From Bangkok With Love

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Yaya takes another deep breath for the hundredth time, resting her forearm on top of her forehead, careful not to hit the little bump from this morning's mishap.

It was a rough day today at her lakorn filming. All day she was shooting scenes that required a large amount of her heightened emotions. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, especially during one scene where she had to exert so much effort and go on a rampage.

It was such an intense moment that it took her so long to let go of the character, and get out. She couldn't stop crying, and her chest was so tight, and she couldn't breathe. She felt like she was drowning---dying. She didn't even notice the throbbing pain on her forehead from the curtain rod that fell on her while she was grabbing things around as she portrayed her character.

It took so much of her energy, and her emotions, and it drained her to the core, and she just wanted to stop crying. Thankfully, her co-actors were quick to respond. Mae Tai, specifically, went to her rescue and calmed her down as she lay on the floor, the staff tending on her injured forehead.

It took her a few more minutes before she regained her senses and calmed down. It was then that she started to feel the pain on her forehead, but it was already starting to fade away, if not for the staff members who religiously kept the ice pack on her head.

Ever thankful to her co-actors and to all the staff who helped her, she couldn't stop bowing and expressing her gratitude, being the sweet girl that she is.

After that great toll of emotional damage the scene gave to her, she was given the rest of the day to rest. Allowing the other cast to play the scenes they had without her. Being the lead actress, and playing four characters, there weren't a lot of scenes without her but she was thankful for the kind generosity of her director.

She spent the rest of the day in her tent, sleeping for most of the time and trying to calm her mind. She thought of all sorts of things. Being alone in the province of Chiang Mai, she didn't really have anybody to talk to in her tent. Her mom flew back to Bangkok to attend to some business and she didn't have the energy to go outside and hang out with the staff like she usually does.

She ended up just thinking. She thought about her sister, wondered how she was doing in Norway with their dad. She thought of Hapa, hoping he was fed and bathed. And she thought of Nadech. She knew he had work today and she only hoped he wasn't as tired as she is right now. 

She finally opened her eyes, finally feeling better, her energy almost back to its normal state. It was starting to get dark outside and her tummy had just started to growl. She refused all the food given her way today because she felt too drained even to get some food.

Just as she stood up, one of her close staff members came in. "Oh great, you're awake." She says with a bright smile. "You have a delivery from Bangkok." She says and abruptly went out, leaving Yaya in a confused daze. "With love." She sticks her head back in, and opens the door wide, pushing her delivery in. 

Her eyes immediately grow wide at the sight of her delivery. It was definitely what she needed right now---he was what she needed right now. 

"Surprise." Nadech walks toward her, smiling at her. That bedimpled smile she adores. 

She couldn't help but excitedly run towards him, entangling her arms around his neck. He immediately wraps his arms around her, lifting her up from the ground and giving her a little twirl before he sets her back down. 

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