Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Of course Lalan wouldn't tell me more about the blood\weapon. Instead, she gave me a very long, detailed speech about how she couldn't trust me since I'm not fully invested and haven't understood their goals yet.

I knew she was referring to the time I called this madness so I couldn't argue, instead I left her office and came back to the house.

"Should I be worried that you might jump off the cliff or something?" Rosaline bumps our shoulder playfully and I look at her in confusion as we walk down the gravel path.

"What are you talking about?"

Tonight is the bonfire night and there is no way I could have stayed in the room after Shawn asked me to come.
Besides, Matilda is the only one who doesn't understand that we need to accustom ourselves with the place and it's people if we're to stay here forever.
If it was up to her, we'd all be cuddled in the room sleeping or reading novels right now and had this been back then, I'd have agreed but things are changing now.

"I still remember the day you said you wouldn't die before kissing a tall and cute guy," she wiggles her eyebrows and a smile pushes its way across my face.

It wasn't that long but the memory is so distant, I'm only catching a shadow of it now.


If not held too close, kept on replay, they always tend to run away and fade, turning into ashes.

"Well, stop worrying yourself Rosaline, I still haven't killed a vampire so I won't be dying soon. Besides, I still haven't kissed a boy." She gives a one-sided smile coupled with a raised eyebrow and I chuckle while Matilda simply squeezes my hand, giving a soft smile.

"Whoaa, I guess they understand the meaning of bonfire!" Rosaline exclaims, her eyes wide while looking at the fire.
It's huge, the flames playing in the wind like it's their home, exactly where they belong.

"So is this your first date then?" Matilda looks at me from under her lashes with a knowing smile.

"It will be a date only if they meet, let's go find Sola," Rosaline drags Matilda whose eyes are wide and begging for me to save her, probably not wanting to be the third wheel.

As if he was just summoned, Shawn speaks in my ear from behind me. "Hey," He says and I turn, stupidly bumping our heads.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I apologize still rubbing my forehead but the smile on his face pulls a chuckle from my throat and somehow I feel all tingly, the smile on my face refusing to go away.

"You know we have to do it again right?"


"I've heard that if people don't repeat the action, they will have a fall out and that's not exactly part of the plan because I'm only starting to know you," he finishes then softly knocks our heads but this time he doesn't move, he rests his forehead on mine and his eyes bore into mine.
A grin keeps threatening to spread but I bite the inside of my bottom lip.

Before saying anything stupid like why his eyes are brown I ask something else, "so what exactly is part of the plan?"

He grins, "the plan is  quite elaborate but it consists of things like this," he says then pulls my hand to his face to kiss the inside of my wrist, now even my teeth won't stop the full out grin because this simple action of his sends an unknown but best sensation down my spine to my knees.

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