Love on Top

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"Finally!! We've made it!" Yaya exasperates as she whisks the stray branch that served as her walking stick into the air, grasping her knees as she tries to catch her breath.

They've been hiking for a good four hours up the mountains of Besseggen. After a whole lot of tripping, sweating, knees cracking and constricted breaths, they were finally at the top.

"Wow." Nadech could only mutter one word as he looked around him, the cool summit air gushing through his hair.

He was at a loss for words.

The mountain views in Thailand were amazing but this was definitely on a whole other level. He can see the snow covered mountain tops and the sparkling glaciers. The lakes looked vast and wide from below, its waters glittering as it mirrored the sunlight.

The thin air on top felt like it was made out of different material, filling his lungs with the cool gush that seemed to power the turbines and engines of his system.

"What do you think?" Henry stands beside him, his hands on his waist as he tries to steady his tired breath.

It was a good thing the elders didn't go with them on this eight hour hike because they would have been exhausted to the core. It was unimaginable how they were going to be able to take another eight hour walk back down the mountain.

As much as Nadech wanted them to witness everything that the mountains here we're about to witness, he couldn't risk the dislocated hips and the passed out mothers on their hands. 

Nadech's smile stretches up to his ears as he scans the picturesque scenes before him.

It was perfect.

Still unable to formulate sentences, he just smiles and let's out a satisfied breath. "He's speechless." Henry chuckles out as he wallows in the astonishment of the man he treats much of an older brother.

"Oh you can't be speechless now!" Cat skips over to them, putting her arm over Nadech's shoulder.

"If your gonna do what you're about to do, you need those words to flow out, man." She giggles as Nadech suddenly let's out his mischievous smile, taking in a long breath.

"Okay." He breathes out, a sudden nervous craze coursing through his veins. A shiver riles up from his toes up to the back of his spine.

Cat only chuckles and pats his shoulders. "Atta boy!" Nadech shakes his head and laughs with her, breathing out another tensed breath as it all starts to dawn on him now.

"Do what? What are you talking about? I don't get it." Henry draws nearer to them, scratching the back of his head as he tries to decipher the code that was being exchanged between them.

"Bear!" A few meters away, Yaya calls for Nadech, her arms reaching for him despite the distance. Her fingers were seemingly grabbing the air as she waited for him to reach her.

"Go on. Best of luck dude!" Cat subtly pushes him by the back, patting his shoulder just before he set off towards her younger sister.

She beams at them as she watches her sister take his hand in hers, an inerasable smile on her face.

Growing up together, as close as they are. She knew Yaya's every look, every meaning of each and every smile. And that lone smile--- that distinguished smile she only had for nobody but Nadech was something she often saw on her sister. It didn't matter if the couple was disabled by a great distance, whenever she had that special smile on her face, she knew it was because of the man that enchanted her baby sister's heart.

That special smile has never left her face ever since she met Nadech, and she knew from the very start that it was bound to last a lifetime.

"Come on, bud. Let's go up there. We need to get a good shot out of this." She clings her arm around Henry's, dragging him up an elevated mount that towered a little over the couple.

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