Chapter 22

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  Chapter 22
The foundation

"You must have a lot of questions. Including what you are doing here, who we are and why we chose you, right?"
She asks after I sit down and thank her.

"Yes, I do."

"This won't take long but before we start, I would like to apologize for not coming to find you earlier and explain things to you, I have been so busy I haven't  even left this room since I came in after welcoming you at dawn." She explains before rubbing her sunken eyes surrounded by dark circles and I secretly apologize for my earlier assumptions.

"It's okay ma'am, I understand."

She waves her hand nonchalantly. "Just call me Lalan and to answer your questions, you're here for a good cause, we all are."

"And what is that? The good cause I mean." I'm grateful that these people rescued us from that hell but this 'good cause' doesn't sound too good to me.

"Deliverance." She states.
"We were lucky enough to be delivered from Aharon and now it's our turn to do the same for those other children, whether they are a part of us or not."

"A part of us?" My eyebrow quirks.

"Yes Adinah, we are hunters." Her already thick voice holds a deeper tone.
"It is our duty to deliver and protect, we were chosen for this reason and this reason only." She presses and my brain somersaults, tries to grab and process all the information but fails.

"Wha-what do you mean?" It doesn't make sense, not at all.

"Yes, Adinah. We are the vampire hunters. We've been branded with our marks and it is our duty-" I put my hand up to stop her and shake my head. This is too much, way too much.

"Please, please let me just..." I try to find one word to describe what I need to do and my brain tosses, "..breathe."
I need to breathe really, and think and just take a break.

I sigh and blink a few times while my brain finally settles down and takes the information in, slowly.
I open my mouth to talk but another sigh comes out instead. "What you're saying is that someone, somewhere picked us to hunt and kill vampires, I mean the very same creatures that have been doing the hunting and killing?" I ask with a slightly tilted head and she nods, Really?

"Then what? save the world?" I lay down the rubble of her words that my brain caught and managed to work on.

"Precisely." Okay, that's it!

"So, who exactly chose us Lalan?"
I can almost hear the matron's whispers in my head, telling me to tone it down, that this is not how a lady behaves.

"Our elders." She moves her wheeled office chair from side to side and the sound slightly irritates me. "Our elders died in this fight and we owe it to them, ourselves and the coming generation to finish what they started." She eyes me so intently, like she's trying to see if her words had the right impact on me.

"And die too." I don't give her the chance to answer.
"How exactly do we kill vampires  because so far I've never even once heard that a human has killed one?" My eyes feel like they are ready to pop out and drop to the floor because of how wide they are so I choose to close them for a while and breathe, again.

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