Chapter 26

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Chapter 26
Barter system

My eyes have never felt heavier, for the first time they only open halfway but the bright, burning light shuts them.

I attempt to open them again, slowly this time and realise the blinding light is from the bare, broken windows I've never seen but the moment doesn't last because the memories flood in, sending my heart on overdrive and I push my body from the chair but I can't!

Instead, I'm pulled back down.

My droopy eyes widen when I see why.

My feet are tied to it, hands behind my back and the chair itself is chained to the wall.

Ragged uneven breaths I'm failing to control escape through the nose as I try to wriggle my wrists out of the rope and it's only when my head whips around that I see my surroundings, only fueling the panic and need to get out of here.

Decayed ceiling which looks like it might drop over my head any minute resting on cracked walls with huge black marks from what could've been fire.
The cemented floor beneath my feet is also cracked, shrubs already growing from the cracks.

I struggle again and twist my hands but the ropes are just too tight and it's impossible to reach the knot.

"Oh, you're awake!" A man strides in but from his pale skin I can already tell he's a vampire, though I've never seen him before.
The frown on my face deepens as I pull harder at the ropes.
"Oh, just relax will you? I had almost forgotten how dramatic you humans can be. If I wanted to hurt you I would already have, don't you think?" He says with a tilted head as he leans against the wall.

I hope it comes crumbling down at this moment and crushes his skull!

I don't speak but my hands keep fumbling for the knot behind my back.

"I would set your hands free, believe me but I have heard so much about you that I really need to look out for my own safety," he states, no mockery in his voice but somehow I feel like he is mocking me, he's a vampire for Christ's sake.
What can I possibly do to him?

"Besides, considering where I found you, they probably taught you all those flying moves and you might just knock me out right after taking my baby-making abilities and I'm still one of the most eligible bachelors in the entire world," he boasts and maybe it's because of his easy-going demeanor that my breathing slowly evens and my hands stop twisting.
Or maybe it's because trying isn't getting me anywhere.

You have to be the most eligible because you and your kind starve everyone else right? And you have absolutely no idea just how much Irene taught me.
Stances, incomplete ones, I reply in my head, my eyes still fixed on him.

"Come on now, won't you hold a conversation with me?" He sighs then moves to drag a stool from the corner of the room.
"You're not mute right?" He really seems to be considering it as his eyes roam around my face.

Who kidnaps someone they have no information on? And what if I'm the wrong person?

"Wh-" I croak and clear my throat then try again.
"Why did you bring me here and who are you?"

He smiles, not a warm smile but not a menacing one either, he looks... excited?

"Finally, you have no idea how hard it was to just stand here and watch you sleep when the love of my life is in another's house," he speaks then drums his fingers on the side of leather stool he's on.

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