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The sky was daring to pour out, the clouds thick and dark. The breeze was both cool and hot, a mixture of a brewing storm coming. It was a miracle Nadech was able to fly home to Thailand from his short trip to Japan. If it had been scheduled a little later, he was sure it had been cancelled. No one, in their right mind, would dare to venture the sky this dark. 

He leaned his head against the window as his driver drove through the busy streets of Bangkok. It was always like this. It was the same when he left, and the same when he arrived. He looked up at the brooding sky, it's darkness paralleled a certain melancholy in his heart. It was blue as was the sky, and now it was dark and lonely. And so was the sky. 

It's about to rain. 

But it felt like rain had been present overhead him when he left, and still remained now that he has returned. Just like the busy streets of his hometown, some things also remained the same. 

Until anything was resolved, it was always going to be the same. The aching, dark wallowed  heart, and the rain over his head.

It was an unprecedented fight. For lovers, especially ones that have been for so long, fights were normal and inevitable. It was a norm, and it would have been a peculiar relationship if they had nothing terribly little to argue and bicker about. 

But this one at hand, was a little more terrible than the usual small arguments they immediately overcame after an hour. 

It's been a few days, almost two weeks that they hadn't seen each other. But the words that's been spat out that night lingered. Every syllable clear to the memory. 

Yes, they've been apart for far longer, but not with absence of regular phone calls before bed and sweet messages awaiting them in the morning when they wake. 

This time there was nothing. No calls, no messages. 

Not even a goodbye when he decided to fly out to a different country for work he had prior commitment to. 

No one knew if it was because they both had strong prides to succumb to or because they both had the same idea of giving the other a break from themselves. Maybe space was what they needed. Space to grow, space to think, space to think of each other? None of them knew what exactly. 

Dragging his luggage behind him, Nadech opted to stay at his condo in the city tonight. His waiting mother was informed that he'd be back home to her in a few days. Right now, he wanted a few more days to himself. The worried and caring eyes of his mother only reminded him of another pair of eyes who also worried and cared for him. 

And it made his heart ache more. 

Being the optimist that he is, he continues to believe that all will be well. But the question was when? And would he be able to wait long enough for her to come to a decision of what she really wants. 

To him right now, though it was horrifically difficult, it was simple, he just had to wait. It's simple, he reminds himself most days. 

When opened the door, nothing was simple. 

Yaya scrolled through the photos in the camera she was holding. She looks at one more before she turns it off and sets it on the table. 

"I think I love film cameras more than I do digital." She says with ease as she stands up. 

Nadech was surprised, her presence filling the entire space. Swallowing an invisible lump in his throat, he closed the door and walks around him, leaving his luggage just by the couch. 

"Did you come to borrow a camera?" He says, not looking at her. 

It's not like he didn't want to, but it was enough reason not to stare at her in thin blue dress that hung loosely on her body. The room was dim, only the small lamp illuminating it along with the city lights that seeped through the floor to ceiling window. 

NadechYaya One Shots Where stories live. Discover now