finally remembered one of Helen's entries where she'd spoken about secrecy and after Shawn told me that Helen had somehow worked with the sinctures, I knew the thought wasn't too far-fetched.

Lalan puts the pen down and moves her chair from side to side like she did yesterday.
"Well, I'm impressed. You deduced all that from an old journal?" I nod but I'm far from done.

"Why help them then? This journal looks old and it was before Cilak became King.
Why would the sinctures help Helen and her family with any ritual when they could've just killed them instead?"
It just doesn't add up. If I was a vampire hunter and they came to me for help, I'd kill them.

That's my basic job, right?

"There is one thing you failed to understand.
Helen was one of us, she was a hunter but unfortunately she was also the girl in the prophecy."


This information piques my interest so much that my body involuntarily leans forward, pulling the chair along.

"This," She waves her hands in the air, referring to everything. "Aharon's father also had to go through the same thing, searching for the one human girl made to carry his child and when our elders realised this, they did their own search and found her with the help of the Oracle.
They knew one vial of blood wouldn't be enough to kill the entire vampire race but that's all they had so a compromise needed to be made."

I hate how they keep talking about 'the blood' like I'm supposed to know how it works.
All I know is the fact that there is some blood out there which can kill vampires and now I know it's kept in a vial, how helpful!

I hold my tongue though, hoping she'll continue and she doesn't disappoint.

"Helen was given a choice, either get to know Raine and marry him or forever be on the run because they knew he was never going to stop looking for her.
She obviously took the first option and somehow managed to fall for Raine, which surprised everyone but that's not all."
She purses her lips then rests her head on the headrest.

"Before the two met, the elders had taken advantage of the messy situation and made sure that Raine knew they were in control. They would let him have the girl if and only if he promised to keep the peace and stay in the shadows, which he did so I suppose in that moment, everyone thought it was all over, at least until Aharon took over from his brother," she finishes then stretches forward, cracking her knuckles.

I've always asked for this, information and clarity but now that she's told me almost everything, I just don't know what do with it.
It feels heavy.

So Helen was a vampire hunter who fell inlove with a vampire and then had two kids with him.
This still doesn't explain why they agreed to do the ritual.
Yes, she was one of them but I think there's more to this.

"So you people only helped her because she was one of you?" I ask Lalan after processing everything she just said.

She shakes her head and honestly, I'm surprised she's still willing to tell me more after yesterday but I'm not gonna question it.

"I thought you would have figured it out by now Adinah.
It was a win-win situation.
Cilak would get loyal subjects and we would know who to kill should there be a need."

Oh, it would be a win-win if Aharon didn't become King but,

"Then how did Aharon be crowned the King if Cilak is still alive?"
Some of the things are starting to be clear now.
Aharon doesn't exactly have the most loyal nation, Lin and Jonathan planning his murder for instance.

"Nobody knows where he took him," she shrugs but I can see it in her eyes, it bothers her not knowing where he is.

Aharon ruined everything, the ritual had leveled the playing field but the monster inside him would never allow him to be on the same level as humans.

There is one thing though, the blood.
I know I'm pushing it but this could possibly be the last time Lalan is willing to share information with me.

"Whose blood exactly is used to kill them?"

She smiles then shakes her head.
"Who said it was a person's blood?"

Heyyy guys, yup I'm sure you're used to cliffhangers by now so I'm guessing you won't be killing me?

Once again, thank you for reading, commenting and voting.
Stay awesome and happy until next time, this girl still loves you all.

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