Working Parents

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"Is she still sleeping?" Nadech turns to Yaya beside him. She was leaned back against the car seat, their four year old daughter sprawled all over her.

"Pretty much." Yaya says.

Cara was so much of a heavy sleeper that her parents didn't even need to lower their voices to talk when she was asleep.

She sleeps like a log, as Nadech would say.

As the car pulls up the driveway to the underground parking lot, the loud screaming and chanting of the fans were already at ears reach.

They huddled around the van as they cheer for Nadech and Yaya's names. With their glowing signs up in the air, they surrounded the van like a colony of ants. Just as the driver pulls over in the parking space, they all automatically move back, keeping a safe distance from the. They were over the top fans, but they knew their boundaries, always keeping the respect.

That's why they always loved their fans. 

"Do you want me to take her?" Mae Pla turned to the backseat, eyeing her sleeping granddaughter. 

Yaya smiles and shakes her head. "It's fine, mommy."

It it hadn't been for her regular trips to Myanmar, there was no doubt Mae Keaw was here as well. Especially since Cara was around. 

Ever since they had started to live away, the mother's hadn't been able to see their children as much as they wanted. They may not always be present in every show, every shooting site, but they made sure they were present at the important ones. And to the instances when the couple brings along their precious granddaughter. 

Mae Pla hops out first, and immediately the fans go on a screaming frenzy. The couple always joked that the fans were also there for the moms. 

Mae Pla gives them a respectful 'wai' and waves, smiling at everyone as she walks around the car. 

When Nadech gets out, the screaming doesn't end. He greets all of them with a 'wai' and a smile, waving at them as he carries all the bags, including Yaya's purse and Cara's pink backpack. He stands by the door, allowing Yaya to grab hold of his forearm as she hoists herself out, carrying the four year old in slumber. 

When she was out, she shifts her hold on Cara, both of her hands supporting her bottom as her legs hung on her hips, her arms loosely hanging on her side. She was like melted butter on her mother's arms. 

"You okay?" Nadech asks, making sure both his wife and child were comfortable enough. 

"Yup!" She said, her smile brightening up his world once again. 

When everyone saw Yaya with Cara, the screaming hypes up again. Cheering for Yaya, some even cheering Cara's name. Like the comedian the he is, Nadech puts his fingers against his lips, motioning to the sleeping little girl in Yaya's arms.

The fans giggling, marveling in awe at the threesome. They keep their voices down, showing their idol they had his back. Nadech only chuckled and gave another 'wai' before they all went in. 

It was the usual busy and hectic work atmosphere at the 3ZAAP studio. The staff running from all directions, the audience's clatter as they wait for the show to begin. It was a total contrast to what was happening in the dressing room backstage. 

Though it was a rush, it was calm. The glam team that has been prepping them up for years already knows what to do. It was more of like a routine now. Everyone was in harmony, in complete order with each other. It was what the coupled admired about their team, they were fast, they got the work done, and yet they retain the serenity of the atmosphere. Nobody wants to work in pressure. 

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